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Figure 1: Analog/RF/Mix Dosignal application

RF verification assignment in nanometer circuits

The miniaturization of the process has many advantages, such as low power and high performance, but RF designers who use Nano -order CMOS technology have the impact on the nonlinearity and device noise of the circuit due to a decrease in the voltage level.It must be corresponded to the tasks that arise due to the complexity of the design.

A factor in which design becomes complicated is that resistance and capacity parasites significantly increase.For this reason, simply simulating the circuit diagram design that does not have the impact of the layout will result in a great risk that the accurate analog model of the design will not be expressed, resulting in a large post -out simulation challenge.。

In order to make such complex designs, it is necessary to adopt digital calibration and correction technology, or optimize performance and power consumption by incorporating layouts from the initial design stage.Therefore, in order to perform the final design sign -off before the tape out, comprehensive verification including the effects of the processing match, voltage, temperature change, power, frequency, and bit adjustments and RF analysis.Plan is required.

In order to overcome the design and verification issues in the RF circuit design, the latest RF simulator engine uses two analysis methods to verify the circuit shape, noise, and gain.One is the shooting Newton (SN) method based on the time domain, and the other is a harmonic balance (HB) method based on a frequency domain.Each method is optimized according to the specific application.The SN method is suitable for all periodic circuits, especially a circuit with a sudden change of nonlinear time.The HB method is ideal for circuits that use a high -linear distortion from high linearness and require a wide dynamic range, which uses a S -parameter -modeled frequency domain model.

In the design of the advanced transceiver currently used, it is common to implement multitone simulation that adds two or more periods of periodic signals with different tones to the circuit (Fig. 2). These simulations are very time -consuming because the tone interval is narrow and it is difficult to handle in a time domain, and the minimum time steps need to be correspond to the maximum frequency. Harmonic balance analysis realizes a simulation of a circuit with multiple input frequencies in a practical form. If the frequency spectrum is sparse, the multi -tone harmonic balance simulation can be executed with higher speed, smaller memory, and higher accuracy compared to the time domain approach. Multi -tone simulation execution time is affected by several factors, such as circuit sizes and tones. For example, in order to accurately grasp the effects of interconnection modulation distortions such as secondary, tertiary IM accumulation (IM2, IM3), the transition from one -tone simulation to three -tone simulation, to ensure accuracy. The number of modulation items must be increased. As a result, the simulation time may jump 9 times, and in some cases, the design after the layout will not be useful unless you use the state -of -the -art simulation engine equipped with multi -threaded salva and the latest model evaluation. It could fall. This is especially true for the design of the state -of -the -art node in Finfet.

RF verification platform corresponding to nano -order circuits

Analog FastSpice (AFS) includes not only the shooting Newton (SN) engine, but also the harmonic balance (HB), noise (HBNOISE), AC (HBAC), stability (HBSTB), scattered parameters (HBSTB) (HBSTB).) We provide a harmonic balance (HB) engine that supports the transmission function (HBXF) analysis.In order to provide the accuracy and performance required for circuits close to linear and linear, AFS Harmonic Balance Solva further optimizes performance and convergence without sacrificing accuracy by automatic intelligence algorithms.

便利な日常生活のあらゆる場面を支える高周波(RF)技術 | TECH+ マイナビニュース マイナビ

AFS Harmonic Balance (HB) analysis is provided to existing customers without additional costs as part of the Analog FastSpice platform.The AFS platform has been recognized by the world's main foundry, and has more than five times as long as a conventional SPICE simulator and more than twice the nanometer Spice accuracy compared to the parallel SPICE simulator.In addition, the Analog FastSpice EXTREME technology, which verifies the recently announced large -scale post -layout design in nanometers, provides up to 10 times the performance of the previous generation.

The AFS platform provides an elementary capacity of 50m or more and a mixture of Symphony.For the exact evaluation of silicon, the AFS platform contains a comprehensive full spectral device noise analysis.By integrating with the Solido Variation Designer, the design coverage in consideration of variations is achieved with a small number of simulation and accurate accuracy comparable to the conventional brute force.

The design of the nanometer RF circuit requires a wide range of sweep, corner, and Monte Carlo analysis.AFS HB realizes high -speed performance than single core execution by using multi -threaded functions.The AFS platform efficiently responds to the comprehensive corner variation results by integrating with the Solido Variation Designer.This enables more accuracy verification in all environmental corners with less accuracy, reducing the complexity of RF simulation.

In recent benchmarks that compare important RF indicators such as second and tertiary intercepts (IP2, IP3), and 1DB compression point (P1DB), AFS HB satisfies severe accuracy requests and in process nodes from 65 nm to 7 nm.The settings are higher than other commercial solutions.AFS HB has an average of 2 post -layout designs.6x speeding up (Fig. 3), 1 with Prelayout Design.8x fasterness has been recorded.In the most difficult post -layout multi -tone simulation, AFS HB was the only solution that converged and achieved accurate results.


As the complexity of semiconductor design increases due to technological innovation such as HPC, communication, autonomous driving, and IoT, design innovation is progressing at a speed that surpasses it.Since the wireless frequency (RF) technology is used in everyday situations, innovation in the communication field is particularly remarkable.RF technology plays an important role in many aspects of modern advanced electronics products.To properly verify these designs before the production of silicon is required, a special RF analysis is required to accurately predict the operation of silicon.

To verify the highly difficult nanometer analog/RF/mix dosignal circuits, the Analog FastSpice platform provides a single platform with a high -precision, comprehensive and high -performance verification function.Its accuracy has been certified by the world's main foundry in advanced process geometry, which supports RF technology that supports every scene of everyday life.

Siemens EDA analog/mix dosignal circuit simulation senior product manager.He had more than 25 years of experience in the EDA software industry and worked in Cadence and Sinopsis before participating in Siemens EDA.Curtis has started his career as an analog and RF circuit designer of a high -speed signal detection receiver in a fuse aircraft company.He has a BSEE degree at the University of Illinois.

An account technology manager in charge of Siemens EDA AMS simulator and design platform products.He joined the company in 2017 and concentrated on RF customer engagement and product development as a solution architecture.In 2021, he moved to Japan and contributed to solving customer AMS problems.Before joining Siemens EDA, he was engaged in the development of RF/millimeter -wave application products as a senior circuit designer.He acquired MSEE at Taiwan National Kiyoka University.

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