Online Teaching in Primary and Middle Schools in Edogawa District

Online teaching of primary and middle schools in Edogawa District ("Edo District Information" by Takashi Kanai)

There is a wide variety of information about whether primary and secondary schools in Edo district can start teaching online. As a parent, I think this is a very worrying issue. However, with regard to online teaching, there is little new information on Edo's home page. Under such circumstances, a report was published in the NHK Capital Circle NAVI on August 20th.

"can my child take classes online? The current situation of District 23 of Tokyo ""

In this report, Edogawa District distributed a tablet to each household for an interview with NHK. Edogawa District Education Committee replied, "each household should be equipped with a car, but it is necessary to judge whether the study is mastered or not on the Internet."

It is believed that, as a district school as a whole, online courses are not yet ready. However, "judging whether learning is mastered online" is considered too late in the emergency of novel coronavirus's coronal scourge.


Akihika Kobayashi made a report on the online teaching of primary and secondary schools in Edogawa district. What about the second semester in Edo District, Https:// What's gonna happen? About the problem. "

Last year, in order to expand the infection of novel coronavirus, the university suddenly said, "Please start teaching online from April." under the circumstances that the university has few instructions on online teaching methods, I myself am a faculty member of the university (Jiangdong District, Law Department of Musano University). In order to expand the infection of novel coronavirus, the university suddenly said, "Please start teaching online from April." Many teachers are at a loss and barely complete a year of online teaching while learning methods from teachers who are familiar with computers. During that time, teachers had several meetings to share their experiences.

In addition, I have been working in the IT industry for about 20 years, and the field of IT does not start to move after the perfect system and software, but try to move even if there is a little Bug (defect), remove defects (Bug) while moving, and fix the work of something good. Although online courses are a problem in the field of education, from the perspective of IT, I don't think it is necessary to carry out perfectionist thinking of "online judging whether learning is mastered or not".

Please allow me to write from the experience of university teachers and IT work, considering the emergency of this coronal disaster, it is very important to start taking online courses, and the most important thing is to avoid delaying students' learning as much as possible. Edogawa District Education Committee has produced a manual on online teaching in public schools, which must help public schools, but on the other hand, as a school, we also hope that people will try their best to implement online teaching through self-help efforts. It is hoped that teachers in public schools will try their best not to interfere with students' studies.

In addition, the mayor of Edogawa, who has experience as a head of education on the Board of Education, should be able to understand the actual situation in public schools. I'd like to ask the mayor of Edogawa and the Edo District Education Committee to work hard.

Http:// of the Institute of Compliance of the Autonomous Sports School (Edogawa District, Tokyo) represents lawyer Takashi Kanai (Takeshi Kanai) (Professor of Graduate School of Law, Musano University [Jiangdong District], a lawyer living in Edo District) ("Hello"). ) (please follow. Send information about Edo district.)

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