Why is the share of electronic contracts expanding significantly | Explanation of recommended services and how to choose | Media HR NOTE that supports corporate growth from the personnel department

Efforts such as “de-hanko” and “paperless” have been accelerating since the new Kan Cabinet was launched on September 16, 2020.

It is inefficient to have to come to the office to stamp even though it is telework, and the digitization of contract work has been particularly promoted in society as a whole in recent years.

However, it seems that the current situation is that it is not yet clear how many companies and businesses have actually introduced electronic contracts.

In this article, we will explain the current market share of electronic contracts by delving into typical services based on trends and future prospects in the electronic contract market.

Introducing the functions and features of each service!

As work style reforms and remote work spread, many companies are beginning to consider introducing electronic contract services. If you want a list of various electronic contract services or want to see the differences, functions, and features of each system, please use this electronic contract service comparison table.


  • 2.Advantages of introducing electronic contracts
  • 3.How to choose an electronic contract system
  • 4.Comparison of typical electronic contract services with many companies
  • 5.Summary
  • 1.Why is the share of electronic contracts increasing rapidly? But what exactly is the boom in the electronic contract market?

    According to a survey on the electronic contract service market by Yano Research Institute in 2020, the market size of the electronic contract service in 2020 was expected to increase by 58.8% from the previous year to 10.8 billion yen.

    This is an amazing growth rate, and it is predicted that by 2024 it will grow to 26.4 billion yen, more than double the 2020 estimate.

    Similarly, when compared with the EC market, which is on the rise, the growth rate in recent years is about 10% in high fields, so it can be said that the electronic contract market is in an unprecedented growth period. increase.

    What kind of electronic contract services are actually being used?

    Let's take a look at the specifics of electronic contract services from two services, DocuSign, which boasts an overwhelming global market share, and CloudSign, which has the No. 1 market share in Japan.

    Please refer to Chapter 4 for a detailed comparison of costs, etc.

    The world's No. 1 electronic contract service is DocuSign, headquartered in the United States.

    The biggest feature of DocuSign is that it supports 180 countries and 44 languages.

    Features include:

    DocuSign is a system that is more suitable for companies around the world and companies that do business with foreign companies than for domestic companies, and the number of companies that have introduced it in Japan is not disclosed. The need for electronic contracts is increasing worldwide.

    At the same time, it can be said that it is a service that anticipates that contracts that cross borders will become even more popular in the future.

    An electronic contract service with the No. 1 market share in Japan for DocuSign is CloudSign, operated by Bengo4.com.

    Crowdsign has an advantage over other services in that it is officially recognized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism as conforming to the legal system.

    Looking at the introduction results, there are many names of large companies with a large number of employees. (Example below)

    Basically, there is no big difference from DocuSign in terms of functions, but it is characterized by being able to sign long-term signatures according to the Japanese legal system.

    If you want to know more about long-term signatures and timestamps, please refer to the following articles.

    ▽ Reference article

    What is a timestamp? Is it different from an electronic signature? |Easy-to-understand explanation of roles and mechanisms in electronic contracts

    As of January 2021, more than 140,000 companies have introduced it, and it is operated by Bengo4.com, which is well-known for its legal web services, so it is also related to its high level of trust and name recognition. There may be

    2. Advantages of introducing electronic contracts

    In contract work, it is necessary to hand over contract documents to external parties.

    In the case of conventional paper-based contracts, there are many cases where you feel that it takes more time than necessary because you have to mail multiple times in the conclusion flow.

    If you use the electronic contract service, it is a great advantage that you can do all the complicated work online, from creating contract documents to sending and storing them.

    Not only does it save time and effort, electronic contract services also greatly contribute to cost reduction.

    There is always a stamp duty on paper contracts. This stamp tax will be exempt from electronic contracts, which will be the biggest cost reduction.

    Furthermore, if you consider the cost of printing and mailing, the use of electronic contracts is a great cost advantage for companies that exchange countless contracts on a daily basis.

    Why electronic contracts have increased their share significantly |Recommended services and how to choose | Explanation of recommended services and how to choose | HR media to support corporate growth Media HR NOTE that supports corporate growth

    Basically, all electronic contract services guarantee the safety and reliability of contracts by adding an electronic signature using an electronic certificate and a time stamp.

    In modern times, scanner technology has advanced, and it can be said that counterfeiting of paper contracts can be done without special advanced technology.

