Windows 11 Teams integration and "Messaging War" [Imato Mirai of Chika Nishida] -IMPRESS WATCH

Windows 11。UIなどがより洗練されたデザインに刷新されるが、大きな変化はそれだけにとどまらない

Windows 11 has been announced.There are many things that have been announced and I don't know yet, but I think it's a reasonable flow as a continuous change from Windows 10.

New OS "Windows 11" is born.The start button is in the center

This update can be a characteristic OS in terms of renewing the service that is developed on top of the OS function and structure.

One is the app store, Microsoft Store.And the other is "Teams integration".

Since the Corona evil, the importance of video conferences and calling services has changed significantly.Microsoft Teams has competed in fierce competition with Zoom and others.

It is finally an OS standard and is positioned as one of the core functions.


Platformers with OSs for personal devices are all focusing on "messaging" in some way.

This time, let's take a look at Windows 11 from the viewpoint of "messaging war".

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