Fantasy MWC2020, changing the World Communications Industry (5) the presence of Japanese Power on the Protection of customer Information in InfoCom News Letters

The last episode of the three -way talk that went to the story of the "MWC2020" which was canceled to prevent the new colon virus infection.

Final round

Mr. Kurosakatatsuya Co., Ltd., CEO, Keio University Graduate School of Policy, Media Graduate School of Media, Associate Professor Communications and Broadcast Sector Management Strategy, Consulting Focused on Business Development, Supporting Government Projects, etc.He is a government committee member.Recent book "How does business change with 5G?" (2019)

Mr. Isao Horikoshi BP Nikkei Crostek Technical Deputy Editor -in -Chief of the Nikkei Croostic Deputy Editor -in -chief, one of the most outsforms that has been communicating the world of information and communications around the world.The latest trends are being serialized on the Nikkei Crostech (online media) "The next generation of Kasu Horikoshi's next -generation communication."

Kishida Shigetsu Co., Ltd. Institute of Information and News Research Institute ICT Research and Consulting Department Researcher Researcher Researcher Researcher Research, which specializes in information and communications, followed by long -term mobile communications in the world.Participated in MWC in 1998 (its predecessor "GSM World Congress").Many lectures, contributions, appearances, etc.(Researcher introduction)

"Phantom MWC2020, changing world communication industry (4)" continued.

13. Presence of Japanese groups

Horikoshi: As another topic, the presence of the Japanese players has not appeared in recent years.

Kurosaka Umm.

In the main place of Horikoshi, Sony, DOCOMO, NEC, this area.I feel that the company that comes out every year has only so much.Is it Rakuten?This year, DOCOMO was doing a private show in Japan alone in January, but I thought that if I brought that good element to MWC, I could get a presence.

MWC2019 NEC booth

Kurosaka Yeah.

Horikoshi, and DOCOMO's President Yoshizawa was going to go to the keynote.So I wonder if I could get the presence of Japan, but I'm sorry.

Kurosaka Conversely, that's it, it was good that DOCOMO was opened house at that time.

Kishida: That's right.It is said that DOCOMO's open house attracts customers, it is exciting, the contents of the exhibits that came out are good, and if you do what that came out there at this MWC, you could compare it at the solution level.。

Horikoshi Yeah yeah.

It looks like Kurosaka.

In Kishida, I can't simply say "winning or losing", but the standards are all, but in fact, I guess Japan has a lot of power to create solutions.When I saw DOCOMO during this time, I really thought.After that, it may be good until I make it, and the next place is like "How do you spread it?"

Kurosaka, honestly, I think it's better to replace the signboard.As with telecommunications businesses in other countries, isn't it difficult to understand in MWC when a telecommunications carrier issues a solution?

There is Horikoshi.

Kurosaka says, "Is the telecommunications carrier a buyer, right?"No, not only buyers, but also a solution, including negotiations, there is a "difficult to understand".

Kishida: That's right.

Horikoshi: Well, well, it is often said that "Japan is 5g, one year late."

Kishida is not late at all.

MWC2019 NTT booth

I think it's a similar pace over Hori.

I would like to remember the respect for those who have taken the lead, of course, but I do not have to overestimate the previous year's advance.If that's really 5g, if this is "long journey", it would be very different if this was "three or four years late", but it's still a year of NSA.Of course, it's not that easy to say, "Can you catch up?"If you think so, it would have been better to talk about President Yoshizawa as the representative of Japan.

I think it was a great opportunity to talk about the presence of Horikoshi Japanese.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Mae Horikoshi Sony Mobile, but I think the product itself is a 5G smartphone that is a gachan on the camera, and I think that the needs are still grasped.Also, while NEC has also experienced various experience in the context of Open Ran, I think that there were various keywords.

MWC2019 Sony booth

14. Things that are large

Kurosaka personally, NEC's fiber sensing was interesting.

Horikoshi ah.

