Satoshi Nakamoto's first post, Bitcoin was born here | A new economy

To a journey to follow the history of bitcoin

Satoshi Nakamoto invented bitcoin.After sending Bitcoin to the world, one day suddenly, he stopped all of the information and lost his communication.Nobody still knows who was Satoshi.

Bitcoin networks that have spread around the world, white paper that became the source of them, and Satoshi's text published in the forum, which was released in the forum for about two years from November 01, 2008 to December 12, 2010.It is the property left to us now.

In this series, Satoshi's published text for the last two years will be translated into Japanese and published in chronological order.These Satoshi's text was published in 2017 and is now out of print "Bitcoin Bible: Who is Satoshi Nakamoto?It is based on Phil Champagne (book).And the publisher of this book, Jiyu Komiya, adds a commentary to each Satoshi sentence.

A person named Satoshi wrapped in a mysterious veil who does not know whether he is a Japanese name or a person or a group.Let's read this serialization on what kind of person he is, what he entrusted to Bitcoin, and on a journey to explore the bottom of Satoshi's heart.

Satoshinakamoto, the first post

Let's look at Satoshi Nakamoto's first post.The history of bitcoin has begun with this post.


Satoshi Nakamoto November 01, 2008 Saturday 16:16:33 -0700

I have developed a new electronic cache system that is completely pierced, two -peer -type, without trust in third parties.

The main features are as follows.

・ Double payments are prevented by the pier -two -peer network.・ The mint is not required to be a third party.・ You can participate anonymously.・ The new coin is made by a hash cache -type proof of work.・ Proof of work for new coins will also help prevent double payments against the network.Bitcoin: Pier -two -peer -type electronic cache system

サトシ・ナカモト最初の投稿、ビットコインはここから生まれた | あたらしい経済

A summary. Pure pier, two -peer version electronic cache allows for online payments directly and from one side to the other without going through financial institutions. One of the solutions is digital signatures, but if you need trust in third parties each time to prevent double payment, the main advantages will be lost. What we propose is solving double payment issues using the Pier, Pier, Network. Network's transaction time stamps are used to have a hash of transactions, transfer to the current hashe -based proof of work chain, and create records that can not be modified unless the proof of work is re -performed. The longest chain is a proof of a series of witnesses for transaction events, as well as a proof that it was created from the largest CPU power pool. If a sincere node*1 controls the majority of CPU power, it will generate the longest chain and surpass the attacker. The network itself has a minimum configuration. Broadcasts in the message are performed in the best effort*2, and the nodes can freely withdraw and reconnect from the network, but the longest proof of the proof of the fact that progressed in the network during the absence. Must be approved.

Here is the full text of the dissertation.http: // www.bitcoin.Org/bitcoin.pdf

Satoshi Nakamoto Crypto Mailing List


*1 A node that does not perform fraudulent acts such as falsification of information.A node is a computer that holds Bitcoin's transaction data and communicates with other nodes.

*2 We do not always guarantee a certain quality, but work as much as possible to do our best



This is the first post of Satoshi to be commemorated.Satoshi suddenly released bitcoin white paper on November 1, 2008.The word "proof of work" is defined at this time.

In the middle of the summary, there is a method of having a hash of transactions and incorporating it into the proof of work chain, which is currently ongoing, and creating a record that can not be modified unless the proof of work is redone. "Definition of blockchain.

The basic mechanisms of cryptographic assets, such as solving folks (chain branches) and mining, are all written on this white paper.This nine pages have created a cipher asset market, as of December 2021 (as of December 2021).

Freedom Komiya

→ Read other articles in this series

Article update 2021/12/22 13:05

Head Image/ISCOTK: Playb/Photoplotnikov

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