Protect your child's terminal from the threat on the Internet!Release the security app for educational institutions "KIKOTTO"

* The service actually provided is a Japanese version.Under the lead of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, the GIGA School Concept, which develops one information terminal for each child as a school education standard in the presentation.The "filtering" function is mainly focused on security measures in the GIGA school concept, but do you know that filtering function alone is not enough for security measures?

Filtering is a function that allows parents to set sites that they do not want to show their children.This is important for healthy development of children, but it is not enough for new species fake sites, malware, and ransomware that occur in "100 million" units of "100 million" units every day.* Malware (ransomware) is a general term for software and code that includes orders that allow the terminal to perform fraudulent and harmful movements, and among them, a program that locks the terminal and requires money in exchange for cancellation is called ransomware.increase.According to a survey conducted by IT -specialized research companies, IDC, 56 companies that have suffered security in the past year..It was 3 %.Above all, 42 companies were damaged by malware ransomware infection..It is a high probability of 5 %.This is a survey for general companies, but it is no exception that the threat itself is exposed to threats.

In the unlikely event that information leakage occurs in such a state, it is possible that the educational institution that distributes the terminal may be responsible.According to a survey by the NPO Japan Network Security Association, the total damage per information leak was 548.5 million yen in 2017 and 637.67 million yen in 2018.It is.Educational institutions are never irrelevant to damages.In addition to the amount of money, there is a risk that one information leak will fall into a situation related to the child's life, and we accept this as a serious problem.Therefore, we have been developing a security countermeasure service that allows children to safely use the Internet at learning sites and at home.The release of "Kikotto" will monitor the network itself before the Internet communication threats are detected on the information terminal, and when the threats are detected, the network is blocked and the terminal is cut off.Prevents access to before.Unlike the antivirus software that many people have already used, Kikotto is characterized by very high safety because the threats reach their children's terminals and block communication before they try to enter.Anti -virus software requires regular updates by the user himself, but Kikotto does not need it.Furthermore, KIKOTTO has the advantage of not being able to refer to the data by patroling the terminal and referring to the data.


When determining a threat on the network, we will refer to and verify the threat data owned by the Company.In addition, their partnership with "Spamhaus", an international organization with powerful blacklists, and "Scam Adviser), which is an international organization with powerful blacklists, and" Scam Adviser), which determines fraudulent sites around the world.We also use data.

KIKOTTO is a product developed for educational institutions such as schools and schools.You can protect the student's terminal by installing Kikotto on the device distributed by the educational institution.KIKOTTO supports both personal computers (Win/Mac) and mobile terminals (iOS/Android) and can be used on most devices.In addition, you can provide Kikotto to the ISP (Internet Service Provider) that is adopted by the educational institution, and enhance the security of the entire educational institution.KIKOTTO protects your child from the Internet threat.

■ KIKOTTO 5 features

  1. インターネット上の脅威(ウイルス、詐欺など)が端末で検知される前にブロックする
  2. 個人情報を保護し情報漏えいを防ぐ
  3. ご家庭単位ではなく学校単位でカスタマイズした独自のフィルタリングを行うことができる
  4. 多様なエンドポイント(Windows/Mac/Android/iOS)に対応
  5. アンチウイルスソフトと異なり端末の動作が重くならない

■ About Pipeline Co., Ltd.

Pipeline Co., Ltd. provides security measures solutions to major domestic companies and educational institutions.

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