Technology: AI overtains the champion driver of "Gran Turismo" -University Journal Online

Technology: ai Can outrace Champion Gran Turismo Drivers

A paper reporting on the artificial intelligence (AI) agent who won the world champion -level player in the car racing game "Gran Turismo" in a car racing game "Gran Turismo" will be published on Nature.The agent performed outstanding driving speed, vehicle control, and tactics while protecting the etiquette of the race.This knowledge may be useful for autonomous navigation and AI basic research.

技術:AIが「グランツーリスモ」のチャンピオンドライバーを追い越した - 大学ジャーナルオンライン

In many cases of AI applicable, it is necessary to make decisions in real time in physical systems while interacting with humans.Automotive race is an example of such a situation.The driver must operate the vehicle at the limits of a still friction, perform complex tactical operations, and overtake or block rival cars.Racing simulation, one of the play -stations games, "Gran Turismo", reproduces the actual race car control issues and is a highly difficult application for machine learning.

This time, Peter Wurman and the colleagues taught how to play "Gran Turismo" to the AI agent named Gran Turismo Sophy (GT Sophy) using deep enhanced learning.GT SOPHY was trained to learn the efficient acceleration and braking technologies used in the race course, learned how to find another route in various situations or when blocked by the other party.One of the most difficult aspects of high -performance AI training is to avoid penalties for violating the racing etiquette (a series of gentle rules determined by the external human referee).GT SOPHY plays a big close battle with four best e -sports drivers in the world, under the situation where different races were presented depending on the combination of three vehicles (including vehicles exceeding 300 km / h) and automotive racing sites.Won victory.

The flow of computers defeating the strongest human in competitive tasks (chess, poker, etc.), but this result is a new step to take over this flow.Wurman and others may not only improve the fun of car racing games, but also create real and high -level competitive situations for training professional drivers and discovering new racing technology.Suggests.This method may also be applied to real world systems (robots, air drones, automatic driving cars, etc.).

doi:10.1038/s41586-021-04357-7 [英語の原文»] 「Nature 関連誌注目のハイライト」は、ネイチャー広報部門が報道関係者向けに作成したリリースを翻訳したものです。より正確かつ詳細な情報が必要な場合には、必ず原著論文をご覧ください。

* This article is reprinted from "Nature JAPAN's hottest highlights".Reprint source: "Technology: AI has overtaken the champion driver of" Gran Turismo ""

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