[Report] Premier event will be held at the stage <London National Gallery> of the "Goya's masterpiece and gentle thief" case!

Roger Michelle's feature film, the premier event of the movie "Goya's Masterpiece and Gentle Thief" (February 25 (Fri) nationwide), which co -starred in Oscar actor Gym Broadbent x Helen Millen, is was held.

The London National Gallery, which has a history of 197, has more than 6 million people from all over the world, with more than 2,300 points, and has a history of 197.This work is a surprising story based on the theft of Francisco de Goya's masterpiece of Francisco de Goya, which occurred in the world's "The Beauty Hall of Beauty" in 1961, and the people who tried to save the world in masterpieces.It is a refreshing impressive movement depicting a gently snuggling figure.

At the event, the main casts include the starring Jim Broadbent, Helen Millen, Finn Whitehead, Anna Maxwell Martin, and Matthew Gud.Helen Millen dressed in her crimson dress and showed her beauty that made her age completely.

In the red carpet, Broadbent and Millen, who played the couple, imitated the scene in the play and performed dance.In addition, it seems that poses are poses in front of "Duke Wellington" decorated in the exhibition room.It was the beginning of a gorgeous event, with Britain's proud actors.

Unfortunately, this work was a feature film of Roger Michel, who died in September last year.Broadbent, who has a tag with Michelle in the past, "Weekend is in Paris", said, "He was a wonderful director. It can be said to be the most favorite director. He appeared in his work and continued to repeat.I hoped to be able to assemble it. ""It was a work that did not happen without him. He was always happy on the spot, did not have anxiety or stress, and was a very planned person.He was rich. He was good at casting and was perfect, so he didn't have a hard time with rehearsals. This time the script was particularly good, so we only believed in the script and followed it. Roger is.He treated this work very carefully and should have been proud, "he said.


Millen, dressed as a housekeeper in an apron in this work, changed from the British Queen in "Queen", said, "Isn't it at all?"I don't think. The actors play every person. I feel like I understand the Dorothy person. "Regarding the charm of this work, "I fell in love with the script anyway. The fact that this is a wonderful work has been transmitted from the whole page. The characters are all attractive and heartwarming story. I did not know this event.But I think that being based on a true story is an important factor for this work. "

The White Head, which is currently 24 years old, has been expected to be more active since the selection of the leading role in "Dunkirk", said, "It was a great experience. Of course, when I was playing, it was a good experience in co -starring with Britain's proud actor Broadbent and Millen.Just being together is a stimulus. Both of them are kind, kind to everyone, especially for me, a young actor. I try to learn something from two.I was always desperate. "He says, "This work is integrated with society and conveys the importance of supporting and helping each other. I think it's an important message for the world today."

Goya's masterpiece and gentle thief will be released nationwide from February 25 (Fri).

The London National Gallery is a visit to more than 6 million people from all over the world a year, with more than 2300 valuable collections.In 1961, Goya's masterpiece "Duke Wellington" was stolen from the world's best beauty.The culprit of this unprecedented incident is Kempon Banton, a 60 -year -old taxi driver.A time when lonely elderly people were seeking a connection with society on TV.In order to make their lives a little easier, they attempted to take over the public broadcasting (BBC) reception fee with stolen painting ransom.However, there is another hidden truth in the incident.At that time, Kempton Banton's "gentle lie", which involved people in the United Kingdom in an impressive whirlpool-!?

Work Title: "Goya's Masterpiece and Gentle Thief" appeared: Jim Broadbent, Helen Millen, Fion Whitehead, Anna Maxwell Martin, Matthew Goode: Roger Michelle "Lover of Notting Hill" "Weekend"Ha in Paris "Supported: British Council 2020/UK/English/95 minutes/Cinemascope/5.1ch/original title: The Duke/Japanese subtitles: Mina Matsuura Distribution: Happinet Phantom Studio

Official site: Happinet-Phantom.COM/GOYA-MOVIE/Official Twitter: @goya_movie Copy Light: (C) Pathe Productions Limited 2020

February 25, 2022 (Friday) TOHO Cinemas Chante and others nationwide!

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