Basic capture of "Dawn's Trajectory".Introducing basic knowledge that will be useful for play, such as how to proceed with the game, the structure of the battle, and the information on the main character

 The Software for PlayStation 4 released on September 30, 2021 "The Legend of Hero's Legends".In this work, the story of a new hero is set in the Calvard Republic of 1208, the year after the previous work, "The Legend of Heroes Legends".The battle with the enemy is also a new form battle combined with two forms, a field battle and a command battle.


 In this article, we will introduce basic knowledge that is useful for play, such as the flow of the game, the basic way of proceeding, the battle developed in two forms, and the abilities of the main characters.

『英雄伝説 黎の軌跡』(PS4)の購入はこちら (『英雄伝説 黎の軌跡 SPRIGGAN EDITION』(PS4)の購入はこちら (目次閉じる開く
  • Elements that can be set in the orbs and characteristics of each
  • How to proceed with the battle that develops in two forms
  • Character data
  • The flow of the game and the basic way to proceed

     This work is composed of chapters, and the story of each chapter is proceeding by achieving the request of 4SPG (quest) that will be put on the bulletin board for the back solution shop (Sprigan).There are quests that are the main search, those that have a battle on the way, and those that are completed only by battle, and the power as a back solution will be tested in various situations.

     In between the story, there is a night action where you can see the scenery of the city different from the daytime, and a business trip business where you go to another area to do requests.As the number of new characters increases as the game progresses, let's work with friends and face a number of difficulties.

     The difficulty of the game affects the strength of the enemy, and is in both field battles and command battles.At the start of the game, you will choose from the 5 -level difficulty level, but even after the start, the system menu can be changed individually.If you are wondering which difficulty you can do, start playing with NORMAL.If you feel that the enemy is strong, you can lower the difficulty of field battles or command battles.

     After confirming the request on the city's bulletin board, if you listen to the story from the client and undertake it, the quest will start.The quests include "essentials" where the story progresses, and those that have no effect.If you achieve it, you can get the reward Mira and SP (Spring Gunpoint), and the alignment value increases.

     The van has the attribute value of Law (row), GRAY (gray), and CHAOS (chaos), and fluctuates with options generated in the quest or in the middle.Van's parameters change part by the attribute value, and there are differences in the development at the end of the story and the joint fighting and hostility.In addition, when the level of each attribute reaches 3, a new hollow core is available.

     Connect event is a special event that consumes stock time.It can be generated in the day and night and updates for each chapter.However, the stock time is limited and you cannot see all the toy events in one play.

     Cooking has a recovery effect such as HP, and gains gourmet points when used for the first time.When the point exceeds the specified value, the gourmetal rises and the ability value increases.If you are aiming for a ranking up, buy the dishes and villages on the business trip.

     The most active main character in each chapter is selected as an MVP, and the ability value increases.Choose conditions are affected by the points earned in the battle.This point can be obtained by using S -craft, recovering allies, and defeating enemies.

    Elements that can be set in the orbs and characteristics of each

     The orbs that each character have can be set up on the right, which can enhance their abilities and have different characteristics.The difference between the characters is the attribute of the attribute dedicated slot that attaches quartz and the number of slots for each line.Instead of a quartz of the attribute, the attribute dedicated slot is doubled in the expression of the Shard Skill.

     It is free to finish what kind of character to finish, but it is easier to customize it with emphasis on the attribute of the attribute -only slot.

     Hollow core affects the magic attack power of the character, the maximum EP, and the effect of activating the S boost.The level of experience acquired in the battle is increased, and each number and effect are improved.In addition, ordinary holo core can be set to anyone, but only "Mare" is special, and it is a van -only hollow core.

     Quartz has a variety of effects, such as increasing the ability value and granting special effects by setting it in the slot of the orbment.In addition, the attribute value is set for the quartz, and the shard skill is activated according to the total attribute value of each line.Let's aim to activate Shard Skill with conscious not only the effects of quartz but also the attribute value.

