Enhance test strategy with mind map drive tests

Link to the original (Posted date: 2021/06/16)

What is a mind map?

Mind map is a visual thinking tool.The mind map reflects what is happening in your heart.It enables you to visualize your thinking process.Mind map is the most effective learning method for the brain.

Mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information.With a mind map, complex information can be displayed in a simplified visual format.All mind maps are created based on a single concept.The concept is represented as an image of an idea related to the center.The main ideas are directly related to the central concept, and other ideas branch from them.

Science behind the mind map

British psychologist Tony Buzan has spread mind maps in the 1960s.However, the mind map has a very long history.The earliest known mind map dates back to the 3rd century.The mind map was used by several geniuses over the century.During the Renaissance era, the great genius Leonardo Da Vinci seems to have used a mind map to take notes.Beethoven, Newton, Darwin, and Disney all use structures such as mind maps or mind maps to strengthen learning and express their thoughts.This is a question: What is so special about the mind map? This needs to understand the science behind the mind map.

The information on the mind map reflects the brain function accurately.The concept of mind maps is based on the principle of radiant (radial shine) thinking.This principle states that the brain is shining, and our brain is not a line or sentence, but from the perspective of imagination and association.

In the 1960s, Dr. Roger Sperry conducted a study to confirm that mind maps are the best -friendly brain and compatible technologies with brain.Dr. Sperry discovered that the cerebral cortex, which is the evolution of the brain, has two hemispheres that cause many intellectual skills.He called them the cortical skills.

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The survey reveals that the left hemisphere is involved in words, numbers, logic, and analysis.The right hemisphere was responsible for color, fancy, 3D, rhythm, and imagination.Dr. Sperry has discovered that integrating these cortical skills into learning can improve brain performance.Separating these skills with each other does not maximize the potential of the brain.The conventional learning method was limited to use words, numbers, everyday, and logic.The mind map uses a lot of cortical skills, making it an effective learning technique.

Why use a mind map in the test?

Mind map usage is not limited to taking notes or brainstorming.Mind maps can be used for multipurpose, like Switzerland Arminiks, and solves various problems facing in everyday world.The Software Test Community has been using a mind map for a very long time.I am one of many testers who adopt mind maps in the software test.I drew a mind map for the first time when I was attending school.Since then, the mind map has become an essential part of my life.

In the early days of career as a tester, I tried various ways to use mind maps in the software test.Instead of a long test plan, I started creating a mind map.I realized that the software test is all about the generation of test ideas, and the mind map is a perfect tool for creating ideas.With the mind map, I was able to effectively plan, organize and present ideas.I wanted to find a way to provide feedback on development as soon as possible.

I expanded how to use mind maps and recorded a search test.The radial structure of the mind map brought off my creativity and was able to see the whole picture during the test.The final version of the mind map has begun to be shared with developers and stakeholders.All important information such as the feature chara ballage, the executed test case, and the results of those results were displayed on one page, saving time on the test report.I wanted to share my thoughts and knowledge about my mind map so that more readers could benefit from the ultimate thinking tools.Therefore, I have announced this idea on Contest-21 and some other conference.

What are the conventional test document issues?

Traditional test documents take time and bulky.Despite spending a lot of time creating long standardized documents, they are hardly read or reviewed.When working in an agile environment, we accept changes, but these documents may be restricted to be agile because their structure is not flexible.Recently, we are working on a highly compressed test execution cycle.If you spend a lot of time in documents, you may minimize the actual testing time.

Documents are only useful when someone reads.Long linear style documents are boring in your head and difficult to review.Since the structure of the conventional document cannot be flexible to change, it is troublesome for the creator to add, delete, or update additional information when frequently changes.If nobody reads, reviews, or updates the documentation, the document will soon become older and you will not be able to add value.

I do not oppose documentation.In some cases, a document is required.For example, for FDA (Healthcare), for military or safety -critical software.You may create a document for that, but you need to avoid it to find a better alternative.

Mind map as a lindocation

Unlike conventional documents, the structure of the mind map is flexible against the change.If there is a change, you need to add a node or delete the node.Modern mind map tool makes it easier.

With a mind map, you can overlook the content and find the necessary changes easily and quickly.Update, confirmation, and maintenance will be easier.The latest mind map tool comes with a version control function and can be compared with different versions of the same mind map.

The mind map does not use long sentences or paragraphs.The idea is expressed in a keyword or a minimum text approach.This makes the mind map lightweight and easier to absorb.

