[Q] What is WPA?

[A] It is a security standard that encrypts Wi-Fi communication contents so that it is not intercepted.

 In the late 1990s, when Wi-Fi began to spread, WEP (WIRED EQUIVALENT PRIVACY) was widely used as one of the security standards that encrypted Wi-Fi communication content so that it would not be intercepted.However, a major problem is that the communication content encrypted using WEP is easily deciphered by a third party.


 Therefore, WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access) was born as a security standard for dealing with WEP issues and safely communicating with Wi-Fi.

 The WPA has been upgraded from the first version to "WPA2" and "WPA3".As of August 2021, the latest version of WPA3 is a security standard that resolves the vulnerabilities found in WPA2 and has already been supported by many Wi-Fi devices.

 There are two modes: "Personal" and "Enterprise" in WPA (including WPA2 and WPA3).Personal is a mode assuming that Wi-Fi is used by individuals, and the key set in advance is registered as both the access point and the terminal to use Wi-Fi.On the other hand, Enterprise is a mode assumed to be used by a company, and user authentication is performed using a authentication server.

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