SoftBank, software update of "DIGNO J / BX" and "Lenovo Tab6"

Softbank has launched software updates for the Kyocera smartphone "DIGNO J" and "DIGNO BX" and the Lenovo Japan Android tablet "Lenovo Tab6".

ソフトバンク、「DIGNO J/BX」「Lenovo TAB6」のソフトウェアアップデート

The update of "DIGNO J" is an improvement in the event that the error screen is displayed after the network reset is implemented from the settings.The estimated update time is up to 40 minutes, and the software version after the update is "1.130BE ".

The update of "DIGNO BX" is the correction of the wording displayed on the unlock screen.The estimated update time is up to 40 minutes, and the software version after the update is "3.080ri.

The update of "Lenovo Tab6" is updated to improve Bluetooth connection, improve security and use products more comfortably.The estimated update time is up to 20 minutes, and the software version after the update is "A101LV_S000139_220211_Q6350_JP".

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