     The arts driver is a device with multiple arts (conductive magic) in advance, and if you set it in an orb, you can use them.Change according to the situation, such as selecting an arts that can pierce the enemy's weakness attribute.

     The arts plug -in is a device that is added to the empty slot of the arts driver.If you get one, you can set it on multiple arts drivers.In addition, opening slots of arts drivers and changing arts plug -ins can be performed with the orbs shop, as well as the top recovery device in the dungeon.


     There are four lines, weapon, shield, drive, and EXTRA, which activates the Shard Skills according to the attribute value of each line.The attribute value can be adjusted by setting the quartz.

     Most of the sardines are effective in command battles, but some are useful for searching in the field.However, the better the effects of the subdivision, the higher the required attribute value.Set quartz with high attribute values in the attribute -only slot and extend the attribute value efficiently.





     Treasure hunter and Hawkeye are a mustard skill.When searching the field, let's activate it to someone.

    How to proceed with the battle that develops in two forms

     The battle with the enemy is developed in two forms, field battle and command battle.Except for the boss and some fixed battles, you can switch between two forms by operating the player.Explains the switching method and the characteristics and way of proceeding.We will also teach the points of capture.

     A battle with a strong action element that attacks enemies placed on highways and dungeons with 〇 buttons and avoids it with a x button.The details are as follows, as follows, you can fight while traveling freely through the field.Although there are few experience points that can be obtained, you can escape immediately even in a disadvantageous situation.

     When the HP of the leader character is small, or the hard attack that the enemy whose HP decreases is set up, enters the command battle with an enemy.

     A battle where you will fight on the battlefield where your friends and enemies are separated according to the action order displayed at the top of the screen.If you use craft and arts, you can efficiently damage multiple enemies.You can keep the × button and release the shade, or if you continue to defeat the left stick outside the battlefield, you can escape.However, you cannot escape in the battle that occurs at the event.

     Press the L1 button when there is one or more boost gauge to activate the S boost.The effect of the abilities provided by Hollow Core is obtained, and the probability of the generation of Shard Skill is increased for 2 turns at S boost level 1 and 3 turns at level 2.Furthermore, if you consume CP100 at S boost level 2, you can use a powerful S craft.

     The "Glendel Battle", in which Van changes to the appearance of a magic demon "Glendel", is performed in a command battle format.Glendel can input two or three attacks in one action, and the selected attack has an attack craft, a magic attack craft that consumes CP, and S craft that consumes CP, and checks the remaining CP.The point is to select a command.

     In addition, since arts and items cannot be used, the support of friends is also important!Let's work well with friends and confront strong enemies.

     In the case of friends, attacking with craft or arts will provide a scrum support, but Glendel will "pursue" except for some attacks.Let's proceed with the battle by relying on this pursuit.

    Character data

     Chapter 3 Check the abilities of four main characters and guests to join the party by the first half.I will also touch on the features of field battles and customization of orbs.

    The key to a party is excellent in both offense and defense

     The high attack power is also attractive, but above all, it is great to collect hate from enemies with "coin baret".Let's be active as an Otori of a strong enemy.All crafts have high firepower, and it is good to use them after increasing the attack power with "pear -rar".ATS is low, so arts should use recovery and assistive systems.

     Attack by the sword sword is quick and the reach is enough.The basic triple strike has a big skiing only for the last one, and if you fight safely, you should leave the second shot and leave the enemy to avoid it.Since the charge attack is slow, aim for the ski after the enemy's attack.

     Since it plays the role of physical attack personnel and Otori, we have prepared quartz that enhanced status such as "attack" and "HP".As for Shard Skills, "Fatal Lancer" is recommended.


    【初期アーツドライバ:ストーム】 風と時属性アーツが使用可能。プラグインで回復アーツを補っておきたい。

     In the Glendel state, you can usually act twice normally twice and three continuous actions during S boost activation.Therefore, keep the S boost and fight advantageously.Also pay attention to the order of action, such as a high -powered attack after reducing the enemy's physical defense with a "quick -brow".

