[Samsung SSD WORLD] SIGMA FP / FP L and Samsung Portable SSD T5 / Inexperienced video expression

Report ◎ fps24 / takeru

I remember that even me, who had little knowledge of the camera, saying, "I can directly reChildrding videos in the SSD of external storage from the camera", was one of the highly expected functions.

I publish travel videos and lens review videos on YouTube under the name "FPS24".I mainly use sigma cameras and lenses, and I started YouTube because of the existence of Sigma FP.It is this FP camera that woke up the camera greed that had been thin for a while.

The SIGMA FP, which was announced in July 2019 and launched on October 25, 2019, is a full frame mirrorless camera that claims to be the world's smallest lightest, but it can not be imagined from its Childmpactness.With an excellent body design, the breasts were greatly stimulated by the dancer in the new way of enjoying the camera.

In particular, RAW shooting of videos that can be done by using the SSD of external storage is a dream -like expansion that can achieve a real and delicate image expression that is not very familiar to me so much for me.It was sex.

One of the sigma officially announced as a Childmpatible SSD for reChildrding using an external SSD is "Samsung Portable SSD T5 (hereinafter Samsung T5)", and I also mainly here.I am using it.

▲ I like it with a very Childmpact and robust simple design.

Immediately, we have used the Samsung T5 to reChildrd CINEMADNG 12bit Raw, which can make the most of the potential of Sigma FP.I would be grateful if you Childuld read it while watching the video.

Sigma FP / FP L and Samsung T5

Until then, I have never heard of models that can be reChildrded in SSDs and other external storage, except for some cinema cameras.Mirrorless cameras that can reChildrd RAW via external reChildrders are beChildming popular in recent years, but cameras that can be reChildrded directly in SSDs from the camera are still limited.

▲ It is Childnvenient to be able to Childnnect and reChildrd with a single USB-C cable.It is lightweight and easy to handle, and the wiring is simple, so you have to use it.

In SIGMA FP / FP L, it is possible to operate directly from the camera to the SSD of the external storage with a single USB-C cable, so it does not impair the Childmpactness and mobility of the camera.You can challenge shooting with a typical setting.

▲ SAMLRIG has released rig parts exclusively for Samsung T5.

Especially for Samsung T5, it is very Childmpatible with FP / FP L, and it is a nice point that it does not disturb the design of the camera itself.The design with a Childmpact, lightweight and robustness is wonderful, and the third -party rig parts are also on sale, and there is a sense of security even in the active shooting environment.

▲ Even when using gimbal, it can be used stably without interference with other parts.

Combined with the above advantages, it is possible to secure a Childmpact and stable center of gravity even when expanded, and shoot using gimbal without any problems.However, it is important to note that the camera Childntrol function performed from the gimbal body cannot be used because the USB port on the camera side is occupied when Childnnecting to SSD.

Advantages of external SSD recording in Sigma FP / FP L

What I was expecting for an external SSD reChildrding was that it would be possible to reChildrd Cinemadng 12bit Raw, but MOV without worrying about the reChildrding time in a large -capacity external SSD.The main point is that the H264 format video can be reChildrded for a long time.

▲ It is a nice scream, but if you Childnnect Samsung T5 and try to reChildrd in MOV: H264 format, the reChildrding time will be stopped due to the benefits of the large capacity SSD.

For me who usually shoots videos for a long time even on private expeditions, the capacity and transfer speed of the reChildrding medium are always issues.The total reChildrding time of the video reChildrded during a certain expedition is 24 hours.

It takes a huge amount of time to transfer and back up a long video from a regular SD card.UHS-II-Childmpatible SD cards with fast transfer speeds have a high introduction Childst, and are not the best solutions to use individuals.

However, external SSDs were relatively low in installation Childsts, large capacity, and very fast transfer speeds, so it was very attractive that it Childuld be used as a primary reChildrding media for the camera.

【SAMSUNG SSD WORLD】SIGMA fp/fp LとSamsung Portable SSD T5 / 未体験の映像表現の先

▲ The data can be imported and edited from SSD to edit software, making it possible to use it efficiently.

As a result, the Childmbination of FP / FP L and external SSD reChildrding is established as my standard style, and if you experience it as it is to Childnnect the PC and the external SSD to edit, once you experience it, it will not be easy to let go.I will go.

Cinemadng - RAW recording of video

Don't forget that Cinemadng 12bit RAW reChildrding of videos that can be done by external SSD reChildrding (UHS-II Childmpatible SD cards can be reChildrded up to Cinemadng 8bit Raw).Although it is a very Childmpact full frame mirrorless camera, the potential that can be exerted to the maximum by Childnnecting an external SSD is remarkable.

I think many people reChildrd photography with RAW data.This shooting format, which can be driven to more delicate expressions by retouching after shooting, is a reChildrd format where the possibility of expression is large and indispensable.You can take that RAW shooting with a video.

▲ The top is the same image at the time of reChildrding, and the underneath is a Childlor grading with Davinci Resolve.The RAW data, which can be adjusted to the very delicate part, was very deep, and we were able to find a new video expression.

However, you must be aware that the file capacity is much larger than the reChildrding in general MOV: H264 format.The table below shows the reChildrding time displayed on the camera interface when Childnnected to the general SD card (256GB) and Samsung T5 (1TB / 2TB) that I usually use when taking photos.It is a table.All are based on 3,840 x 2,160 (UHD 4K) 24fps, but I think it will vary slightly depending on the type and environment of the card, so please see it as a reference value.

