The key to digital end life is the smartphone's "spare key": If you want to leave it secretly, divide management

How should the deceased's smartphone, SNS account, and the balance of XX pay be dealt with after death?In recent years, interest in such "digital relics" has increased.I want to learn an effective digital way to do so so that you don't panic after your parent dies, or so that your family doesn't have trouble when you die.

 デジタル終活の要はスマホの “スペアキー” : 遺すべきものと内緒にしたいものは分割管理を

Smartphones who do not know the password cannot be opened with FBI


"I can't open my father's smartphone. Can I manage it?" "My husband died suddenly. The important information of work is in my smartphone, please help me."I would like to open it. Please cooperate. "I have been accepting consultations on digital relics on the website for six years.The most common consultation has not changed since the beginning.I want to open a deceased smartphone -this is the consultation that is 70 % of the total.This consultation is very difficult.Smartphones have a few more secure security than personal computers, and they can't proceed without knowing the password (or passcode).A terrorist, who launched a gun in California at the end of 2015, left the iPhone at the shot.The FBI, which collected it, has filed a federal trial to the manufacturer Apple to provide Master Key to unlock.Even only one smartphone cannot solve a US police agency on its own.That's so strict.Depending on the model, if you make a mistake in the input 10 to 15 consecutive times, the contents may be initialized, so it is not possible to get rid of it.As of January 2022, only a handful of companies that can start analysis of the deceased's smartphone without password, most companies that claim the "digital relics service" are not eligible for smartphones.When I get a consultation like the beginning, I advise me to find a password.Sometimes it is written on the document when purchasing a smartphone, and sometimes the same character string as the car's electronic unlock key is used.If you still can't find a password, we will present a method of checking if there is a backup in the cloud or personal computer according to the situation, or a method of investigating the flow of money and the presence of insurance from a smartphone.In some cases, the average reward costs about 300,000 yen, and sometimes introduces a "handful of companies" that responds to smartphone analysis.Consultation emails on these digital remains are increasing year by year.Why do the bereaved want to open a smartphone?Why do you bother searching for my site and contacting me?It is nothing but the fact that digital assets are increasing, and there is still a situation where digital services have not caught up.

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