Possibility of discovery of planets from red dwarf radio waves

The red dwarf is a relatively small star of 9 % to 60 % of the solar quantity, accounting for three -quarters of the stars in the galaxy.While the life of the sun is about 10 billion years, the life of the red dwarf is 0 solar quality..It is about 10 trillion years if it is 1x star.The reason for the longevity of the red dwarf is because the nuclear fusion progression is gentler than the sun, and the amount of hydrogen per consumption is small.

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赤色矮星の電波から惑星が発見される可能性 豪クイーンズランド大の研究

Researchers at the Australian Queensland University have published research papers suggesting that among low -frequency signals, less than 200 megaherts caught from red dwarfs, include plasma emission.The paper was released on October 11 in "Nature Stronomy".

Speaking of plasma emission, I think of Aurora.This is a light -emitting phenomenon that occurs when the solar (plasma particle) is captured in the magnetic field of the earth, and may include the aurora in the planet in the radio signal emitted from the red dwarf.Say not.Aurora on planets with more powerful magnetic fields, such as Jupiter, are much more powerful than Earth.

According to this study, 19 red dwarfs were observed, and among them, four red dwarfs captured radio waves that were presumed to be the origin of plasma emission.In other words, in these four red dwarfs, there may be planets with powerful magnetic fields.However, in the current telescope ability, it is said that this method can search for planets by this method is limited to red dwarfs within 165 light years.

Prokishimaken Tauri, the closest star to the sun, is also a red dwarf, but the planet Proximaken Tauri B, which was discovered in 2016, is located in the Havitable Zone.5 billion years later, the sun will have a lifespan, but Proximaken Tauri has continued to shine at that time, and if humanity can move to Proximaken Tour B, the global civilization may be survived there.In other words, this research may also help find the destination of the earthlings far in the future.(Article: CEDAR3, see the article list)

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