    You can use a powerful magic attacker to handle the recovery role

     ATS is expensive and can be relied on as a user of attack arts.It is also attractive to be able to recover EP with "Glow Hammer".After learning the magic attack "Etoir Ray", you can attack around this.In the case of a pinch, let's recover with "white heel" moderately.In addition, since the defense side is weak, fight from behind as much as possible.

     Stop there and attack with magical bullets.The range is reasonable, so keep a safe distance and get a magical bullet, and when the enemy is approaching, take the distance by avoiding it.Magical bullets are also magical attributes and are also effective for enemies that are difficult to work on physical attacks such as ghosts.

     We recommend quartz that improves the usability of arts, such as "spirit" and "EP".If you use multiple attribute arts, it will be easier to fight.

    【初期ホロウコア:アイム】 アーツの威力や回復性能を強化。 レベルアップでATSやADFがより強化される。

    【初期アーツドライバ:アクア】 水と空属性のアーツが使用可能。回復アーツも使えるが、回復量は少なめ。

    Excellent range and speed, you can act flexibly

     A type that makes use of high SPD and AGL, and competes with trouble and evasion performance.Although the STR is low, the high -powered "heat edge" can be used from the beginning, causing sufficient damage to the enemy.There are also "flame songs" that enhance allies.There are some weak places to be hit, so it is good to reinforce with equipment and orbs.

     The range is longer with multiple hits.However, the power of each shot is low, and the effect is low for enemies with high physical defense.In that case, let's fight with other characters.The charge tack is a rush attack, and it is easy to reach for a long time, as it will move forward while moving forward.

     A place where you want "attack" and "hit" for attackers, and "HP" and "avoidance" to make up for durability.I'm not good at arts, so let's focus on recovery and assistance.

    【初期ホロウコア:ヴィネ】 攻撃力やMOVを強化。レベルアップで攻撃面がさらに強化されていく。

    【初期アーツドライバ:フレア】 火と幻属性のアーツが使用可能に。“フォルテ”で味方を強化してもいい。

    Aim at the counter by taking advantage of the high avoidance performance

     Not as much as Van, but the role of avant -garde with sufficient attack and defense.He has a high avoidance performance, and if he is in a state of mind with "Hao Isa", he can fight efficiently with the counter -avoidance counter.In the craft, "Takashi legs" are powerful, but use when you want to reduce the number of boss battles and enemies because it is a single attack.In that case, don't forget to aim at the back of the enemy.

     Three consecutive battles attack in order of piercing → slashing → kicking.Since all attacks are taken out in front of them, the reach is longer and easier to use than it looks.Charge Attack is a slash that shakes the twin stars like crossing.The attack can be covered quickly as the attack is quickly.

     In addition to quartz for attackers such as "attack", it is also effective to increase the avoidance rate by "avoidance".Because the order of action is easy to turn, there are quartz that causes state changes.

    【初期ホロウコア:カミオ】 回避率関連の効果が多くアーロンと相性バッチリ。そのまま使い続けよう。

    【初期アーツドライバ:ブラスト】 火と風属性のアーツが使用可能。 状態異常を回復できる“ヴェール”も使いやすい

    High specs suitable for the name of class A shortstop

     Participated in the spot at the end of Chapter 2.He cannot customize the equipment and orbs, but boasts top -class fighting abilities.All the craft is high power, and I want to use "low -singlin" that is a quick quick.

     Slash and thrust attacks.All attacks are excellent at speed and reach.In addition, if you press and hold the □ button in the third consecutive blow, you can shift to a continuous thrust, aiming for damage.

    In addition to speed, a helper shortstop with durability

     Participated in the first half of Chapter 3 in the boss battle.Like Elaine, equipment and orbs cannot be changed.Although it is a type that has excellent trouble and avoidance performance, the defense is sufficient.In addition, the weak arts are enhanced by Hollow Core, and there is no weakness that seems to be weak.

    『英雄伝説 黎の軌跡』(PS4)の購入はこちら (『英雄伝説 黎の軌跡 SPRIGGAN EDITION』(PS4)の購入はこちら (

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