See "HP Stream 11" in the photo

Japan's Hewlett-Packard Co., Ltd. (HP) has launched a low-priced 11.6 Camshell notebook computer with a direct selling price of 25800 yen without tax.

The Stream series is a model that transfers the technology used in tablets to Klum Shell to achieve low price by reducing the number of parts. It has been revealed that Microsoft's activity in July will be invested at a low price of 199 US dollars, which has also attracted people's attention in China.

In October, Hewlett-Packard in Japan launched the "HP Stream 14", the type 14 of the Stream series, but this product will become its sister model. Local storage capacity as small as 32 GB is a feature of the Stream series, provided that cloud services including online storage are used, including a two-year right to use 100 GB of OneDrive, and iPass with access to global Wi-Fi hotspots (except Stream 14).

Although the price is low, it also achieves texture, which is also a feature of the Stream series. From a distance, the bright blue color gives the impression of a slightly toy style, but it's not so bad if you actually get it. The desktop and the bottom cover are wired eyes, it is difficult to have a fingerprint of the small pear skin to create a good impression. Palm Peak also uses Imprint technology, the dot pattern + blue gradient is completed with personality.

The only LCD frame and key top is the feeling of the plastic itself, but if you focus on the picture, you won't care. Rather, what people care about is the brightness of the picture. In today's models, even if it is the brightest, it will give people a dark impression. In addition, the perspective is not very high. Even for 10, 000 yen tablets, the IPS LCD adoption mode is increasing, and I want to try again.

写真で見る「HP Stream 11」

Other user interfaces, on the other hand, are solid. The first is the keyboard. In low-cost laptops, there are many cases where you have to give up keystroke touch, but this product ensures the stroke and high rigidity, so you can get a firm sense of click without the deflection when pressing. The bond spacing is also about 18.75 mm, which has a surplus. Although the touchpad is a button-all-in-one type, even if it is tracked with a soft touch for a long time, the fingertips will not be tired and the pointer responds well.

With regard to sound, for people who work very hard for this category, the resonance of the shell is well used to ensure the volume / bass to some extent. Because there is no fan, it is out of touch with noise, so it is very suitable for enjoying music. Moreover, although there is no fan, it does not get hot in the action, and although it feels a certain degree of heat at the right end of the keyboard in the benchmark, the palmrest has nothing to do with heat and is very comfortable.

As a reference to publish the results of the benchmark. The author decided to switch the benchmark software from PCMark7 to PCMark8 from this time. This time, due to the loan time of the equipment, only Home and Creative suites are implemented (both using OpenCL's Accelerated). In addition, the measurement of battery driving time has also been changed from BBench to more modern PCMark8 Home. The brightness is set to 50%.

For comparison, the results of Detchable's "HP Pavilion11x2" (with Pentium N3510) and the tablet's "HP ElitePad G1000" (with Atom Z3795) are published. Although PCMark8 is not implemented in the comparison model, the results of final Fantasy XI official benchmark 3 and SiSoftware Sandra show that it is almost based on the number of cores and clocks of CPU. In the implementation of PCMark8, even if the action of tracking the clock, there is no decline in speed, the design can withstand the drive for a long time without fans. The battery also works for 6 hours and 19 minutes, which is enough if necessary.

From the PC advanced point of view, although equipped with 64bit OS, the memory is only 2 GB. In the era of high-resolution / wide-field angle development of smart phones, 1366 × 768point display corresponding to TN LCD has become the bottleneck of purchase. But in recent years, with the rise of tablets and the expulsion of netbooks from the market, it is certain that users of "I want a successor to netbooks" have disappeared. Can this product meet the needs of its user layer?

On the other hand, the first one for PC beginners, especially for students, is a good fit. Because it is not a HDD, it can be handled a little rough, and because there are no fans, it can also be used in places like the library. It is very convenient to play and investigate small videos and music. It's not bad to get used to using PC in order to prepare for the coming future. Because there is an SD card slot, it can also be used to browse and upload photos taken with a digital camera. In short, it seems that what needs to be done in daily life can be done over and over again.

In this sense, although I want to prepare a lot of color changes, I can choose according to my personality, but I still look forward to the next issue. In short, it is worth commenting on the fact that it keeps pace with tablets in terms of price, increasing the choice of users.

本体。液晶は非光沢だ天板には大きくHPのロゴがあしらわれている後ろから見てもなかなかかっこいい本体底面本体左側面にはSDカードスロットとDC入力を装備右側面はUSB 2.0、USB 3.0、HDMI出力、音声入出力を備えるキーボード配列は同社製ノートPCを踏襲するファンクションキーは標準でホットキーとして動作する。ファンクションキーとして使う際はFnキー同時押しキーはアイソレーションタイプで、誤入力が少ないキーピッチは約18.75mm確保されているタッチパッドは左右クリックボタン一体型となっている。ツルッとしており、指が疲れないタッチパッドの幅は約95mmタッチパッドの高さは約56mm。広々使えるキーボード面はドットパターンのグラデーションで、質感は高い電源ボタンは電源LEDを内蔵する底面のスピーカー。左右に付いており、音量は十分だ重量は実測で1,268gヒンジ部にHewlett-Packardのロゴが印字される液晶はノングレアで視認性は良いが、輝度を最大にしても明るい環境下では暗く見える左右の視野角はそれほど広くなく、TNパネルと見られる
Stream 11Pavilion 11x2HP ElitePad G1000
CPUCeleron N2830Pentium N3510Atom Z3795
ストレージ32GB eMMC128GB SSD128GB eMMC
OSWindows 8.1Windows 8Windows 8.1
Home accelerated1082--
Web Browsing-JunglePin0.527s--
Web Browsing-Amazonia0.169s--
Photo Editing v22.993s--
Video Chatv2/Video Chat playback 1 v220fps--
Video Chat v2/Video Chat encoding v2578.3ms--
Casual Gaming6.6fps--
Benchmark duration1h8min27s--
Creative Accelerated1027--
Web Browsing-JunglePin0.518s--
Web Browsing-Amazonia0.167s--
Video Group Chat v2/Video Group Chat playback 1 v230fps--
Video Group Chat v2/Video Group Chat playback 2 v230fps--
Video Group Chat v2/Video Group Chat playback 3 v230fps--
Video Chat v2/Video Chat encoding v2472ms--
Photo Editing v22.579s--
Batch Photo Editing v2151.8s--
Video Editing part 1v251.6s--
Video Editing part21v2210.9s--
Mainstream Gaming part 11.3fps--
Mainstream Gaming part 20.6fps--
Video To Go part 115.1s--
Video To Go part 224.4s--
Music To Go54s--
Benchmark duration2h33min59s--
Sisoftware Sandra
Graphics Rendering Float44.91Mpixel/sec43.16 Mpixel/sec45Mpixel/sec
Graphics Rendering Double8.47Mpixel./sec8.07 Mpixel/sec8.48Mpixel/sec

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