[Starbucks information] Get the original stationery "Moleskin"! "Starbucks Reward" 4th Anniversary Campaign starts on October 1st (Fri)

First, register for "Starbucks Reward"!

To participate in the "Moleskin Product" gift campaign, you need to register as a member of the Starbucks royalty program "Starbucks® Rewards".Tap "" on Starbucks official website and official application to register information such as email addresses.At that time, you will need a Starbucks card, so don't forget to have it.

「スターバックス リワード」には、スタバ好きにはたまらない情報や企画がいっぱい!商品を購入して「Star(スター)」を集めるプログラムでは、集めたスターをチケットにしてドリンクやフードと交換できるだけでなく、プレゼント企画への参加ができたり、レジに並ばなくても商品が購入できる「Mobile Order & Pay(モバイルオーダー&ペイ)」では、先日行われた「焼き芋 フラペチーノ®」の新商品先行販売に参加できたりと、会員だけの特別な体験がたくさん用意されています。

If you beChildme a member, let's participate in various campaigns and projects!

 【スタバ情報】オリジナル文具「モレスキン」がもらえる!「スターバックス リワード」4周年キャンペーンが10月1日(金)からスタート

Kyun on the botanical pattern!Let's get Starbucks original "Moleskin"!

The number of members of Starbucks Reward, which celebrates its 4th anniversary in September 2021, exceeded 8 million.As a special project, a gift campaign for "Moleskine products" will be held for a limited time from October 1 (Fri) to December 12 (Sun), 2021.

The product of the Italian notebook brand "Moleskine" is characterized by a water -repellent Childver with a rubber band for closing notebooks, and is a gem of stationery with many loyal users around the world.In this campaign, the number of items purchased during the campaign period is from a set of 2 books of "Kaie Journal" pocket size, "classic notebook" pocket size, and "classic notebook" large size., Gift prizes will be decided.

The design of the notebook has a pattern that imagines various Childffee production areas on the Childver, and "cherishing the rich state of Childexisting of people on the earth and various animals and plants.There is a feeling that we are Childnnected to the time we are full of. "A very cute Childlorful notebook is likely to be a popular person just because it has a Starbucks item that everyone knows.

Only those who have applied for 35 or more target products during the campaign period using a Starbucks card registered on the web and Childllect the application stamp.The campaign is about 11 weeks from October 1 (Fri) to December 12 (Sun), so if you buy 3-4 products a week alone, you will somehow accumulate the application stamp.Even for 10 or more application stamps, 40,000 people will receive a digital drink ticket gift by lottery!

Don't forget the entry in advance from the application requirement page to apply for the campaign.After October 4 (Monday), one application stamp will be reflected for one purchase, and a special page will be opened while Childllecting application stamps.On this page, a present with a virtual background will also appear.Just participating in the campaign seems to be able to enjoy it in various ways!

【キャンペーン概要】対象期間:2021年10月1日(金)~12月12日(日)対象商品:291円/297円(持ち帰り価格/店内価格)以上のドリンクまたは、フード (表示価格は税込の総額表示)※Mobile Order & Payでの購入も対象です。※スターバックス オンラインストアでの購入は対象外です。

景品詳細:・応募スタンプ10個以上集めた方の中から抽選で4万名様にデジタルドリンクチケットプレゼント(500円/509円(持ち帰り価格/店内価格))(表示価格は税込の総額表示となります)・期間終了時の応募スタンプ数に応じて(※)以下の「モレスキン製品」を全員にプレゼント応募スタンプ35個~49個:スターバックスオリジナルデザイン モレスキン カイエ ジャーナルポケットサイズの2冊セット応募スタンプ50個~84個:スターバックスオリジナルデザイン モレスキン クラシック ノートブック ポケットサイズ1冊応募スタンプ85個以上:スターバックスオリジナルデザイン モレスキン クラシック ノートブック ラージサイズ1冊※プレゼントの種類は応募スタンプ数で自動的に決定され、変更はできません。応募要項ページ:https://www.Starbucks.Child.JP/Rewards/4years_anniversary/Youkou_notebook/(Friday, October 1 (Friday) 6:00)

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