"Quantum Computer Supreme Technology", which was also impressed by the engineer of the Bocchi Bocchi: Dancing Buzzword ~ BEHIND THE BUZZWORD (6) Quantum computer (6) (page 1/9)

The name of the technology called "industry trends" is often "buzzword".“M2M”, “Ubikitas” and “Web2.0 ", and" AI ". When an incomprehensible technology appears, it pretends to be understood with a" plausible name ". The world dances to the name made in this way, and we engineers.The fried phrase that was tossed, finally abandoned irresponsibly -there was no apology. Here, the author who continued to shout for two years, saying "AI" is once again.This is to ask and accuse your "understand".⇒ Serial back number

 量子コンピュータの連載から、既に半年 ―― 量子論に対する知識のない状態からの、量子世界の不気味さ、気持ち悪さ、非常識さは、リアル(Real)な意味での「Re:ゼロから始める異世界生活*)」と言えます。

*) I wrote it in the way I knew, but I did not watch this super famous anime properly.I will follow you from now on.

 Quantum computers are close to the attempt to "use down" in the real world of paranormal phenomena such as "magic" and "curse" in a different world -no, "Magic" in the anime.And "curse" seems to be easier.

 I am "magic" in this different world (quantum world) is "quantum layout", "curse" is "quantum tangible", and the different world is "controlled only by probability.I even learn dizziness (dizziness) -it's really uncomfortable.

 A quantum computer is a magnificent project that tries to use the magic and curse of a different world that cannot be observed in everyday life.

 So, the more you seriously examined the quantum computer, the more you look up.

――The future of quantum computers is dark

I feel like that.

 In the first place, "magic" and "curse" are insane itself, but they try to incorporate them as the components of the calculator, so the difficulty is not a humper.

 As mentioned in the previous column,

[T -san Tsukkomi!] I overlooked last time, but since the proposer of the principle of Landauer is Landauer, I think Bennett is a good "Proposer of Quantum Crypto".

The comments of a famous physicist, and

The number of bits of the experimental quantum computer is about 50, and to perform practical calculations, it requires 6,000 or 450 million pieces.

 If you just pick up such a story, it will be dark.

 Last month, we talked about "quantum tangle" -once the state of the quantum vs. the quantum pair in the state of the quantum, ignoring the speed of the light and determined the state of the other quantum at the same time.In the column, I continued calling "I feel sick!"

 So, this month, we've always been investigating how we use this "quantum tangle" on the quantum computer, but I can't find it.

 When I combine the H gate and the CNOT gate, I know that I can make a two -quantum bit in the "quantum tangible" state, but I can't find it at all.

 "What is it?Is this just a story that the quantum gate can produce unpleasant quantum pairs?], I saw this news release when I was in helpless.

 First of all, when I read this news release, I remember being crazy.In particular, the phrase that made me uncomfortable was "overcoming the conventional limits and performing all quantum calculations."As an engineer, I hate such a phrase to die.

 If you can do "any quantum calculation", write the content of the calculation in the news release!I was angry.

 However, when I felt something caught, I read this news release many times, and when I was reviewing the picture of the "secondary cluster state", "Oh!That kind of thing!!] Was shouting.

 The spine was crisp."Isn't this a tremendous invention?" "Why aren't you making more noise? (Related article:" "The University of Tokyo, which can execute any quantum calculation, the Tokyo University is realized."It has appeared with Pocopoco. -Well, I think that many people could not understand the significance of this research and development, just like me.


[T -san Tsukkomi!] * 1) This article is an article on the D-Wave Systems quantum computer (quantum annealing) introduced by Google.

 Because, we engineers have created a problem in which "100 million times high -speed" appears, and it is one of the jobs to get that data (this is called a champion data) -I'm all.Because it is a person on the side.


[T -san Tsukkomi!] * 2) IBM argued not the above -mentioned annealing, but the quantum transcendental dissertation.

 In the first place, news releases using this kind of value (100 million times, 10,000 years) are one set up to rebuttal.This is "planned harmony", "standard format", "promise", and "style beauty".

 However, unlike many people in the dream of a dream -like "100 million times" or "10,000 years", I can't fool a twisted bocchi engineer like me.


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