"Used smartphone if you buy a new one" "The latest type is too expensive. Two generations ago" (Money Post Web) --Yahoo! News



Explore the background of the expansion of the used smartphone from the user's voice

 A smartphone that shows excitement every time a new model is released, the situation surrounding the smartphone market may be changing.According to MM Research Institute, the number of used smartphones in 2020 was 1.85 million units, the highest ever, 13 from the previous year..Recorded 5 % and record highs.It is expected to expand to 2.4 million units in 2021.What is the reason why used smartphones are supported?Let's read the popular secrets from the voices of the people who actually buy a used smartphone instead of the latest smartphone.

In terms of performance, it is just right with two generations falling

 Ms. A (20s), who works for an IT company, was once replaced by one who was once excited about the launch of the new iPhone, almost every year.

“買い換えるなら中古スマホ”の人たち「最新型は高すぎ。2世代前で十分」(マネーポストWEB) - Yahoo!ニュース

"I had a strong desire to check the new functions and designs of the iPhone with my own hands, and I felt like a brand product that I had a little superiority by owning it. I usually use Windows.I don't really like Apple, "(Mr. A)

 However, after the new iPhone was over 100,000 yen, he began to hesitate to buy.

"At the time of the purchase of SIM -free terminals, it was sometimes dropped in the installment of installments, but it takes courage to buy more than 100,000 yen.I was holding my head when it was an annoying amount. "(Mr. A)

 Although the iPhone is increasingly expensive, Mr. A has reviewed the replacement cycle, saying, "It is just right with two generations of two generations."

"The latest iPhone is honest, I can't use it because it's overpeck for me. It's enough for two generations ago. The latest iPhone 13 iPhone 11 (256GB) used is used for 50,000 to 60,000 yen.So, the burden is very light in terms of financially. It was 140,000 yen when I bought an iPhone XS (256GB) with a new one.

 I was impressed when I changed the camera performance from iPhone 5s to iPhone XS, but if it gets better, I don't need to post photos or shoot videos........I thought it would be better for me to replace the mold fall from used to used to used. "(Mr. A)


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