"Quantum Cyber Security" "Desktop type" quantum computing, 4 major attention technology | Business+it

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    "Quantum Cybersecurity", "Desktop" Quantum Computing, Four Hot Technologies

    Interest in quantum computing is clearly increasing worldwide. The Japanese government also announced its “Quantum Technology Innovation Strategy” in January 2020, citing examples of technology roadmaps related to quantum technology, such as gate-type quantum computing, solid-state quantum sensors, quantum communication, and quantum cryptography. In the market research report "Quantum Random Number Generators: A Ten-year Market Assessment" published by Inside Quantum Technology (IQT), a US market research company, applications and manufacturers' strategies, etc. are also analyzed in detail. In this article, we will introduce four quantum technologies that IQT expects to attract attention in 2021.

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    1. Four predictions for quantum technology in 2021
    2. Quantum cybersecurity market grows rapidly
    3. Desktop quantum computers become a hot topic
    4. >
    5. China: Quantum technology has a political dimension
    6. Quantum technology companies have strong credibility (quantum-safe technology)
     There are too many With things happening, it's easy to miss how far quantum technology has advanced in 2020. About a year ago, some reporters doubted whether quantum computers would take off commercially. But now, the debate is not about how much quantum computers can do, or whether there will be more practical applications for quantum computers, but when they will be commercially available. I'm here. Inside Quantum Technology (IQT) believes that 2021 will be an even more special year, given what has been achieved with quantum technology in 2020. So here are four IQT predictions for 2021. "The first one." IQT predicts that quantum cybersecurity will make rapid progress in 2021. The background to the appearance of the new product is that (1) cyberattacks are increasing as a threat to national security in many countries, and (2) a world where bitcoin has become a common medium of exchange and store of value. And there are concerns about the vulnerabilities of cryptocurrencies. In May 2021, Samsung announced the world's first 5G smartphone "Samsung Galaxy Quantum" compatible with the world's first quantum random number generator (QRNG) in collaboration with ID Quantique and SK Telecom of Switzerland. bottom. ID Quantique's QRNG chipset enhances mobile phone security. Quantum-secure smartphones from the likes of Samsung and possibly Huawei will also keep hacker mobs at bay by Christmas 2021, becoming a hot consumer item for securing e-commerce on mobile devices. It seems. On the other hand, quantum safe computing combines quantum key distribution (QKD), post-quantum cryptography (PQC), and QRNG, and is considered a target for rebranded products from start-ups and cybersecurity companies. We expect to see a trend toward expanding quantum technology into areas that companies have never ventured into before. Related articles

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    Second, for over a year, IQT has suggested that the “next big thing” in quantum computing will be a desktop computer, not something physically big. As for the size of current quantum computers, the "Advantage" quantum system announced by Canadian company D-Wave Systems in October 2020 is 10 feet x 7 feet x 10 feet (about 304 cm x 213 cm x 304 cm) in the data sheet. ). IonQ, based in the United States and the first pure-play quantum computing company to go public, says it is about five years away from achieving a desktop quantum computer. The Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden has already developed a small quantum computer, albeit for experimental purposes. There are arguments for and against the feasibility of a desktop quantum computer. However, by the end of 2021, IQT expects the topic of desktop quantum computers to spread across the internet. However, it will still be several years before an actual commercial desktop quantum computer appears, which may be longer than IonQ thinks. But I don't think it will be decades away. Just like when minicomputers became mainstream 60 years ago, the commercialization of desktop quantum computers has the potential to expand the quantum computer market. Desktop quantum computers will compete with the cloud access paradigm, which is the current mainstream of quantum computers, and have the potential to bring about major changes in the business side of quantum technology. However, not all quantum computer technologies are suitable for miniaturization. By linking specific technologies to specific companies, desktop quantum computers are expected to have a significant impact on individual market shares in the future, and companies that advocate "compact quantum computers" may become new hot investment targets. I can't. [Next page] China: Quantum technology has a political dimension

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