Speed ​​the copy and paste between the devices! Clipboard sharing app "Magic-Copy" [Today's Life Hack Tool]


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Copy and paste between the devices is speeded up! Work efficiency is improved by using the clipboard sharing app "Magic-Copy" [Today's Life Hack Tool]

Clipboard. For those who work on various devices such as smartphones, tablets, and personal computers, a universal clipboard application is useful. Speed ​​the copy and paste between the devices! Clipboard sharing app "Magic-Copy" [Today's Life Hack Tool] Copy and paste between iPhone and Mac has a genuine universal clipboard, but it is a bit inconvenient when it comes to different OS. It is complicated that the shared style is different for each app. It would be ideal if URLs and memos could be shared with one tool without hesitation. The universal clipboard application "Magic-Copy" allows you to copy and paste just across the device.

デバイスSpeed ​​Copy and Paste between them! Clipboard sharing app

Uniform the text share method

There are many patterns of reading as it is on a personal computer. Recently, the number of opportunities to edit notes entered on a smartphone on a computer has increased. For Windows/iPhone users, each main browser is different. We have once taken a way to save web pages to Pocket. On the other hand, when sharing phrases in the web page, clip on Evernote. Share the memo with a genuine iOS app. I am. All of these devices can be left to Magic-Copy. It is no longer necessary to think about how to share it, so there is no hassle and stress.

It is also a point that the copy and paste between the devices is seamless

It is also a simple point. When you launch the app, the sidebar appears on the right end of the screen on the computer, and if you copy the text, it will be Magic-Copy automatically. It will be saved. Save the copied text on the smartphone with the " +" button of the application. The text stored in Magic-Copy is almost in real time (somewhat time lag), and can be handled as if you can copy and paste on your device. The shared process, which had to take several steps so far, is more efficient to launch Magic-Copy.

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Final Update: Life Hacker [Japanese version]

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