Ryzen Threadripper Pro's "Self -made PC" was used for video production! Visit Mr. Okada of STUD

Many applications are required to launch a lot of apps at the same time

――Can you tell us about Okada's current job content?

It is difficult to explain in the Okada genre, but in summary, we are doing all visualization using real -time 3D graphics.

 To be more specific, using the game engine "UNREAL ENGINE", which I often hear names these days, some kind of video production of movies and dramas, events and music live venues, and event exhibitions of museums and museums.My job is to make something interactive.

――What kind of work do you do on your PC?

Mr. Okada (hereafter, the title omitted) I am working as a technical director as a title, but first of all, the biggest job role is called "physical check", I want to do this.When there is a plan or such an idea, it is a job to determine whether it can be technically realized and check that it can be done with such technologies, equipment, and budget.The main task is to conduct an experiment in this office prior to the actual performance, develop a combination of equipment, develop a program that moves on top of it, and actually work on the job on site.


Ryzen Threadripper PROの“自作PC”が映像制作で使われていた! STUDの岡田氏を訪ねる

――What kind of application do you actually use?

Okada: "Visual Studio Code" is the longest time.Next is "Unreal Engine".At the same time, Adobe's "Creative Cloud" is in general.Among them, "After Effects", "Premiere", "Photoshop", "Illustrator".In addition, 3D software such as "Autodesk 3DS MAX".I also use "Blender".We also use "Substance 3D".

――Why did you choose a machine equipped with “Ryzen Threadripper Pro” when using such an application?

Okada: It's difficult in the first word, but there are many good things.First of all, it is very grateful that the number of cores is large in easy -to -understand places.

 Each application mentioned earlier is a fairly heavy app.In our work, we do a wide range of verifications, so we launch all those apps.For example, if you have an ordinary 16 -core machine, if you set up "After Effects", set up "PREMIERE", and set "Photoshop", it will be over, but we are even more "Unreal Engine."BLENDER" comes in, and start rendering, so the number of cores is already great.One of the major reasons is that there is a choice of multiple core in that sense.

 The other is to insert various expansion cards in the PCI Express bus, but the number of PCI Express lanes for ordinary Ryzen, Intel's ordinary Core i7, and i9 series CPUs.Not enough.The number of slots is not enough, and even if it is enough, it will be disrupted like X4, X4, X4, X2.

 Ryzen Threadripper Pro has seven, and all X16 is very attractive.This is the main reason for introducing Ryzen Threadripper Pro this time.

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