Successful experience of "Touch ID" and crisis facing "Face ID" | Mynavi News Mynavi News Mynavi

The home button with a Touch ID has been highly evaluated as a symbolic entity that enhances the usability of the iPhone.

In the Face ID, the incorrect rate of the Touch ID, which was one 50,000, was improved to 1 /1 million, and a mechanism to detect whether the eyes were opened.I started to confirm that "the person has the intention of unlocking".

This Touch ID was a successful experience for Apple, which was both a combination of user experience and security, without giving up.

Security with the "basics is the passcode" that still continues

As explained in privacy explanations, Apple has been trying to maintain privacy by storing and processing the data as much as possible to the cloud server as much as possible.

For this reason, not only the iPhone but also the Mac is equipped with a strong machine learning engine Neural Engine.Especially on mobile devices, it was common sense that machine learning processing could be used in the cloud of Amazon and Google, not the terminal, but in the cloud of Amazon and Google.As a result, customers had to take the option of depositing personal information to these corporate servers.

The motivation for Apple to introduce NEURAL ENGINE on the iPhone and dramatically enhances the machine learning processing performance in the terminal is to experience applications that make use of machine learning processing while maintaining the privacy performance of Apple.To get it.

Since the implementation of these privacy ideas and the iPhone appeared, Apple has protected personal information in the iPhone terminal by locking devices with a four -digit passcode.The current iOS standard is a 6 -digit passcode, and a longer password that combines other than numbers can be set (I am a password).

However, from 2007 to the present, when the iPhone sales began, the passcode with numbers has not changed the largest way to lock on the iPhone.

Solving problems and clearly reflected

General users say that the iPhone is unlocked about 80 times a day.If you take 7 hours of sleep, it is 80 times in 17 hours.It is a calculation that has been unlocked about 5 times per hour.

Many people think that they have unlocked more frequently in an hour.It is not necessary to unlock when you receive a phone call, but it is necessary to unlock to use email, LINE, and other apps, and the more iPhone usage in your life, the more frequently unlocked.It also increases.

Before the introduction of biometric authentication, it was necessary to enter a four -digit passcode for each unlock of this 80 times.In other words, 320 taps a day spent only to see the contents of the iPhone.For this reason, some people often saw the same number of 4 digits, especially 6 or 9, and set the closest number, and many did not set a passcode in the first place.According to Apple, only 49 % of the passcode was set before the introduction of the Touch ID, and half of the iPhone was used without locking.

「Touch ID」の成功体験と「Face ID」が直面する危機 | マイナビニュース マイナビニュース マイナビ

As mentioned above, the passcode is the largest locking method of the iPhone, and if this is not set, no matter how much Apple improves privacy performance, it will not maintain security in the first place, and you will be able to see various information.。

In order to overcome this situation, it is a motivation for the introduction of the Touch ID to show the user to set the passcode while setting the passcode every day.succeeded in.This is because the passcode setting rate after the introduction of the Touch ID has risen to 92 %.

Elimination of mask measures and passcode dependence

In the 2020 COVID-19 fashion, daily life has a mask, and the iPhone lock is again in danger.

The Face ID is a mechanism that is mathematically stored by storing the 2D data of the face and the depth data in mathematically, and matches the data read by the TrueDepth camera.It means that half of the information is lost, so it cannot be collated.

As a countermeasure, Apple stops attempts to authenticate face authentication after detecting the face wearing the mask, and immediately displays the passcode input screen so that it can be unlocked without waiting.I took it.But this was unpopular by users.It is clear from the change in the passcode setting rate before and after the introduction of the Touch ID, because people do not want to enter the passcode to use the iPhone.

Therefore, Apple takes the following measures iOS 14.Introduced in 5.If you are paired with Apple Watch, if you detect the face of the mask, you will find an Apple Watch that you have installed nearby, and if you find it, unlock the iPhone.This is the unlock method that has also been introduced on the Mac.

The Apple Watch makes a key open sound and vibration, noting that his Apple Watch has been used to unlock.If the unlocked unlock, tap the Apple Watch screen to lock the iPhone immediately.

But there are two major problems here.

First, you need an Apple Watch.Because it is not a certification on the iPhone alone, if you do not have an Apple Watch, the benefits of unlocking the mask will not be the benefit of the new function of locking the mask is that each product only works (just work) (just work).However, it can be said that it is not a basic Apple product.

It is an odd measure in marketing, and it may give a motivation to increase the "Apple Watch penetration rate among iPhone users".Apple Watch is currently premised on pairing with the iPhone except for the family sharing settings, and the "Apple Watch penetration rate among iPhone users" is an important indicator of Apple Watch.By the way, the iPhone's active user base is 1 billion, and the maximum value of the active user -based Apple Watch is here.

Another problem is that even if Apple Watch authentication is involved, the fact that the number passcode is still the largest locking method on the iPhone.

When performing Apple Watch authentication, the iPhone is unlocked by the passcode and biological authentication, and the Apple Watch is unlocked with a 4 -digit passcode, or after mounted on the arm, unlocks it with an iPhone passcode.It is a condition to be done.

In other words, if both the iPhone and the Apple Watch are locked in the passcode, if the face other than yourself with the mask comes in front of you, your iPhone will be unlocked.Although it is an emergency evacuation measure, it is a problem that there is a condition that can be unlocked without biological authentication at all.

When will Apple dominate biological authentication over the passcode?The key is likely to be the change in how to implement Secure Neural Engine introduced last time.


Journalist and author born in 1980.He completed the Master's Program at Keio University Policy and Media Graduate School.He is a senior member of the Keio University SFC Research Institute (visiting), a director of Castalia Co., Ltd., and a lecturer at the University of Business Breakthrough.His recent books include "Linkedin Startbook" (Nikkei BP), "Smartphone New Age" (NTT Publishing), "Introduction to Social Learning" (Nikkei BP).His Twitter account is "@taromatsumura".


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