ICT product/service usage survey

This time, we will conduct a "ICT product/service usage survey" (provided by Dell Technologies) for Nikkei Cross Tech Active readers. Thank you for your cooperation in answering.

ICT product/service usage survey

Survey content: ICT product/service usage survey Provided by Dell Technologies

Response deadline: April 29, 2022 *If we receive more responses than planned, the deadline may be brought forward. note that.

From those who answered the questionnaire, 50 people will receive an Amazon gift card worth 7000 yen by lottery. *The announcement of the winner will be returned when the gift is shipped.

is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon, and their logos are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates.

Nikkei Crosstech Active is an information site that supports the selection and introduction of products and services for companies in the fields of IT, manufacturing, and construction. We post a lot of content such as product / service information and introduction examples. Please register as a member (free) when viewing for the first time.

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