Kurosaka I think that there is a possibility that it will be transformed.If it is a 5g ≒ fiber, I feel that fiber sensing will be important in the future.I wonder if that kind of thing would actually be one of the social responsibilities and one closer to the para.

CEO Krosakatatsuya Co., Ltd. (middle), Nikkei Crostek Deputy Editor -in -chief Isao Horikoshi (right), ICR Superior Researcher Shigeki Kishida (left)

Kishida: That's right.

Kurosaka: Well, it may be a "magnificent trick", but I think it explains the meaning of the network in a very easy -to -understand manner.There is an optical fiber cable there, and someone is watching it.

Kishida: If you look at that, your image is "map information".In a broad sense.Well, there are various things like Zenrin, here, Tomtom, but are you still so?What keeps you thinking is "the map is transformed."To put it another way, I say that the map is a platform.Now, somehow, somehow, the Google Map feels that the people around me have not yet been handled, but when the step goes one or two ahead, the map is dynamic.If it becomes a foundation that accumulates data more and more, the map data will be more transformed.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Kishida: A lot of sensing is the same, and that's a generic access at CBRS in the United States.The operation of the database such as "I don't use this band in this place now, so if you want to use it now, you can use it now" will start, but because of that, because of the space and radio waves, it is still a string in the place.I'm doing it.The fact that it is dynamically linked is probably impossible with LTE.It is impossible without 5g capacity.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida: I can't feel that there are various apps that exists now, but when I can do that, "Oh, LTE is not enough.Is it like "Wow" and is it coming to the side of "5G needs"?how did it become I wonder?I guess.

DX including Horikoshi Logistics is always needed, and there is a possibility that it is universal, including that sensing, and then "ghost", right?

Kishida Drone Control, of course, cars, and V2X, and after all, "What is the difference between cyber and real?Speaking of which, there is a real place in real life, and it is physically strict.The story like a digital twin is already a real side, because the location has a completely address, so it can't be changed, so it's more than you're doing it on the earth.

15. The framework of the telecommunications industry changes

It looks like Kurosaka.If you try to talk about optimistic things a little forcibly, but if you try to talk about optimistic things, it will probably exceed the correspondence industry and industrial framework so far due to the disappearance of the 2020 Barcelona MWC.I think it will be.


In Kurosaka, maybe we'll probably go in a boring direction if we don't take that opportunity.For example, if you think about the existing framework, the winning defeat will be clear for next year, the motivation of the strong people will decrease, and while sinking once, we will do our best to renew our "reason for existence".I wonder if I need to go to find something like that.That's why MWC's "Long Journey" begins.

Horikoshi Uh.

In Kurosaka, it is necessary as a work, but after all, there is a possibility of 5g that has not been seen yet outside the framework called "Telecom", and after all, I do not forcibly bring my viewpoint.I think that the story of "It's good to use 4G into cash cow" will not be able to solve it.After all, I thought "4G cash cow theory", but honestly thought, "It's pretty painful."

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kurosaka, especially in Japan, this may be something that Japan should actually send, so if you make 4G of shiny in Japan, everyone is actually saying "4G is enough".Isn't it verbal?As an international understanding.

Kurosakatatsuya (left), Isao Horikoshi (right)

Horikoshi Uh.

Kishida: It comes out 200Mbps in normal.Overseas are completely different, one digit is different.

Hori over.It's too good ...

Kishida: Is that close to the feeling of one different from the communication method?Well, even if you don't go up to one, it's about 0.6 or 0.7 different, service quality.Well, how about comparing communication charges every year by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications every year by the domestic and foreign price difference?There is such a thing.

It's Kurosaka (bitter smile).

Kishida: Aside from that, MWC is already starting from mobile and coming to the entire telecom, but it is a scene where you have to remove the story like Telecom tied up.

Horikoshi Um ...In the story of Mr. Kishida a while ago, after all, people in this industry, including the WAP, were eventually the other power application.

Kishida Yeah, I don't think I can make it.By yourself.