Mind map drive testでテスト戦略を強化する

Lean principles talk about eliminating those that do not bring the added value to customers.Mind maps can help eliminate waste (from documents) and focus on truly important (tests).Furthermore, amplify learning while reducing waste.The best part of the mind map is to create more ideas when drawing them.Comprehensive research on how mind map technology is useful for understanding the concept of scientific education in IJSRP is to explore the relationship between ideas and discussion elements and create solutions to problems.It shows that it will help you think more clearly.

Instead of creating a 100 -page test plan (probably nobody read), create a one -page mind map.A simple, easy -to -read and easy -to -conservative test plan is much better than a 100 -page test plan.Excessive testing plans make it difficult for everyone to grasp all details.Caution Span is exponentially reduced with the height of the company's ladder.The test plan is only for the time for the reader to confirm and give the same feedback.

Traditional document -test plan

Improved alternative -1 page test plan

Mind map drive test

The software test is a creative activity, and the mind map is ideal for releasing creativity.Production of test ideas is the basis of software tests, and Mind Map is the perfect tool for brainstorming and organizing ideas.Mind map drive tests are to use mind maps in various software test activities, from test planning to execution.

Examples of test planning using a mind map that describes the resources necessary for test strategies, purposes, schedules, quotes, products, and execution of tests

The following is an example of using a mind map in a search test.I was testing a newly developed function.At that time, I worked as a tester.Using this mind map, we performed brainstorming of ideas, executing tests, and listing questions and questions.Later, I used the same mind map for the test report.Developers and stakeholders liked this idea.I shared the mind map with e -mail with executive summary so that everyone could understand.Agile's success greatly depends on the quick and quick feedback.The intention here was to provide quick feedback on the recently developed functions.I didn't spend time to create a wide range of test cases, bug reports, or create test reports.My overall focus was not in documentation, but in the production and testing of test ideas.With this approach, you can save a lot of test document time.

The following is an example of a coordinated mind map to generate test ideas.My team and I worked together in this mind map for regression tests (most mind map tools provide this feature).Created a mind map that covers the test ideas of major functions.My team began to extend the mind map by branching more test ideas.When we found a unique scenario that found a bug, we continued to add new nodes.

How to make a good mind map

We strongly recommend that you follow the best practices that have become popular by Tony Buzan.Please follow the next best practices -

1.Start from the center of the page

Because, starting from the center, you can get the freedom to spread in all directions and express yourself more free and naturally.

2.Use images and photos for the center of ideas

Why? The central image is more interesting, maintains concentration, enhances your concentration, and lives your brain! Hand -drawn or personalized the central image can help you remember the information on the mind map.

3.Use all colors

Why? The color is as exciting for your brain as much as the image.The color adds lively and life to your mind map, adds tremendous energy for your creative thinking, and is fun! The color will release your imagination and derive a spiritual shortcut.

4.Connect the main brunch to the main image and connect the second and third level brunch to the first and second level

Why? The brain works by association.I like linking two things (or three or four).By connecting a brunch, you can easily understand and learn.

5.Curve the brunch into a straight line, not a straight line

Why? There is only a straight line because the brain is boring.The curve gives a visual rhythm, not only makes it easier to see the mind map, but also improves the function of the brain.

6.Use one keyword for one line

Why? A single keyword gives mind maps more power and flexibility.This is for long lines and sentences to limit thinking.Keywords can help absorb large amounts of information and trigger more associations.

7.Use the image throughout

Because, as in the center's image, each image is worth a thousand words.Therefore, if there are only 10 images on the mind map, it is already equivalent to 10,000 words!

Image provision: Wikipedia.org

Many of us cannot make the most of the possibilities of mind maps.Mind map is not just a wood -like structure that contains just text.The plain is boring for the brain.The mind map must include colors, images, numbers, cords, curves, and keywords to stimulate the entire brain.If the mind map is too large, consider dividing them into some small linked mind maps.


By adopting a mind map drive test, there are some advantages:

If you adopt a mind map in the conventional test or document method, you may face the following issues-.

The first step in this transition is to share ideas with teams and get team feedback.If a team member becomes your ally and adopts a test of mind map -driven, it can affect the leader to adopt this approach.The important thing is to educate them and prove the value gained from this approach.Take an incremental approach, set a concept demonstration (POC), and determine whether the mind map -driven test works in context.

About the author

Prashant Hegde is a passionate tester.He has led the test team to success in many organizations and has supported the improvement of application quality processes.Hegde is currently leading the Moengage QA team.Moengage is the leader of the mobile engagement market and has a presence in Asia, Europe, and the United States.Hegde enjoys sharing his experience by writing blogs and participating in the agile community around the world.He has recently gave a lecture at Contest 2021 at an industry conference that talks about mind map drive tests.Twitter: @praz_hegde, Linkedin, website.

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