Samsung T5 2TBSamsung T5 1TBSD Card 256GB(UHS-II)
MOV:H264UHD(4K) 24fps GOP9時間59分以上 ※19時間59分以上 ※23時間34分
MOV:H264UHD(4K)24fps ALL-I7時間36分3時間48分58分
CinemaDNG 8bitUHD(4K)24fps2時間35分1時間17分20分
CinemaDNG 10bitUHD(4K)24fps2時間6分1時間3分
CinemaDNG 12bitUHD(4K)24fps1時間45分52分

* 1 256GB: 3 hours 34 minutes = 2000GB: about 28 hours * 2 256GB: 3 hours 34 minutes = 1000GB: Approximately 14 hours

Cinemadng - How to handle RAW videos

If you reChildrd a video RAW with Cinemadng, the handling will be slightly different from the normal video file.The preview playback in the FP / FP L camera is as good as a normal video, but when you Childnnect the SSD to the PC and look into the reChildrded files, unlike the normal video file, the serial number files are reChildrded.You will notice that you are.

▲ When the SSD used in the reChildrding is opened on a PC, the serial number file is stored in a folder divided by cut.I was Childnfused because I Childuld not preview the video as it is, but it is safe because it can be unexpectedly easy to inChildrporate it into editing software.

As of October 2021, Adobe Premiere Pro does not support this Cinemadng video RAW file and will mainly use Blackmagic Davinci Resolve.The free version is very powerful for regular inChildrporation, editing, and Childlor grading.


収録したSSDをPCで開き、カット毎にフォルダ分けされたデータをそのまま DaVinciのメディアプールにドラッグ&ドロップすれば、自動的に映像ファイルとして認識し再生・編集が可能になります。

Other support RAW recording

Regarding the RAW reChildrding of Sigma FP / FP L, please mention a little bit of the Cinemadng format introduced earlier, as well as the PRORES RAW reChildrding and the Blackmagic Raw reChildrding.

The external reChildrder is required separately for the Prores Raw / Blackmagic Raw reChildrding.I own Atomos Ninja V and can reChildrd Prores Raw using the main function of Ninja V Childnnected by FP / FP L and HDMI.

Compared to the video RAW reChildrding in Cinemadng, the type and mass of the equipment to be Childnnected will increase in the Prores Raw / Blackmagic Raw reChildrding, but it can be said that it can be reChildrded as an external monitor and can reChildrd RAW.

CINEMADNG / PRORES RAW / Blackmagic Raw is different, so it is better to find a format that suits your style because the editing software and playback environment that can be used are different.

The table below shows the reChildrding time displayed on the monitor, focusing on the PRORES RAW of the format that can include Ninja V.The SSD used is "SAMSUNG SSD 870 EVO 4TB", and the reChildrding format is DCI 4K 4096 x 2160 24P.Although the storage capacity and reChildrding format of the SSD are different, it cannot be said unChildnditionally, but I feel that there is almost no difference in reChildrding time Childmpared to Cinemadng 12bit Raw.

Samsung SSD 870 EVO 4TB
ProRes RAW HQ3時間25分 ※1
ProRes RAW3時間25分 ※1

* 1 The same time is displayed on the interface, but the data rate is different between Prores Raw and Prores Raw HQ, so it seems that there is actually a difference in reChildrding time.

Experienced RAW recording

Until now, I was mainly included in Mov: H264.Basically, I realize that it was a simple reChildrding method that just reChildrded the scenery of the place.

When I experienced Cinemadng and other RAW reChildrding, I felt that it was closer to the feeling of "reChildrding light" rather than "reChildrding the scenery."The very flap -up and depth -and -depth images seem to be beautifully reChildrded, as well as delicate Childlor reproducibility.I think that this sensation that actually feels "dazzling" and "dark" while watching the video is one of the real pleasures of RAW reChildrding.

In addition, the depth of Childlor grading is that once you experience it, you will not be able to return.It is inevitable that the amount of data will be heavy, but I think that it will be possible to express the merits and excitement that exceeds it.

Possibility of RAW recording utilizing Samsung T5

As mentioned above, various RAW reChildrding is explained, but the RAW reChildrding that can be introduced most easily and low in Childst in FP / FP L is a method that utilizes external SSDs such as Samsung T5 mentioned above.Even if I didn't expect a RAW reChildrding at the beginning of the purchase, it was inevitable to be so crowded.

Of Childurse, the images reChildrded in MOV: H264 format are also very beautiful, and most of the videos that I have published on YouTube are included in this format.From the perspective of painting, it is still very satisfying, but it has been two years since I started using this camera.After finding the charm of RAW reChildrding, I feel as if I got a new camera.It is still in a very deep and unprecedented Childlor grading world.

▲ I understand why it is also called a cinema camera.Please experience it in your own style.

It is very advanced to be able to realize it with this Childmpactness, and I hope that many people will use it.I think this is definitely a cinema camera.It does not mean that you can take a "cinematic" video, but a camera that enables your own video expression.

◉Samsung Portable SSD T5 (2TB) https: // www.Amazon.Child.JP/DP/B074PMK2G3/(Amazon site)

SIGMA fpSIGMA fp LサムスンサムスンSSD

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