[Faculty] For new first graders (3/18 updated)

Congratulations on your new students and parents.To prevent the spread of infections of the new colon virus infection and the safety of you, the entrance ceremony and orientation in FY2022 will be implemented as follows.Due to the expansion of the new colon virus infection, there is a possibility of change in the future, so please check the latest information on this page as appropriate.


1.About the entrance ceremony

In order to avoid density to the venue, we will carry out time depending on the faculty.Please check the start time etc.

[Date] Saturday, April 9th

2022 entrance ceremony

2.About orientation


In the orientation, you will be registered for course and guidance on university life.The schedule will be distributed to avoid density to the classroom.Therefore, the orientation starts before the entrance ceremony (4/9), so be careful not to make a mistake.

Faculty of Commerce, Faculty of Policy Information, Faculty of Service Creation, Faculty of Human Sociology (200KB) Faculty of International Liberal Arts (139KB)


At the time of entry

Request such as temperature inspection at the time of entry (174KB)

3.商経学部・Faculty of Policy Informationに入学予定の方へ


Asked to select a foreign language selection of subjects, you will have either English or Chinese.

Ask me to choose which one to choose on the first day of the orientation.In advance, check the characteristics of each word type from the "CUC language selection guidance" and consider which one to choose.* The word type cannot be changed after the decision.

CUC language selection guidance

[学部] 新1年生の方へ(3/18更新)

On the first day of the orientation, you will be asked to answer the word selection questionnaire.

[Answer period] April 4th (Monday) to 5 (Tue) from 9:00 am


A place test will be conducted to understand the basic academic ability of English at the time of enrollment.The place test is for all students enrolling in the Faculty of Commerce and the Faculty of Policy and Information, regardless of the desired wording in "Selecting a Foreign Language Type".Also, if you select English in "Selecting a Foreign Language Type", classes will be divided based on the results of the play test.The purpose is to divide classes to enhance the educational effect, so please answer without using a dictionary (about 20 to 30 minutes).Test results do not affect grades.

[Implementation method] For the web test, you will be tested at home.Check the "implementation date and time" below and make a schedule.


[Implementation date and time] Faculty of Commerce

Faculty of Policy Information

Preparation day

4.About course registration

We will have you register your own course during the following course registration period.

Lottery subject application period

Regular training registration period

Materials for guidance (network use guidance, course guidance, etc.) required for course registration will be distributed on the first day of the orientation.

5.2022 How to implement classes in the spring semester

President message

6.About the Japanese Student Services Organization scholarship

I will book a Japanese Student Agency scholarship in high school and explain the necessary procedures before participating in the scholarship orientation to those who have become candidates for recruitment.Reserved recruiters should watch videos, fill in materials in advance, and then participate in the orientation.

7.Others (alert, etc.)

As April approaches, social media such as LINE, Instagram, and Twitter include posts for new students with hashtags such as "#Spring to CUC", "#Spring from Spring", and "#Chiba Commerce University".It starts to increase.Please note that some of the universities and organizations are unrelated to the university, as they, pretending to be club activities and circles at the university, to announce and solicit events such as enthusiasts, cult religions and malicious commercial laws.。

Please try to manage your personal information and protect your own safety.

New students have a post that claims to be "Chiba Commercial University" and "CUC", and there is no guarantee that all of the transmission information is reliable, and it seems like providing useful information.Recognizing that there are cases in which we guide to sites, etc., and that it contains malicious intent, and when using social media such as SNS, "Where is the source of the information and reliable?"Make sure to identify yourself, manage your personal information and protect your safety.


Chiba Commerce University of Commerce Academic Affairs Division

[About the Japanese Student Agency for Student Agency] Chiba Commerce University Student Division

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