Osaka University, which challenges the development of quantum computers software, reasons for emphasizing the need for domestic research | Newswitch by Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun

A very small substance and energy that has the nature of particles and the waves.It shows a phenomenon based on a unique "quantum mechanics" different from the normal physics law.Quantum computers are expected to use this to solve problems that were difficult with conventional processing capacity.Already small, it has hardware.The development of software is also important in parallel to high performance, and Osaka University's Quantum Information and Quantum Life Research Center is challenging that research.(Mitsue Ando, Osaka)

Quantum computers are expected to solve complicated calculations, which takes several thousands of years on current supercomputers, in just a few tens of seconds.The principle is the physics law that works for nanometer (nano is 1 /1 billion).It is based on a small particle -specific "quantum mechanics" that does not work for normal "classical mechanics".Mr. Keisuke Fujii's Faculty of Engineering, Professor Keisuke Fujii, and Deputy Director of the quantum life research center, said, "In quantum mechanics, a phenomenon that goes beyond everyday intuition occurs, but in fact, classical mechanics can be included and all phenomena can explain all phenomena.It is a rule. "

The important thing in the quantum computers in the mainstream "quantum gate system" is the "multiplication of quantum overlapping" phenomenon.The information of the bit, which is the information unit of the existing computer, is expressed in the binary method of 0 and 1.Since all bits are only in the state of 0 or 1, complex information requires many bits, and it takes time to calculate them in order.

量子コンピュータのソフトウェア開発に挑む大阪大学、国内研究の必要性を力説する理由|ニュースイッチ by 日刊工業新聞社

On the other hand, in the information unit "quantum bit" of the quantum gate method computer, the basics are "overlapping" that is not determined either 0 or 1.Since both state 0 and 1 can be processed with a single quantum bit, it is possible to calculate the combination of multiple quantum bits at once.In addition, the "quantum entanglement" phenomenon, which has a strong interaction even when the two particles are separated, is also used.

The beginning of quantum computers is calculation of factor decomposition.It was noted that it could be calculated on a normal computer, but it would take a huge amount of time.As the development progresses in the future, it is expected that even high molecules that are complicatedly connected to atoms will be calculated to calculate optimal solutions and apply them to new materials and new drug development, and will also demonstrate their power in financial fields.The power consumption is low and security is expected.

The hardware of quantum computers is developed by major US IT companies such as IBM and Google.However, the development of quantum software is essential to increase its practicality.There are "quantum errors correction" technology that can be restored by the Han Muscle Information and Quantum Life Research Center, which can restore the original state even if an error occurs in a quantum bit.

At the same time, the development of hardware from Japan is also waiting."The quantum computers can not be settled in three years and five years, and the marathon has just started. A great opportunity for Japan to compete in the IT fields that have been suppressed by the United States," said Professor

Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun October 25, 2021

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