The hourly wage of workers with disabilities in 42 states in the United States is only $ 2, and the Employment Enlightenment Month in the United States is now the most necessary opportunity to respect, consider the employment of people with disabilities, and raise awareness.

Jenny Lay-Flurrie-Microsoft Chief Accessibility Orix

"It is posted based on the abstract translation.

According to the US Census Bureau, more than 40 million people have disabilities in the United States.The COVID-19 has a greater adverse effect on people with disabilities, further exacerbating the problem of WHO (World Health Organization) called Disability Divide.The number of people with disabilities is on the rise.As was the case before the pandemic, it has increased further since then, and recently the "long -cobbit (colona sequelae)" has been designated as a disability.

The theme of this year's Disavility Employment Awareness (Employment Enlightenment Month in the United States, abbreviated as a NDEAM), "America's Recovery: Powered by Inclusion"It strikes the heart of the problem and is consistent with Microsoft's beliefs.Microsoft believes that disability is an advantage.By securing the "inclusion" of people with disabilities in the workplace, Microsoft missions will be further promoted to enable all people on the earth and all organizations to achieve more things.

In order for everyone to achieve more things, it is necessary to foster an inclusive workplace culture, especially in the workplace, so that employees can do the best job.Everything must be guided so that flexible employees can transition to a hybrid work culture.

Fair wages for everyone

Earlier this year, Microsoft supports people with disabilities by technologies by technologies (importing accessibility from design), continuing to work on inclusive workplaces, creating opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in work.By doing so, we have announced multiple years commitment to eliminate disability disparity.

I have great expectations and joy in the progress so far, but even if I think that it is NDEAM, I have to complain that people with disabilities are not treated equally in employment.。This week, California has applauded that California has begun to end an end to hiring people with disabilities below the minimum wage.This practice was legally allowed to set the hourly wage of workers with disabilities to about $ 2.California will gradually abolish employment practices below the minimum wage, as in the other 10 or more other states and federal government efforts.

Microsoft believes that it is extremely important that everyone pays fair wages, and all employees who work under their own supported employment process are competitive in both full -time and part -time wages and benefits.I am proud to have welfare.In 2019, we expanded the practice of this program to all suppliers, added provisions to the Code of Conduct, and reconfirmed the obligation to pay the appropriate minimum wage to everyone.I was able to take an important step at a small even smaller to resolve the disparity.

To create a better, fairer and more inclusive workplace, there is still something you need to do.The following is a company -wide approach to enhance the focus and learning awareness of this issue, and examples of the opportunity to participate in October as NDEAM.

Support for job hunting activities

Finding the next job can be a tough experience.John's Crazy Socks founder John Lee Cronin and Mark X Clonin (Mark X.Cronin), Walmart's Russell Shaffer, Microsoft's Neil Barnett (Neil Barnettttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt -in) Participated in employment panels with BLAKE Lawit, a modelator, and employment opportunities and hybrids.We will discuss how to work in workforce.In this event hosted by Linky Tein, we will deeply delve into hints on employment and recruitment, such as management of employment interviews, disclosure of disability information, and accommodation requirements.This event is for all job seekers and aims to provide new hints, insights and resources that are useful for job hunting.

Construction of an inclusive workplace

米国の 42 州において障碍のある労働者の時給はわずか 2 ドル、全米障碍者雇用啓発月間は、今まさに障碍のある人の雇用を尊重し、熟慮し、意識を高めるために最も必要な機会

Microsoft really hopes to fully reflect the whole picture of people with disabilities in the world.At the end of this month, the employment rate data for those with the latest disabilities will be published in an annual report on diversity and inclusion.After the announcement, we will share the Linkedin post, which explains the meaning of the numerical value, and explain the following steps in the Inclusion initiatives in Microsoft.


This month, Xbox has sent praise messages to gamers, players and creators of people with disabilities through Twitch and Stream.In relation to employment, I use Minecraft for Neurodiversity Hiring Program.The Minecraft Education team has created a minecraft experience that can be used to evaluate candidates.The following videos show that participating in the customized Minecraft issues has become an opportunity for neurominancy job seekers to demonstrate Microsoft's strengths, such as teamwork and collaboration.For additional information about this program, please refer to the Neuro Diversity Employment Site.

Accessibility as a design idea

障碍格差を解消する上でテクノロジは重要です。デジタル経済においては、テクノロジへのアクセス、アクセシブルなテクノロジへのアクセスが、ワークフォースへの参加に不可欠です。マイクロソフトはこの責任を真剣に受け止め、Accessibility as a design ideaを備え、最初の段階から適切に機能する製品を作ることにフォーカスしています。

Last week, Microsoft's Chief Product Officer Panos Panay announced a new Surface Adaptive Kit for Surface devices and accessories.This kit contains a simple tool that can be used in various ways when you find a key key, open a laptop computer, or connect accessories.The kit is packed in an accessible package so that everyone can enjoy the joy of opening itself.This kit will be released in November.For more information, see Surface Adaptive Kit - Microsoft Store.

We will provide more information about new products and new features this month.For example, Windows 11, which will be released on October 5, provides a function to enable everyone to work in the best way.Windows speech that automatically hits phrasal reading points that transmit the brand from EASE OF Access to accessibility, redesign contrast theme, new options for video captions, and transcribe texts to recognize audio and transcribe text.Input etc. have been added.

We will also introduce the activities of the M365 teams that are developing tools that are indispensable for workpace, such as Outlook, Microsoft Teams, and Excel, will be introduced in October.It provides a function to achieve flexible response to various obstacles.Even if you have a disability or hearing of a neuro diversity, you can understand all conversations using accessibility functions such as captions depending on the situation.

Special support

During this pandemic period, Microsoft learned that accessibility and technical support for people with disabilities are an important factor in creating an inclusive workplace.Since his migration to pandemic and remote work has begun, Microsoft's Edad (Enterprise Disability Answer Desk) wants to support the maintenance of employees during remote work.Consultation from customers has doubled.Enterprise customers can answer questions about accessibility, product compliance, and support technology by contacting Enterprise Disavility Answer Desk (Edad).

If the person with a disability requires technical support, the consumer Disavility Answer Desk (DAD) is supported by telephone (800-936-5900) or chat.He also provides ASL (sign language) options (+1 503-427-1234) to customers with hearing impairments in the United States, and also provides video support with the Be My Eyes app.

For additional information www.Microsoft.See Com/EN-us/Accessibility.

Related information Microsoft's access vitality https: //


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Tags: Accessibility, Digital Transformation, Diversity, Economic Recovery, Skilling, Surface, Trust, Workstyle Innovation (AI)

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