What is the Panasonic field engineering that supports 400,000 cases a year on the same day?

On July 27, Panasonic System Solutions Japan (PSSJ) held an online press conference to explain domestic initiatives in field engineering (construction, installation, maintenance, and operation services) that supports on -site process innovation.

Panasonic has been promoting "site process innovation" as a focusing business since 2018, and has been focusing on the supply chain management (SCM) field.On April 23, 2021, the company acquired the US Blue Yonder, a major supply chain software giant, for $ 7.1 billion (about 800 billion yen).

In this project, Panasonic's 100 -year know -how, industrial engineering (IE), various edge devices that acquire on -site data and image sensing, and software platforms using blue -tailed AI, and demand and supply.The aim is to realize the changes in real time, and to optimize on -site work and to save people.

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SaaS software, technology solutions, edge devices, etc. are of course important, but field engineers such as intangible resources, installation, maintenance, and operation services are indispensable in improving the efficiency of the field.


The PSSJ engineering headquarters has 70 bases nationwide, and has about 1600 service staff.The call center is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and we will support the site by performing construct, maintenance, and operation at a stretch.

According to the company, the annual reception of engineering is about 400,000, the annual operation is about 160,000, and the number of compatible items can be handled other than Panasonic products.At the call center in Sapporo, Hokkaido, which is a disability reception desk, the response rate exceeds 90%, and the primary solution rate of the System Customer Consultation Center in Shinagawa, Tokyo, a product consultation desk, is 92%.

As a specific example, engineering support for post offices was introduced.The company has supported 24,000 post offices nationwide, and will respond on the same day from arrangements to rush response after receiving a trouble in the installed terminals and security cameras.

The company also supports the repair of the Let's Note "Let's Note" for all corporate PCs.In the case of on -site maintenance, in principle, we visit the business day after the business day and respond to disabilities on the spot.Even in the case of pick -up and maintenance, the repair will be completed within 24 hours after arrival.The total number of units is 50,000 units in total, and it seems that both speed and volume are not too short.According to the Nikkei Computer Customer Satisfaction Survey 2020-2021, it has won the first place in the notebook PC category, and has also received the top reputation in the evaluation item "Support".

One of the reasons for these achievements is that they are focusing on the educational system for the response staff.At the “Management Quality Awareness Center” that shares past cases of permanent in the company, corresponding staff repeatedly studying customer voices, work and design quality.There is also a subsidy system for the state and vendor qualifications, which promotes the acquisition of IT qualifications other than national qualifications necessary for business by preparing for learning support tests for proprietary programs.In addition, it has a company -specific certification system as a manufacturer's engineer, gaining knowledge of the products necessary for providing services.

"The mission of field engineering is to connect the customer's site with the development, manufacture, and sales," explained Katsutoshi Fujii, Director of Director of Director of PSSJ.

In general manufacturers, they often operate engineering companies separately from development, manufacturing, and sales, and there are issues that the voices of customers in the field are difficult to reach to the development department.Panasonic, on the other hand, provides one company from development to engineering, so feedback on the voices of the site and the issues that he noticed on site can be used in the company to create solutions suitable for customer business processes.

The company plans to continue to build a continuous trust with customers in the field engineering business and create a recitaling business.

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