What is the reason why the management thinks that "digitalization is not related to the company" crushes the company

FINATEXT Holdings is a group of FinTech startups.With the mission of "reconstructing finance as a service", it is easy to use "finance", which is difficult and has a strong hurdle, easy to understand, and is reborn as a "user -centered service" that anyone can use.I'm trying to let me go.In addition to developing and operating various financial apps, it has been growing rapidly by providing SaaS -type business platforms and big data analysis services in areas such as securities and insurance.The company is also known for its prompt support for the new Coronavirus and has shifted to a company -wide telework system.We talked to Ryota Hayashi, CEO of the group, about the working environment of small and medium -sized enterprises in the future.

Since February last year, FINATEXT Holdings has been working at home in principle, a meeting is held at a video conference both inside and outside the company, and the person who needs to come to work is to use remote work and time outwards on shifts., Corona measures were implemented quickly.The response was very faster than other companies, but please tell us why.


「デジタル化は自社に関係ない」と思う経営者が会社を潰す その理由とは

In fact, I had been doing a lot of teleworks as a company before the corona, and at that time I was facing a situation where I had to change my work style.I'm sorry for my personal story, but in 2019, the sixth year of Finatext, his wife developed severe afterbirth after giving birth to her first child.At that time, my job was still mainly in the office.However, in order to support my wife and support, I want to stay with me for as long as possible -from that feeling, I have been working at home in the morning, leaving the company after noon and leaving the company at 18:00, about 9 months a day.In the meantime, I was practicing myself.

The top thought that "home is more important than work" was practiced by himself.You have taken various measures after the first emergency declaration, but what kind of system is it currently working on?


There are some customers who want to come to the company and talk, and even if the telework environment is in place, it is difficult to proceed with the work without stress due to network problems.There are various situations, such as I want to do, so I leave it to individual judgment.

株式会社Finatextホールディングス代表取締役CEO/Co-Founder林 良太氏東京大学経済学部卒。日本人初の現地新卒でドイツ銀行ロンドン支社に入社。Electronic Trading System部門を経て、Global Equity部門にてロンドン、ヨーロッパ大陸全域にて機関投資家営業に従事。国内ヘッジファンド大手に参画した後、2013年12月に株式会社Finatext(現・株式会社Finatextホールディングス)を創業。

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The next page telework has "enriched the life of employees"...

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