The "Premium Drive-in Theater" report to watch the movie "Husband of Prime Minister" on the "Zero Gravity Sheet" of the new car note aura

ノート オーラを使用したイベント「NISSAN AURA×総理の夫“PREMIUM DRIVE-IN THEATRE”」が開催された

After the release, the Nissan Motor's "Note Aura", which had a strong start, exceeded 10,000 units in just three weeks.An event that can fully enjoy the charm of this car, pursuing high quality based on small car notebooks, was held at the Nissan Global Headquarters Gallery (Yokohama, Kanagawa).

That is "Nissan Aura x Prime Minister's husband" Premium Drive-in Theater "".In collaboration with the movie "Husband of the Prime Minister" starring Miki Nakatani, an actress who is the image character of her aura, she can fully use the high quality inside the car in the car.This event held on September 11 was held only once, and in August, we are looking for participants on the company's special site.Six of the 326 applicants (~ 12) have obtained platinum tickets.


The media experience session was held before the event, so let's report on that pattern.The venue is one of the Nissan Motor Global Headquarters Gallery.The space with red carpets is different from the gallery, which is crowded with visitors, and is a premium atmosphere, combined with the dropped lighting.Six note aura is lined up behind the entrance, and a large 400 -inch screen is reduced in the back.

レッドカーペットが敷かれたエントランスノート オーラの紹介パネルを眺めながらレッドカーペットを歩く6組の参加者のために用意された6台のノート オーラが並ぶ前方に400インチの大型スクリーンを設置試乗した車両はG leather edition。ボディカラーはミッドナイトブラック/サンライズカッパーの2トーン内装色はエアリーグレー


When you open the door, you will be greeted by an advanced car that makes you feel kodawari everywhere, such as the instrument panel and seats.The "Zero Gravity Sheet" unique to note aura is designed to reduce fatigue based on ergonomics, and is extremely comfortable even in this case where you do not drive.It was possible to spend a different time from the movie theater seat.


You can also experience the goodness of the notebook aura in terms of "sound", which is an important factor in a drive -in theater.First, the quietness of the door when the door is closed.Since the sound insulation countermeasures have been enhanced than the base notebook, in such an environment where there is no road noise, the external sound is hardly transmitted to the car.While I was impressed by such a place, the experience session has finally started.It started with the promotion video of the car.Despite being a short movie, if you are surprised at the realism of the "Bose Personal Plus Sound System" which is set, there will be a video message from Miki Nakatani to participants.


Among them, Mr. Nakatani says that the beauty of the appearance is attractive, along with the beauty of the appearance, and that "really high quality sitting comfort and excellent sound quality" are attractive, and "When I first met the aura, I am in love for a moment.I fell in. It's really nice. "Regarding the movie, "It is a movie that delivers to you with a strong message that a working woman has a society where it is easy to raise children and raise children.I think it's the story of her husband's love. "In a high -quality environment unique to note aura, he concluded, "I hope you can enjoy the story of your husband, which I played in Japan, and Kei Tanaka.


Unfortunately, at the experience session, the main part of the movie was entrusted, but I enjoyed the powerful sound that seemed to be the best position of the movie theater with the flowed preview video alone.By the way, this time, it is also important that the audio input was directly input using the HDMI terminal instead of a common FM radio in the drive -in theater.It seems to be a nice equipment when used as a private car.…… I don't think that the readers will be transmitted to the readers, so if you are interested, please check the actual car at the dealer.In addition, the movie will be open to the public from September 23.I want you to enjoy this on the screen of the theater.


Movie "Prime Minister's Husband"

A novel by Bestseller Maha, Maha Harada, "The Husband of the Prime Minister First Gentlemen" was turned into a movie with Kei Tanaka and Miki Nakatani's W.It depicts the first female Prime Minister in Japan and the husband of a bird scholar struggle in political world.The public is from September 23.

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