Surprisingly deep Office operating environment [Part 1]

[Moderator] I would like to ask about PC specifications where Office moves comfortably. How do you use the current Office?

【高橋】Officeのアプリケーションとしては、まずWordとExcelがあります。業務ではExcelを使うことが大半でしょう。それから、PowerPointとメールとスケジュール管理アプリのOutlook、それからOneNote。それが今だと、Home & Businessに含まれているアプリケーションですね。


Then, the subscription model Office 365 Business Premium contains ONEDRIVE FOR BUSINESS and Skype for Business's business version Onedrive and Skype.

What to do with Skype for Business is, for example, online conference.Most of Microsoft's internal conferences use Skype for Business.Share someone's screen with all the meeting participants, someone is online, and someone is in the meeting room.We have a weekly meeting, but we are completely online, so we also enter from home with Skype for Business and participate while looking at the person in charge.From now on, the point is how to make such a use comfortable.

In this way, I think that there will be an Office that involves the work style, such as using Skype for Business, as well as the traditional app.Microsoft is working with the country to promote the work style change.In short, I encourage me to work at a telework, work from home, and work in a cafe.In fact, at Microsoft, working from home is normal.I just send an email to work at home because I want to make materials at home, so I can work at home.In that case, you can work from anywhere, so you may use a machine at home to a meeting from your home.

In the future, I think that such a work style will become common, and it will be assumed that you will work at home using Office or to meet with Skype for Business.Therefore, I would like to consider one of the necessary machine specs when assuming such a future work style.It is Office, but if you go there, peripheral devices such as headphones and microphones will also be quite important, so the necessary environment as a normal Office application and the required environment for the premise of telework based on Office 365.。I imagine the two.

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