Pen Inkjet Printer "Selpic P1" cutting 100g weight

Yajima Mini comments

Yajima Mini commentsは、1つ持っておくと便利なPC周りのグッズや、ちょっとしたガジェットなど幅広いジャンルの製品を試して紹介するコーナーです。「Selpic P1」。ペン型で、本体は実測86g(キャップ除く)と軽量。iOSのほかAndroidも対応する

 "Selpic P1" is a pen inkjet printer that can easily print anywhere. Through Wi-Fi, the text and images entered in the smartphone application, and even bar codes, QR codes, etc. are transferred to the body and printed from the head of the shell. Because of the opportunity to try out the real machine, it is easy to use.

Transfer and print the text you enter on your smartphone

 This product is a product raised in crowdfunding Indiegogo. Although the packaging is in English, the joint smartphone app and website's product pages are in Japanese and support Japanese printing.

 The shell gives the impression of a slightly thicker mark, a size that can be fully called a "pen". There is a print head at the front end, which can be charged with USB Type-C cable. This is a structure that is erected on an additional bracket and cover when not in use.

Indiegogo発の製品。パッケージは英語そのままだが、裏面には(事業者名の表示がないものの)PSEのロゴ、および技適マークも印字されている同梱品。製品本体のほかインクカートリッジ(黒)、保管時に使うスタンド兼用キャップ、充電用USBケーブル、およびチュートリアル一式が用意される本体の先端にインクカートリッジを挿入して使用する。丸いボタンを押すとイジェクトされる利用時は人差し指の位置にあるボタンを押しながら印刷を行なう。連続稼働時間は3時間で、バッテリ残量はスマートフォンアプリ側で確認できる裏面。ステータス表示LEDを搭載した電源ボタンと、充電用のUSB Type-Cポートを搭載保管時およびスタンバイ時はスタンド兼用キャップを利用する

 When in use, peel off the film of the ink cartridge and install it on the main body, and then press the power button to start. As long as Wi-Fi pairing with the dedicated application installed on the smartphone, the preparation is done.

 The input of data such as text is all carried out in the smartphone application and transmitted to the main body. One mechanism is to press the transfer button on the APP, and the body power button flashes blue and goes off when it is finished.

今回は第2世代iPhone SEにて試用。まずメール認証を行なったのち、デバイス(右のSelpic P1)を選択して次に進む。なぜか位置情報を要求されるデバイスの検索が実行される。検出されれば次の画面に進むWi-Fiへの接続を行なう。Bluetoothでないのが珍しいテキストを入力する。ちなみに改行は認識されず、1行につながった状態で入力する必要がある(後述)メイン画面。右下の転送アイコンをタップすると、入力したテキストが本体に転送される。ちなみにここで表示されているのがフォントの最大サイズ

Slide from left to right to print. For repeated printing.

 Then print it. This product is not self-propelled, but a structure in which the body is vertically erected on the paper and moves from left to right when the button configured in the index finger is pressed, and the saved content is printed. Although the appearance is different, the "RICOH Handy Printer" introduced last time is similar to the usage itself.

重量100gを切るペン型インクジェットプリンタ「Selpic P1」

 There is a roller in front of the bottom surface of the main body with the print head, which is used as a support to move, so it can smoothly slide horizontally while keeping a certain distance from the print surface. If it is a material as telescopic as cloth, it is easy to double, in addition, it will not be distorted and can be printed clearly.


 When the print is finished and the finger is released, a print job is completed there. Since the memory remains intact, the same content is printed when the main body moves from left to right and the button is pressed again.

 In addition to no preview screen, this product is difficult to succeed because the position of the press is separated from the starting position of the print, but because of this structure, it can be printed many times to convincingly close to the ideal shape. Because the input can be saved and invoked and printed on the application side, commonly used text such as name and address can be saved.


 When the finger leaves the button in the unfinished state, continue printing when the button is pressed next time. If you can make good use of this structure, you can fold the long text in behavior units and print it at the same time. However, it is not necessarily interrupted in the appropriate division position, but also in the middle of the text, so it is of no use in reality.

 The memory capacity was not published, but more than 1000 characters of text were received. More than hundreds of words are reset in printing, and the unexplained symptoms of printing from the beginning are found again (not the limited possibility of the number of words, continuous printing time, etc.). In reality, it is difficult to consider the number of printed words, so there is no obstacle in practice.


It can be printed on all kinds of materials, but pay attention to the height limit of 12.5 mm measured.

 As an advantage of this product, it is not only limited to paper, but also can be printed on cloth, wood and other materials. Due to the inkjet method, although it is not suitable for different materials, it can be printed with needle points on materials that cannot be passed by a fixed printer, which is another art that cannot be imitated.

 In particular, this product does not necessarily need to start the smartphone when printing, as long as the contents of the memory are printed repeatedly, as long as there is a body, therefore, it is particularly useful in the use of repeatedly printing the same content, such as recording names on personal items, printing models on business packaging, and so on.

布にも印刷できるが、一度洗濯しただけで完全に消えてしまったので(前回の「RICOH Handy Printer」は数回洗ってもまだ痕跡が残っていた)、あまり実用的ではないCDへのラベル印字は現実的な使い道のひとつだろう段ボールへの直接印字にも対応する。垂直面に印刷できるのは強みだ縦書き印刷にも対応するほか、フォントの変更も可能だ

 However, what becomes the bottleneck is the limit of the printing world (height) for the measured 12.5 mm. Although there is no problem, if you only print a line, for example, if you try to print an address on an envelope, you must accommodate the zip code and the total height of the address and destination is 12.5 mm, there is a rather painful thing in reality.


 In addition, this product also has the function of converting input text and numbers into QR codes or bar codes for printing. Although it is an advantage that it can be printed directly on the side of the vertical corrugated board, there is no split printing function, and the size of the printed bar code becomes extremely small due to the direct application of the above upper and lower 12.5 mm restrictions.

 Especially in the printing of corrugated board, there are many cases of exudation due to the material, if the correct reading test is not carried out after printing, although it can be printed, it may not work as a bar code.


 It is worth mentioning that the smartphone application interface of this product is unique, and it is quite confusing when it is used. For example, there is no concept of line wrapping in the text input area, and the best example is that you have to type a different text box for each line. The name of the recipient of the envelope mentioned above looks like three lines, but it is actually arranged in three one-line text boxes.

 In addition, because the font size adjustment is carried out with the slider, so in order to align the size in the text box arranged up and down, it must be adjusted visually, and it is very customary to use convenience. The function of text decoration is complete, so you can only get used to it while trying and making mistakes.


It would be interesting if the distribution channels for consumables were complete.

 Pen-type hand-held printers, although there are several products on the market, but for legal persons are expensive, or can not use Japanese, there are absolutely not many choices. This product can also be used in Japanese, and the Indiegogo price is 55%, the price is $89, even if there is no discount, you can buy it for 20, 000 yen, which is its charm.

 In addition, if this product is replaced with a color ink cartridge, it can also be printed in color monochrome. In addition to black, because the preparation of magenta, cyan, yellow, light magenta, light cyan these five colors, so it can be used according to the use.


 Because the shipment has not started yet, there is not enough description of how to use it (the author has not found a feature this time), and the use needs to be tried over and over again, but there is no doubt that this is a product that can use other methods. If the distribution channels of consumables are perfect, it will be an interesting presence in such products.

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