The unfortunate standing position GAFA of the "excellent but unhappy person who is excellent but unhappy" is directly biased "The best work area"

Taking the ball in baseball or golf with the highest RBI and giving results is called "core and sweet spot" in English.In the world of business, in the business world, the area where you have the expertise and the self -confidence and passion you can do without any concern is called the "best work area (sweet spot)".

If you work in this "best work area", you will realize a life that can result in results without feeling anxiety or boring.This is the necessary element in the coming era.And in order to work in this field, it is most important to know what you are good at / like.

Deep the positioning in the "standing position chart"

At work, you can't always work in a position that suits you.If you're working hard, you won't get any results, or is it okay?If you are anxious or impatient, you may be gaps in your "position".First, let's dig deeper into your standing position.

「優秀なのに不幸になる人」の残念すぎる立ち位置 GAFA部長が直伝「最高の仕事領域」の見つけ方

There are various options for work.What you always need in every branch is "you can see it."

What I use is a way to make the notebook divided into four and visualize my current position.

As shown in the figure, please divide your current work in the A4 spread of your current job, and divide it into four divisions as shown in the figure below.

I named each area of each of the four -part maps as "the best worker (sweet sporter)", "excellent misfortune", "poor side lovers", and "struggling people in idle".rice field.

Where is your position now in these four areas?Also, what direction do you want to go in the future? 

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