Sustainable Brand Japan | Sustainable Brands JAPAN's site The most sustainable 100 companies in the world Japan will include three companies, including Sekisui Chemistry

Corporate Knights' Global 100 Index

Corporate Knights in Canada has announced on Tuesday the "100 Sustainable Company in the World (Global 100 Index)" in 2022.The first place from about 7,000 listed companies with more than $ 1 billion in sales was Vestus in Denmark's wind generator.Five Japanese companies were ranked last year, but this year they were three companies: Sekisui Chemical, Eisai, and Konica Minolta."Corporate Knights" states that "the concept of sustainability has been evolving for the past year, and even the most hard -working company must evolve in line with it."(Sustainable brand Japan)

The Global 100 Index, which is announced in January every year, is the 18th this year.According to the Corporate Knights, the total investment rate of investment from 2005 is 279%of the MSCI -World Stock Index (ACWI), which consists of major stocks around the world, and 331%of global 100.

1st place Vestus Wind Systems (Denmark, Machine) 2nd place Christian Hansen (Denmark, Foods and Drinks) 3rd place Autodesk (US, IT Service) 4th place Schneider Electric (France, Industrial Congromarit) 5th place City Development (Singapore), Real Estate 6th place American Water Works Company (USA, water supply) 7th place Austed (Denmark, power generation) 8th place Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure (UK, power generation) 9th place Dassau Systems (France, IT Service, IT Service10th place Brambles (Australia, Container Logistics) 11th place Sims (Australia, Metal Recycling) 12th place Johnson Controls International (Ireland, Air Conditional Equipment) King (France, Retail) 13th place Comin Clecka (Netherlands, Denki Telecommunications) 14th placeMacawmic and Company (USA, Foods) 15th place Schnidzer Steel Industry (USA, Metal Recycling) 16th Transconnental (Canada, Package / Printing) 17th Stantec (Canada, Consultant Service) 18th place Cascade (Canada), Package 19th place Evocua Water Technologies (USA, Machine) 20th place Northern Flower Group (Hong Kong, Water supply) Details

22nd place Sekisui Chemical Industry 32nd place Eisai 53rd Konica Minolta Last year ranking

The proportion of companies selected as global 100 (income obtained from products and services that contributed to the environment and society) is 47%(41%last year) and 30%in ACWI.However, both global 100 and ACWI were equivalent to 13%of the tax payment ratio (the tax payment amount was calculated by EBITDA for the past five years) for the past five years).According to carbon -100 companies, 100 global companies have more than four times the average ACWI company, and the production volume per consumed energy is almost eight times.Among the 100 global 100 companies, 65 companies have signed SBT initiative.Regarding the ratio of CEO and employees, global 100 is 111 to 1, but other companies have a widespread salary gap from 124 to 1 to 140 to 1.87%of the global 100 companies are linked to executive compensation and the achievement of sustainability goals.

Vestus that develops business in 85 countries around the world

(In Stock)

The first place Vestus Wind Systems was founded in Denmark in 1898 as a blacksmith.After World War II, start a business under the name of Vestus.Although it was a global maker of hydraulic crane, it started developing wind turbines in the late 1970s.He said that he did not make it public to avoid being ridiculed by customers and suppliers.The company is currently the world's largest wind generator manufacturer and is responsible for about one -fifth of the world's wind power capacity.In Japan, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries established the MHI Breasts Japan in February last year."To build a more sustainable future for our earth, we need to work on more things," said Henrick Andersen CEO.In 2020, the company will set up the Sustainability Strategy "Sustainability in Everything We Do", with "Carbon Foot Print Reduction", "Circulation", "People", and "Energy Change".In the future, we will promote carbonization in the manufacturing process of steel used in wind generators that account for more than half of the supply chain CO2 emissions.In addition, the company plans to develop the recycling method of blades (blade) made of complex materials that are difficult to recycle with generators.

The world trend of global 100

Many companies that ranked global 100 are technology companies, and there are various fields, such as telecommunications, semiconductors, computers, and business service providers.For example, Zerox (26th), sales force (27th), alphabet (36th), Apple (48th), etc. are named.Banks also account for 10 % of the ranking.There were 10 lines, including Brazil Bank (21st), Iuniku Redit (59th), Bank of Germany (60th), Ran ING Group (61st), and French BNP Pariba (76th)."Corporate Knights" invests Brazilian banks in the country's high CO2 emissions, but as a leader in sustainable finance, screening (a responsible business is being carried out (a leader of the sustainable finance.Explain that it is selected).The accompaniment was highly evaluated for indicators such as energy productivity, clean revenue, CEO and employee salary ratio.This year, 17 newly ranked global 100 companies.Among them includes the US comprehensive engineering engineering company Evocua Water Technologies (19th) and the Hong Kong water treatment system development company Baygin Enterprise Water Group (Kita -Freing Agency, 20th).It is.He explains that "Corporate Knights" is a manifestation of the importance of water problems in the world.Furthermore, from China, a newly added glass maker Shini Solar Holdings (Files Hikaru, 42nd) and a solar cell manufacturer Longjin Green Energy Technology (Takumi Green Noh Science, 47th) will be added.Three companies, including EV manufacturers B -Wai Dee (Hiari, 100th), were ranked."Corporate Knights" speculates that sustainability (sustainability) is starting to establish in China, the world's largest CO2 emissions.In addition, companies near Japan include Taiwanese Democratic Corporation manufacturing (TSMC, 44th), Samsung SDI (46th), and LG Electronics (99th).The only car manufacturers were China Bee Wai Dee (100th place) and Tesla (52nd).This is also related to the fact that hybrid cars are no longer regarded as "clean" based on the "clean revenue" and "clean investment" standards that Corporate Knights newly adopted.By region, the number of European companies was the largest, with 39 companies in the United States and 20 from the Asia -Pacific region.Since the global 100 has begun, the Finnish retailer "Cesco" has been ranked in.


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