The secret story of the development of "Jesus" and the transplanted version "Zevius", which was made next to Dragon Quest, and why "Geimu Madman" retired?

[Editorial Department]: The post ended in 1981, but the following year, the editorial department of "I/O" was called and wrote an article.

[Geumu]: You did it only once.I said it was already unpleasant, but I was told to write only this time.

[Mitsuhara]: After that, I will post again.

[Genmu]: That's right.When I brought the program, it was "Eh!?" (Laughs).I put it on, but I didn't have a very good face.

[Mitsuhara]: But the cover says "Geizumi Madman's Resurrection".

[Geumu]: Because it was not good.After all, if there is a one -year blank, the year at that time is big.

株式会社ハル研究所取締役所長 三津原敏氏PasocomMiniプロジェクトの仕掛け人にして、大のレトロパソコンフリークでもある。若かりし頃には多くの雑誌、書籍掲載プログラムを打ち込み、解析して腕を上達させ、職業プログラマの道へ進んだ

[Editorial Department]: I actually played and played, but it was interesting.

[Geumu]: It's a bit old, but it's interesting, right?It was about six months ago at the game center, and I made it.After that, there were a lot of amazing people.I took the best place (laughs).It was an era where we could do everything alone, but if we were programming with some people, we ended up fighting.There is a problem of size and copyright, and someone has definitely decided to say, "I don't want to do this!"I'm no good for groups.Since all the participants are enthusiasts, they don't compromise because they want to manage only their parts.That's why I retired at a good time.

[Mr. Mitsuhara]: In that era, the man who was shining was a shining man.

[Geumu]: I'm glad I stopped it.If you leave it, it's ugly.

芸夢狂人(本名:鈴木孝成)1980年に「I/O」へハイレベルなプログラムを投稿し、その完成度の高さから一躍注目を集める。同誌での活動期間は約1年ほどで、その後はエニックスより「芸夢狂人の宇宙旅行」、「アラレのJump up」、「ゼビウス」を発売したほか、「ジーザス」、「ジーザス2」にもかかわる

[Mitsuhara]: But because there was a professional doctor?

[Geumu]: No, I was able to do it because my professional was free.

[Mitsuhara]: Did you not want to go to a computer -related occupation?

[Geumu]: I didn't want to do that difficult thing (laughs).

[Mitsuhara]: Even if you are posting!?

[Genmu]: This is just a hobby (laughs).I never want to do a decent computer.

[Mitsuhara]: "Jesus" is a commercial title made by a group.

[Genmu]: I liked the game of "Zevius", so I thought I could do it, but "Jesus" was doing it (laughs).I was asked ...

エニックスから1987年に発売された「ジーザス」は、コマンド選択式のアドベンチャーゲーム。プログラムを担当したのが芸夢狂人氏で、スタッフロールには本名、鈴木孝成(TAKANARI SUZUKI)の表記がある。なお、ミニゲームとして同氏作の「スペースマウス」が収録されている

[Mitsuhara]: What is the consciousness of eating on a computer?

[Genmu]: I didn't have it at all.The computer is mulky.It is crazy to keep working for hours a day.However, there seemed to be a lot of people who went to the computer because of me, and I was sorry (laughs).

[Mitsuhara]: No, no, there may be about 10 % of the current industry without Geizumi Madman (laughs).

[Genmu]: Hey, you did something guilty.


[Mitsuhara]: By the way, why is it the name of a madman?

[Geumu]: I don't remember ... I wonder if I happened to come up with it.

[Mitsuhara]: Geizumi Madman, Ruritateha and Falcon.Which is the first?

[Geumu]: Geumu Madman is the first.At the time of transplantation, the name was changed.

[Mitsuhara]: I think the sense of the name was also good.

[Geumu]: That's right now.

[Editorial Department]: In the later interview, there is also a story that it is called "Geumukiyo".

[Genmu]: It was actually the case, not a madman (laughs).I don't care anymore.It's appropriate and no problem (laughs).

[Mitsuhara]: By the way, is there any of the most favorite titles and favorite works you have made?

[Geumu]: Because everyone says it's good, is it a "space mouse"?(smile).Others are hard because they move quickly.


[Mitsuhara]: "Space mouse" does not have enemies depending on the location ...

[Geumu]: You can wait.If you wait too much, time will come.

[Mitsuhara]: That time was also set very long.Speaking of which, is the story of "Space Mouse" retrofitting?Or is it ahead?

[Geumu]: Afterwards.As a science fiction boy, I read a lot of books, so it is a science fiction -like story.I was reading the "Space Heroes Perry Lordin" series, but I gave up on the way.

[Editorial department]: So there are many cosmic things.

[Geumu]: I like science fiction cosmic items.

「スペースマウス」もPasocomMini PC-8001にプリインストールされている

[Editorial Department]: "Luna City SOS" also says that it looks like that in the introduction.

[Genmu]: I also read the science fiction magazine, and the introduction was the cosmic.Space opera is good.

[Editorial Department]: The culmination is "Space Travel of Geizume Madman"!?

[Geumu]: For the time being.But that's just a lot of past works (laughs).

エニックスからパッケージ販売された「芸夢狂人の宇宙旅行」。なお、この作品はPC-8001mkII用なので「PasocomMini PC-8001」には収録されていない

[Mitsuhara]: The last 80mKII meeting (dozens of people bring a PC-8001MKII once every few months and play for a day), so a madman comes in the "Geiju Madness Space Travel".If everyone was playing with the goal of clearing, the county (the "Pasocommini" director) was cleared.

[Genmu]: You were surprised.I didn't know that the contents of each stage were all decided ...Certainly, if it is random, it will never end (laughs).If you clear it once.From the next time you play according to the course, you can clear it.The course diagram must be confidential (laughs).

[Editorial Department]: Isn't there just a few dozens of people in Japan who have cleared the "Geiju Mad Space Travel"?

[Genmu]: Sometimes.

[Editorial department]: Did debugging difficult?

[Geumu]: It was hard.However, since it was the culmination of old works, it was okay if the work that could be made to some extent was loose.

[Editor]: Both PC-8001 and PC-8001MKII, for users in the PC-8001 area, Gyumo Madman was a grateful person because he would make a lot of games.

[Geumu]: Hey (laughs).It was good to get various things from NEC (laughs).

[Mitsuhara]: Thanks to the Geizumi Madman, the PCG was also excited (laughs).

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