Prove the relationship between the ID on the Internet and the person on the Internet with a smartphone, and the person authentication against your ID and biometric authentication will be launched soon.A new generation cloud authentication service that eliminates the boundaries between the Internet and the real!

project overview

We prove the relationship between the ID on the Internet and the real person, using the technology that safely remotely authenticate and control Bluetooth communication from the cloud.A venture company that develops and sells cloud services that enable.

In recent years, smartphone usage scenes, such as reducing costs at stores and commercial facilities by using smartphones, are increasing.We would like to use a smartphone to enable the same personal authentication as biometric authentication by proof of the relationship between the net ID and the person, and meet the needs of the world altitude certification market, which has been growing in recent years.(Source: Global Information).

Bluetooth is a wireless communication technology that is active in various scenes such as audio streaming, data transfer, location information service, device (device with specific function).

Until now, most of the use of Bluetooth has been connected to devices such as personal computers and smartphones and peripherals such as keyboards.

Our company enables a new form of self -authentication by greatly expanding the range of use of this Bluetooth and connecting the person ID on the net and the real person.

To achieve this, the cloud service that we are developing is Vitanet Ble Auth.


A small Bluetooth communication terminal with a communication range of about 10m automatically connects to a specific smartphone to prove the relationship between the net ID and the person, and authenticate the person.This uses the Bluetooth automatic pairing technology of our patent technology.

In principle, smartphones can only be used, so if you can pair with your smartphone with Bluetooth, it is proven that you are within the communication area, and your authentication is automatically completed.

If this automatic authentication process is used as a next -generation personal authentication that can be replaced with biological authentications such as fingerprints and retina, etc. that are currently being performed, smartphone operations that need to be confirmed by the smartphone.I think it will be possible to replace it with.

"Vitanet BLE AUTH" incorporates a "Vitanet BLE AUTH" system in a service app provided by operators such as hotels and stores, and uses only a Bluetooth communication terminal for "Vitanet Blee Auth" at the same facility. It will be possible.

Tasks that have been required to verify their face -to -face identity, such as check -in and check -out at a hotel or confirmation of reservations at restaurants, can be unmanned or saved by replacing the app.In addition, the use of cash registers at retail stores that substituted with apps is also being considered.

"Vitanet Ble Auth" is currently in the development stage for commercialization, but is already designed for various facilities such as partner companies and hotels, and will be released this year.

We would like to spread the next -generation authentication of the next generation that combines Bluetooth and cloud services by "Vitanet Ble Auth".

We plan to complete the basic form of commercial services this year and expand proposals to more companies next year.The needs of unmanned and saving people are global and common.Starting with sales not only in Japan but also in the United States, we will aim for global spread.

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