Rabbi Co., Ltd. "Gaze simulation AI that guesses the line of sight of a person" won the championship! First prize in the final selection of OKI "AI Edge Conference & Solution Contest 2021"

This contest uses OKI's AI edge computer "AE2100" to compete for ideas and technologies for solving social issues (transportation, construction / infrastructure, disaster prevention, finance / distribution, manufacturing, ocean) in various industries. is.

At the final selection on December 15, 10 companies selected from the preliminary round held in September will showcase the latest AI solutions. Rabbi gave a presentation by Chief Customer Officer Arai, who demonstrated how to move "Gaze Simulation AI" on the edge. In the award, the novelty of the idea of ​​inferring the line of sight on the edge, the practical level and the high level of technical ability were evaluated. Special site: https://www.oki.com/jp/AIedge/event/contest2021/ With AI that learned a large amount of line-of-sight data collected from eye tracking devices, you can easily look at the system simply by uploading images and videos. It is a system that can simulate the above, and by visualizing the customer's perspective that was not understood until now, it is possible to verify the design from an objective viewpoint that does not rely on experience or sense. By providing simulation results when proposing a design to a client, theoretical hypothesis proposals can be made, and not only in-house analysis but also competition analysis is possible as long as there is an image. It is used by a wide range of companies such as design companies, advertising agencies, and companies involved in space design. Service materials: https://prtimes.jp/a/?f=d92420-20211219-6674bb85353d4d4bd1bedcfdb8e4a135.pdf ・ Fukuoka Financial Group sponsored "X-Tech Innovation 2021 (Kyushu)" Final Selection 2 Awards (NEC Award / DNP Award)・ Selected from 117 companies in the final selection of “MITANI Business Contest 2021” sponsored by Mitani Sangyo Co., Ltd. Received the Hokuriku Bank Award ・ Winner of the “AI Edge Conference & Solution Contest 2021” sponsored by Oki Electric Industry Co., Ltd. Please enter the schedule that can be discussed from the URL of. Schedule adjustment tool: https://meetings.hubspot.com/yurina1018551 ・ Email, telephone inquiry email: contact@usagee.co.jp Telephone: 090-6921-1997 (direct) / 03-3453-1314 * You can also consult with alliances (sales partners, etc.). Rabbi is a company that focuses on WEB development and AI development, and this year marks the 15th anniversary of its establishment. We provide one-stop support for planning, development, and operation by providing four major solutions: data analysis accumulated from technical consulting, AI engine subscription business, and system development. By encouraging this award, we aim to further deepen our knowledge of AI and help solve various social issues. [WEB site] https://usagee.co.jp/ [Company profile] https://prtimes.jp/a/?f=d92420-20211219-bde206033856be1fcd14c58e3bdcefe6.pdf


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