The first thing to say is, "I'm sorry!" or "I should have made a reservation!"

Excellent people know where to cut corners and where to let go. That is to hold down the essence of "what is important in order to produce results in this work".

So, even if it looks like you're playing normally, if you think "this is the deciding point", you will dash furiously. Although he gives prompt instructions in important situations, he takes it easy once it's over.

The reason why I can do it is because I always grasp and imagine the whole picture of the work. The overall picture is not only what tasks occur at what timing and what to decide at what timing, but also the speed of work of each team member and related departments, their strengths and weaknesses, relationships with business partners, etc. is also included.

And after looking at the whole, ``This decision will determine the post-process,'' ``Once you overcome this, the rest will be easy,'' ``This will not have much impact,'' and ``The key to this job is to hold down here. ” is being judged.

However, ordinary people don't think much about what is important and what is not important in their work, and what process determines the success or failure of a project.

People who are perfectionists tend to do this too, for example, if it is a document, they will throw all their effort into even trivial matters such as font size and layout.

I apologize for the first sentence.

So you may be satisfied and convinced, but if the other party or customer is not particularly pleased, it is just a self-satisfying task, and you are spending your energy on a task that does not add value. .

Of course, there are times when it's better to give everything your all, such as when you're a newcomer. However, it is inefficient to focus on areas that the evaluator does not particularly care about.

This happens not only at work, but also in private life.

For example, housework is necessary, but if you're tired, you can skip cleaning for a while. If it's less time to spend with children, it's better to buy side dishes and omit the hassle of cooking.

Because the essential thing is that "my family is always happy" and "having a good time with my family".

Come to think of it, the "potato salad controversy" was a hot topic on the internet before (when a housewife tried to buy potato salad as a side dish, an unfamiliar old man who was there said, "If you're a mother, make your own potato salad.") The evolution of civilization is about becoming more convenient, so there is no reason not to use convenient services such as side dish stores, takeout, and delivery.

Or, when you go on a trip, it's more fun to change your schedule and take a rest than to be crammed and exhausted.

This is also about being conscious of the "purpose" and understanding the points of "doing this for fun" and "doing this for satisfaction". That should give you the same results with minimal stress.

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