Daisy Muse, an antenatal and postnatal care service, starts service in Miyagi Prefecture | Peace Connect Co., Ltd. press release

Prenatal and postnatal care refers to mental and physical care for mothers and children before and after childbirth, as well as childcare support. At Daisy MUSE, specialists such as midwives and nurses play a central role in providing comprehensive care services for mothers, children, and families before and after childbirth. We asked Ms. Ayana Sato, the director of Daisy MUSE, what made her decide to open the facility and her thoughts on prenatal and postnatal care services.

Daisy MUSE Facility Director Ayana Sato

Ayana Sato: Born October 26, 1987. Born in Hachinohe City, Aomori Prefecture. After working at Tohoku University Hospital Nursing Department (neonatal intensive care unit, belonging to ICU), she started a business while pregnant with her third child and opened a baby & family salon sugar. (Repeat rate of over 95% since opening. 150 parent-child groups mobilized for sponsored events). In 2021, Daisy MUSE, an antenatal and postnatal care, will start. Currently, as the facility director of Daisy MUSE, she is close to and supports many mothers and babies.・Please tell us how you decided to make Daisy MUSE. Actually, I myself have experienced postpartum pain, and I wanted to help as many mothers who are suffering in the same way as possible. I originally worked as a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit and have cared for many mothers and babies. Even I lost sight of myself after childbirth and quickly fell into a negative loop. When I look around me, it seems that all the other moms are doing a good job raising their children, and I hate myself for not being able to do it. I blame. I couldn't say I want help even though it was painful, and I pushed myself further. From that kind of mental disorder, I became like a different person. I remember crying as I was raising my children every day, filled with self-loathing and despair at the gap between my ideals and reality. During pregnancy, I tend to focus on childbirth, but at that time, I painfully understood that childbirth is not the goal, but the start. Postpartum mental health issues can happen to anyone. At such times, there are many mothers who do not know what to do and continue to endure at the expense of themselves. I was the same. But don't you think it's very sad? I want to save moms who are suffering even though they are working hard. Through our involvement, we want to change childcare from enduring childcare to enjoyable childcare. With that in mind, I launched Daisy MUSE.・What are the features of Daisy MUSE's prenatal and postnatal care services? The prenatal and postnatal care services we provide are bespoke. Unlike the postnatal care services provided by the government, we believe that it is a major feature and strength that we can respond flexibly. For example, regarding care for babies and mothers, in addition to basic care such as breastfeeding guidance, bathing, and childcare guidance, we can face childcare more positively by having mothers take a good rest, such as sound sleep head spa, chiropractic, and heat therapy. We are also putting effort into providing support that will help you. Also, childcare is not just for moms, it's a team game. It is characterized by providing childcare support to families such as partners. We value the ideas of each family and how they want their families to be in the future, and all the staff will support them. We strive to build a relationship that allows families to rely on us as a member of the child-rearing team.

Prenatal and Postnatal Care Service, Daisy Muse( Daisy Muse) starts service in Miyagi Prefecture | Peace Connect Co., Ltd. press release

・How is the reaction of actual users? We are currently starting with postpartum care and online consultation. The background of those who use it is various. Ms. M, the second mother, had a lot to do every day from morning to night, and was worried that she could not take time to relax with her younger child. Meanwhile, DaisyMUSE used baby massage and mom's massage at home visit postnatal care. After enjoying a rich communication with the child, the mother also had a relaxing oil massage. We have received comments such as "I fell asleep. I was healed by spending time with my child." In addition, Ms. A, the second mother, said, "Anyway, I wanted to talk to an adult. She is an expert with a lot of experience and knowledge, so I was able to consult a lot with peace of mind." There are various reasons why it is used. Even if it is not spicy, I would like you to use it preventively so that it does not become spicy. We have received many comments from users saying, "I think it helps prevent postpartum depression and childcare neurosis." Online consultations are also used by overseas customers. As the worries and troubles of childcare change one after another, Ms. M, who is the first mother, uses the service regularly every two months. "For some reason, if I keep it to myself, I become very anxious, but just having someone listen to it made me feel much better. If I endure it and worry about it, it becomes a vicious cycle, so it's for myself and my family. For this reason, I decided to rely on them properly.They carefully chose their words to convey advice that matched our situation, and it was really easy to understand.” Also, the response to the website has been very positive, with comments such as "I was impressed", "Thank you for speaking for me. I will show it to my husband", and "The website alone made me feel better". We received more than 50 comments within a week after the release.・Finally, please tell us about the role your company aims to play in prenatal and postnatal care. We, DaisyMUSE, are a group of prenatal and postnatal specialists with evidence and extensive experience. Our mission is to protect the smiles of children.

For that reason, I will protect my mother first. I strongly believe that making as many mothers smile as possible through prenatal and postnatal care will lead to protecting the smiles of children. I hope that prenatal and postnatal care will become commonplace in the world, and that childcare will be something that mothers do and endure, and the recognition that "childcare is something to enjoy" will spread more and more. For that reason, we at DaisyMUSE will do our best to make as many mothers and babies smile as possible. Company Profile: Peace Connect Co., Ltd. Location: 1-2-15 Kakyoin, Aoba-ku, Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture Representative: Takashi Yuki Established: July 2021 Business description: Prenatal and postnatal care DaisyMUSE management URL: https://www.piececonnect .net

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