The new trolley of Victorinox, which is tough and usable like a multi tool, is also particular about sustainability

Consideration for the environment by adopting a strong playback resin

Victorino is developing many excellent items that are useful in everyday life, including multi -tools that are used by many people.The "Spectra Torory" collection, which represents the luggage line of the same brand, upgraded functionality, innovation, style, etc. "Spectra 3.Evolved to 0 ".See a sustainable trolley with functionality like "Victory" in photos (12 pieces) In addition to "Expan Double Size Global Carry On", "Expan Double Medium Case", and "Expan Double Large Case", organized and stored.A lineup of all four models of the "Trunk Large Case" with two convenient packing cubes.


Victorinox "Spectra 3" that combines the core value of excellent functionality that leads to multi tools and sustainability due to recycled materials and high durability..0 "

In each case, the black of the basic color and the Victorinox red are made of a stylish design that stands out.It is also worth noting that the new standards for manufacturing that are “sustainability” are on top of that.Such "Spectra 3.0 "の魅力について、マーチャンダイジング部デパートメントマネージャーのウェールズさんは次のように語る。「いまや“サステナビリティ“は、ビクトリノックスの商品開発において重要なポイントとなっています。『スペクトラ3.0] is a trademark of Sony Group Co., Ltd., and is the first Victorinox suitcase made of polycarbonate shell material using a playback plastic “SORPLAS” that is attracting attention as a next -generation regenerative resin.This high -performance recycled polycarbonate material has excellent strength and wear resistance, clearing high quality standards and strict tests we want.Realized durability as a premium product.A sturdy and long -term use suitcase will reduce the need for replacement, reproduction, and disposal, resulting in a reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. "In Victorinox, sustainable materials are the main products.By actively, it will keep the usage rate of natural materials and consumption of valuable resources, and continue efforts to protect the environment.

A safe design that promises a comfortable trip

"Spectra 3.0 "シリーズは、サステナブルで高機能というだけでなく、スタイリッシュなルックスも魅力的だ。 リブ模様が特徴的なマットな再生ポリカーボネート製のシェルに、保護コーナーガードを装備。ビジネスからレジャーまでマルチに使えるデザインに仕上がっている。 さらに、快適な旅を実現するための現代的な使い勝手を満たしている点にも注目だ。「たとえば『エキスパンダブル グローバルキャリーオン』は、フロントオープンのコンパートメントを備えており、ノートパソコンや書類、貴重品などを、メインケースを開閉することなくクイックに出し入れできます。 またコンパートメントには、オーガニゼーションパネルを搭載。4スロットのTSA認証ロックによりラゲージのメイン収納部分を別々にロックすることができます」(ウェールズさん)

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