Hori over, yeah.It's true that it's true.So, there are a lot of opochies outside the telecom, but when I really say, "Can you take the flow on your own?"

Kishida: That's a good thing, but in this way, at a European event, European people made something with ICT, so speaking, "I won the world with a method" or "I won the world with terminals.""I did".Nokia also won the world on the terminal because it was the GSM method.

Horikoshi: "3GSM", not the name of MWC, right?this is.

Kishida: That's right.Originally GSM Kongress.After that, change the name to 3GSM.You won the world with the second generation GSM and eat it with that asset.Is it the British Museum now that won the world at that time?Like (laughs).

Horikoshi: Hahahaha.

I think it's about Kishida.

Kurosaka Yeah, yeah.

Kishida: If the story of the second generation GSM is once a break, how will the industry move from here?Or, or as a player, or that, how do you talk about the three sectors in the future, how each company wants to give its presence in the ecosystem?Like.It's quite important to say power balance or in such a thing, which is the next step to GSMA.

Horikoshi: I felt a lot about the GSM story, but was the GSM won the world?Such

Kishida: That's right.

Horikoshi Yes, the skill of making friends when standardizing, is it political?

Kishida Yes.Because it's Europe.

In Horikoshi, conversely, I guess there is only a strong European character.

Kishida: On the contrary, it has become weak.

It is better to change the name of the Kurosaka GSMA name.

Horikoshi "GSM Association".

It is better to use Kurosaka "MWC Association".MWCA ... like YMCA.Aside from having a young man.

Kishida Fufufu.

Horikoshi: And it's no longer called Mobile World Kongress, and the official name is MWC.

Kishida, you no longer say.Not just mobile.You did it like CES.

Hori over.That's right.

It has become like Kishida CES.

Horikoshi: That's right, a little bit like the British Museum is a great makeup.Well, that's a great feeling, this event.

Even the British Museum of Kurosaka was told by Egypt, "Return."

Kishida is.

Horikoshi That's right.It's an advantage that I've stopped once again, and it's a strength that it's so enlarged, so then it's a "task" that was put on, "Can you connect next?"

It's Kurosaka.

16 MWC protects edge computing

Horikoshi: I wanted to see the flow that includes 5g SA in this year's MWC.One of them was the focus on how to hold the edges would come out with various suggestions.

Eee Kishida.

Horikoshi last year's AWS partnered with Verizon, and Google was planning or affiliated.A little around, how about the edge?I think it's close to SA conversion, but that's not it ... I don't think there's one answer, but I wanted to see that kind of camp,That was personally.

Speaking of Kishida MWC, at this venue, the market opportunity called "Edge" is "Can you protect or make it?"

Horikoshi That's right.For example, in SK Telecom, this kind of proposal was made with Elixon or Nokia.No, this is a partner with AWS.

Kurosaka Yeah.

In Kishida, it depends on how to ask questions, but "edge" is a "intersection" where three axes are mixed in myself.One is that the 5G value is not a 5G itself, but an edge, right?』About the story

Kishida Higaku

Hori over.

Kishida: The other is the edge, "Telecom vs. Net IT Giant = OTT Platform = Platformers."In particular, the telecommunications carrier and the telecommunications industry include vendors.

Horikoshi Yeah.

The fight between Kishida MWC, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google, not so much in MWC.

Kurosaka Yes.

Kishida: The other one is just changing the axis earlier, but I think it's a shaft like "here in the United States".

Kurosaka Yeah.

No matter what axis you take in Kishida, "edge" is a "guard" from the MWC people.It's not an "attacker".

Horikoshi "Mamoru".

Kurosaka I think that's where the operator is worried about now.In the trends where facilities are progressing, the design of networks, topology and network architecture, including edge, is a differentiation factor for operators or the reason for existence.It should be.

Horikoshi Yeah, yeah.

The quality of the Kurosaka Network is the quality of the edge, so the point of competition changes?Everyone knows in theory, but we don't know how to hit, how to invest in capital, and how to evoke demand.