    On the other hand, the safety of electronic contracts is guaranteed by the latest technology, and by clearly assuring that documents have not been tampered with, they have legal effect, so electronic contracts greatly contribute to strengthening compliance. increase.

    If you want to know more about the advantages of introducing electronic contracts, please refer to the following article.

    ▽ Reference article

    Introducing the merits and cautions of introducing an electronic contract system and typical services

    >>For those who want to know more about electronic contract services

    The basics of electronic contracts are fully understood!

    [Official / Material DL →] Preserved version in 2022 | Guidebook on how to start electronic contracts

    3. How to choose an electronic contract system

    Electronic contract services can be summed up in a wide variety of functions and prices.

    In order to introduce and effectively utilize electronic contracts, it is important to firmly determine which service is the best for your company.

    Below are three points to consider when choosing an electronic contract service.

    First of all, the most important thing is "Are there documents handled by the company and services to be introduced?"

    "I chose a multi-functional service, but there were unnecessary functions, which caused unnecessary costs."

    "Due to the lack of functionality of what we have introduced, we will have to make a paper contract unavoidably."

    If a situation like this happens, there will be no source or child.

    Clarify in advance what kind of contracts are in place in your company, and carefully consider whether the necessary functions are fully installed.

    When introducing a new system, the "moment of introduction" is the biggest hurdle.

    Specifically, the following obstacles can be considered.

    For these, when considering electronic contract services

    It is important to consider before the actual introduction, such as confirming whether the vendor's introduction support service is sufficient, and checking the feeling of use once in the free plan / free trial period.

    The worst situation is "I tried to introduce it, but in the end it was less time consuming and costly to use paper."

    In order to prevent the above situation, it is effective to make a detailed comparison with the conventional paper contract when considering the introduction.


    It is necessary to understand

    in detail on a numerical basis, and to be able to clearly explain that the benefits are greater within the company.

    ▽ Reference article What is an electronic contract? Introducing the differences between written contracts and electronic signatures and points to note when introducing them!
    >>For those who want to know more about electronic contract services

    The basics of electronic contracts are fully understood!

    [Official / Material DL →] Preserved version in 2022 | Guidebook on how to start electronic contracts

    4. Comparison of typical electronic contract services with many companies

    Finally, we will introduce three types of electronic contract services that are attracting attention.

    It boasts the world's No. 1 share, and the number of companies that have introduced it reaches more than 660,000 companies.

    < td>$15 ($10)
    Plan nameInitial costMonthly fee (for annual contract)
    PersonalInquire$15 ($10)
    Standard (Business)Ask$40 ($25)
    Business Pro (Business)Ask$60 ($40)
    Real Estate StarterAsk
    Real EstateInquire$40 ($25)

    Provider: DocuSign Japan K.K.

    Service URL: https://www.docusign.jp/

    It boasts the No. 1 share in Japan, and the number of companies that have introduced it reaches more than 140,000.

    < td>10,000 yen~
    Plan NameInitial FeeMonthly Fee
    Free plan¥0
    Standard PlusFree20,000 yen~
    Business planFreeFrom 100,000 yen

    Provided by Bengo4.com Inc.

    Service URL: https://www.cloudsign.jp/

    We boast the No. 1 domestic sales share of electronic contract services.

    Plan NameInitial FeeMonthly Fee
    CONTRACTHUB@absonne light packInquiry required¥50,000
    CONTRACTHUB@absonne Inquiry required150,000 yen

    Provider: Nippon Steel Solutions Co., Ltd.

    Service URL: https://www.itis.nssol.nipponsteel.com/contracthub/


    How was it?

    There is no doubt that the demand for electronic contract itself will increase both domestically and internationally, even if there is no concrete numerical figure to what percentage of the domestic share of the electronic contract service.

    Conversely, it can be said that we do not know which electronic contract service will become the mainstay in the future because the market itself is expanding significantly.

    When considering the introduction, let's thoroughly examine which electronic contract service is the best for your company.

    >>For those who want to know more about electronic contract services

    The basics of electronic contracts are fully understood!

    [Official / Material DL →] Preserved version in 2022 | Guidebook on how to start electronic contracts

    Introducing the functions and features of each service!

    As work style reforms and remote work spread, many companies are beginning to consider introducing electronic contract services. If you want a list of various electronic contract services or want to see the differences, functions, and features of each system, please use this electronic contract service comparison table.

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