Possibility of "docomo version iPhone" to be considered again -Mobile Watch Watch

 Smartphones are said to have spread to nearly 40 % in the domestic market.The speed of explosion in the last two years has changed the structure of the industry, and there are a series of news, such as the withdrawal of domestic terminal manufacturers and the reduction of business.

 Apple's iPhone is the most popular smartphone market in such a domestic smartphone market.After the first model for the United States in 2007, the iPhone 3G was released by SoftBank in 2008 for domestic, and the "iPhone 4S" released in 2011 also started handling au by KDDI and Okinawa Celler.Now, domestic smartphones are securing the top share.

あらためて考える「ドコモ版iPhone」の可能性 - ケータイ Watch Watch

 In this iPhone, various things have been talked about in the industry.The topic of new models, such as "when the next model will appear", "the display will be ○ inches", and "the communication method corresponds to the new XX", has been told throughout the year.Above all, in Japan, it has been a hot topic from the beginning to which mobile phone operators handle the iPhone.For example, when the first iPhone, the iPhone 3G, which can be used in Japan, was announced, many stakeholders, including the writer, thought, "Of course, if you come out, it will be docomo," but open the lid.As you know, only SoftBank was handled, and subsequently pursued the dramatic growth of the company.

 And what is still being talked about is whether NTT DOCOMO handles it.Initially, Tonchinkan analysis, such as "NTT DoCoMo does not handle iPhone because it cannot be used," was scattered, but recently the iPhone has been taken up in NTT DOCOMO's presentations and questions and answers at the financial results.It may be, and it is a great interest in the industry, as well as users.In particular, since last year, it has been actively featured in general media such as newspapers, especially in the media called economic newspaper, and in inquiries based on that, the docomo shop has been busy.。

 Meanwhile, it is said that the announcement of the next iPhone will be near this year.It is said that a presentation will be held in the United States in early September, and sales will be started in September for domestic domestic sales.In response to this, this time again, "I will finally get an iPhone from DOCOMO", "No, I'm going to come out next year", "The negotiations have been broken" has become a hot topic.Now, what about the actual place?

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