I don't know Horikoshi.

Cloud vendors know about demand trends in Kurosaka.So, the cloud shop is now starting to overhang one step out of the server firms we are using.

It seems like you are starting to get rid of Horikoshi and started erosion.AWS Wavelength.

If it is Kurosaka, there is only one way of fighting, and the carrier has to add an edge to the end node side instead of the server side.However, "Isn't the real end -node shared?", While looking at the openness, how, who designs and what is designed, is the world of conflicts.Maybe everyone is in the state where the warfield cannot be read ...

Kishida: It's a different game, right?

Kurosaka Yeah.

幻のMWC2020、変わる世界の通信業界(5)日本勢の存在感 InfoComニューズレターの顧客情報の保護について

The face of Kishida player is probably the same company name.Just what is it, even in Sekigahara, even a scene like "Do you go down?"

Horikoshi, so nowadays it will not appear much on the table again, but I will analyze various hints in various presentations in various presentations in various ways.It is very suitable.I guess it's probably two years later, but it's a reminder that I couldn't see it, "I can't see it."

Kurosaka On the other hand, assuming that there is no corona this time, can this "war bureau" or the front line of the fight, this economy, can these people include GSMA?That is, my impression is "somewhat subtle".

Horikoshi Uh.

Kurosaka, for example, if it was that hyper scaler earlier, maybe it would be a relationship, I don't know, but it is already an intermediate layer, for example, "Equinis buys Packet.I think it's actually the most exciting story for both the server side and the end -node side.

Kimii Kishida, isn't it?

In Kurosaka, the real front line of "Edge" is there.

Horikoshi That's right.

In Kurosaka, I pulled out Equinics, and if I said, "Please show your edge strategy."right.Conversely, on the hyper scaler side, it is impossible to say that we can do it on our own, these people can not do it with these people, and sometimes the game is happening in a different place.

It feels like Horikoshi.

Kurosaka However, this is also a twist, but from the viewpoint of service, the cloud side is closer to the user, so the cloud can be moved.

Kishida Yes.

Horikoshi Ericsson and Huawei propose protection measures close to career, as if they were very visible and a bit biased.

Kurosaka Umm.

Kishida: Well, that's all.It's a repetition.MWC has an existing ecosystem flow, but since the GSM Kongress era, it has been basically it.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida Motomi, this European industry is vendor finance.The vendor lends money to his career.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Kishida: This ecosystem is the same, this is.The ecosystem that has nothing to do with it is actually fine in LTE.

Horikoshi Yeah, yes.

It looks like Kurosaka, at the end of HSPA, the Swedish government guarantee the government.

Even in Kishida I and Japan, "E -Mobile" before selling yourself is a finance with the Swedish government guarantee.

From the spirit of the Kurosaka WTO rule, there was a fair feeling.

Kishida: In the MWC community, it's like "Hmm, what's wrong?" (Laughs)."It's illegal in this country, but it's legal in this country", right?That kind of thing.

Horikoshi Uh.

Even in Kishida, it's an event that has a lot of European colors, but I've been on the ecosystem, and many people have expanded it, but it will change a little here.

Hori over.

Kishida: After all, the edge may change the game, and there is a possibility that the flow of money can be slightly changed in the ecosystem.

It looks like Kurosaka ...

It is difficult to handle both Kishida carrier or vendor.

17. Edge and automotive industry

In Kurosaka, more, isn't the real Honmaru edge user a car industry in the 2030s?

I can see Kishida.

Because it's Kurosaka, it's a story that it's faster to pull money from there.

Kishida: The car industry couldn't make a communication infrastructure.If you can't make it with DSRC and say, "Even if you can't make DSRC, but you can make an edge," that's it, who will enter the ecosystem of the car and where to get into the ecosystem.Like,

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida, but there's probably no sense of "entering", so it's not such a "new base", but it seems like a new camp or a new party.It's a good power.

