Omakase point management, smart point investment-Keitai Watch

Behind the popularity of each mobile phone company's point services and payment services, there are unique gimmicks unique to each mobile phone company.

While many other payment services are in the style of "credit card, bank, or cash to charge", the payment services provided by each mobile phone company are based on the monthly usage amount. , points are given periodically and can be used for payment.

Omakase point management, smart point investment - Mobile Watch

In other words, when starting a payment service that makes effective use of points, it does not require much initial investment, and it is easy for users to try it out and get used to it.

In addition, the point services of each mobile phone company may award points in various ways other than the point award according to the amount used. For example, when a new model is released, a campaign will be implemented to return points of several thousand to 10,000 yen to the purchaser of the device, or the trade-in amount of the device traded in when changing the model will be paid in points. or

In other words, if you subscribe to a mobile phone company's line and use a smartphone, you will be awarded points in some way and participate in the point economy.

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