Return 2000 yen!Angry 46 -year -old counselor "I listen to junior high school students" "Telephone life consultation" last week's highlight (page 1/2)

"Telephone Life Consultation" (Nippon Broadcasting, Monday -Friday 11: 00 -Delivery) Last week's highlight.This time, I picked up the Kato Kato Personality Broadcast on June 21 (Fri).

It is a consultation that the money lent to a friend I met on SNS will not return, but it will develop unexpectedly to a clear story.

パーソナリティ:加藤諦三(評論家)、今井通子(作家・登山家)、ドリアン助川(作家・ミュージシャン)、柴田理恵(女優・タレント) イラスト/北村ヂン

The counselor is a 46 -year -old single man.He says he lives with his 45 -year -old younger brother.

He said he couldn't return it to those who got acquainted seven years ago on SNS and have been dating as a friend three years ago (in the consultant's perception).Financial trouble is a standard for human relationships, but in the case of this counselor, the amount lent is quite shocking.

The first thing I lent was 4 to 500 yen, which was replaced by saying, "I don't have the money to buy a cigarette."The second time, the counselor invited me to go to karaoke, so I paid the karaoke fee to my friends for 1000 yen.

The about 1500 yen so far has been paid by the counselor saying, "You don't have to return it," so you can think of it as "loan" rather than "lending".The problem is next.

He told me that he was in good shape by paying a cigarette and karaoke, and this time his friend asked him to "go to live" and "lend me because I don't have money."

"How much did you lend?"

"2000 yen"

I felt that the tension of Kato Mizo had dropped instantly.This consultation is a worrisome problem that "I can't get 2000 yen."

"I gave it with the feeling of" Please return it properly ", but after more than two months, there was no contact at all, and I deleted my SNS friend from the other person. I was cut off without permission."

Although he met this friend on SNS, he seems to have a real house in the neighborhood, with the same junior high school.However, she said she went to see him and returned, saying, "There is nothing to return at all."

I didn't forget about 2,000 yen because it was about 2,000 yen, so I ignored it even if the counselor urged.In addition, the follow -up of SNS will be released.This friend seems to have various problems.

"So today's consultation is this 2000 yen ...?"

"I want to return the money (get) and cut the edge. Completely."

There is no doubt that it is better to return the money borrowed from people, regardless of the size of the amount, but the driving force of the consultant who says "I want to cut the edge" for 2000 yen!?

The first about 1500 yen was a generous thing that "you don't have to return", but why are you so particular about 2000 yen?

2000円を返せ! 怒りまくる46歳相談者「中学生の話を聞いているみたい」 「テレフォン人生相談」先週のハイライト(1/2 ページ)

The advisor on this day is Emiko Osako, a lawyer....... No, it's not like consulting a lawyer.

"Are you in trouble if you don't have that 2,000 yen?"

"I'm really in trouble now, and I'm gradually put the money I worked for in my house ..."

Probably waiting for the reply saying "It's not a problem ...", I imagined that I was thinking of connecting the advice like "Forget it."It was a situation that was in trouble without it.

"If it is a situation that is really close, it is not realistic to collect this," "If you do not find a part -time job or somehow find it, it will not be a solution.Is it? "

Even if you call a telephone life consultation, get some kind of advice, and managed to collect it, it will eventually cost 2,000 yen.If it was a situation where it was difficult to eat, it would be only about two days of food expenses.

From here, the consultant switches in the direction of discoversing a friend, probably because he felt, "I'm unlikely to give me advice to get the money back."

"I'm working, I'm betting, so I'm gonna bet money, so I feel like I'm coming to borrow money again when I go away, and to other friends.I'm also doing it. Do the same thing. "

yeah?Did you say "I want to go live" and lent me money?

"Well, you know you're angry at you. I know, but in your life, isn't it quite well -balanced to position this problem?"

He criticizes the other person's life and way of life for only 2,000 yen, and points out that it is useless to be angry enough to be unable to get anything else.

"It's a bit painful to say this clearly, but I dare to say. I don't think I'm talking about a 46 -year -old person. I feel like I'm listening to junior high school students."

If you're a junior high school student, you'll be furious for 2000 yen, but you're 46 years old ...

Here, personality, Kato Kato, also comes in.

"I have hidden hostility and anger." "For this 2000 yen, the hidden anger was on fire."

"I understand, I am also bullied in junior high school. I hated the other person. I was grudged with my homeroom teacher." "I was abused. To my paternal grandparents."

At the end, a great story came out.

"2000 yen, it has nothing to do with it. This is revenge."

Kato: The "hidden ○○" and "true ○○" series that Kato Mizo often says.In this case, does it mean that a grudge for life, which is not going well overall, has been hit by a friend in the wake of 2,000 yen.

出た、加藤諦三の「隠された○○」シリーズ! 人生相談の聞きどころのひとつ イラスト/北村ヂン本質は、2000円返す返さないの問題じゃない1|2次のページへ

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