If you think so, there are some places that have already moved to CES, and it's BOSCH, and it's Denso.

Horikoshi Ah.

Kishida: That's right, you go to the car.

In Kurosaka, the car here is not a car body shop, right?

It's Kishida IT.Although Tesla's stock price has risen a lot recently, it is not all that the stock price is all, but well, many people may have recognized the story of Tesla's innovative.No, many existing car manufacturers can't really do the same thing.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Kishida: There is still a situation where it takes time.The Chinese, who have the ability to make in IT, have not yet reached out.I'm starting to make it in China, but I'm not out of it.Then, in the current automotive industry, in innovation, everyone and the top of the world in the world are being done in a sense of crisis that the business model changes.Well, there is a timing.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Kishida: I don't think it's going to be a sense of "swallowing", which industry, which industry, and which industry sticks, but I have to stick it.That's right.After all it is a social infrastructure.

Kurosaka Yeah.

Horikoshi Maa 5G is quite cheap ...

Kishida is high, isn't it?

For GSMA, it feels like a poisonous man.Well, do you swallow ... but you have to do it?

Hey Kurosaka.

Kishida: Speaking of the world's ecosystem, this is the case, but it is a local career that actually sucks money, from end users.What is the added value as a service?So, for that, there are many things to put out, it's a story that is behind the scenes, or the upstream of the value chain like this.Well, still, as a result ... well, do you use Google with your smartphone?That's the industry that says, "I often do my best in this middle."

Horikoshi Ah.

Kishida: Well, in that sense, careers are now in the value of the media, so it may be close to Japanese TV stations, but they come with the value of those who pass through the middle.

Horikoshi content is small.

Kishida: When a different player comes in, is it nice for a different player to hang there?Is it nice not to hang out?Like ... "Who has the edge?"

Kishida: I can have various people.

Horikoshi: I felt that hints came out in MWC even though I was small.I come out a lot, but I can't follow the news alone ...

In Kishida, the edge, and the person who invests is difficult.While worrying, thinking, "Where should I go into ...?""But I have to do it someday ..."

Makoto Horikoshi's ultra -low delay cannot be done without D2D or edge computing.

Kishida: That's right.5Gのバリューは、エッジが無いと有り得ないんで。

I think Horikoshi's 5G SA is in 2022 or 23 years.By then, maybe you have to move.

Kishida: Perhaps the reason why 5G spreads out is probably because the smartphone probably spreads at the pace of replacement, but the other story is SA, then, right?Until then, I can't put it in.So it's a chicken egg -like story, and after all, I have to go with a precedent investment first.At & T and Verizon are included in the edge with the feeling that you can use the Microsoft and AWS environment.You may be prepared to lend the eaves and take the main building, but you say, "I'm going to get on the current cloud ecosystem."

It looks like Kurosaka.

In Kishida, I think it would be nice if it would make money around at first.It is not bad to enter from the needs in a sense because there is a need to make an edge, but is it possible to turn your ecosystem ahead?A story like ...In the past, there was an advantage for the person who handled the iPhone first, but it would be a similar thing to be 5G.

Kurosaka Umm.

What about Kishida ...?I don't know.

Horikoshi Yeah.

Kishida Softbank is not in his current position without two years of exclusive iPhone.

It looks like Kurosaka.エッジが来ることは間違いないし、ネットワーク・アーキテクチャーで、そこが決戦のポイントになる事、勝負のポイントになる事も見えていて。で、問題は、エッジがクラウド(サーバ)側から入って行くのか、エンドノード側から入って行くのか、っていう事と、それに基づく要件が見えないんですよね。で、とりあえず、要件が見えない時に、割れた絵図と要件の最大公約数を取ると……「ゲームこそが需要だ!」となる(笑)

Horikoshi is happening.

Kishida's glaring, what a sumo wrestling, it's a sumo wrestling.A guy who glares at each other.

Depending on the Horikoshi requirement, the "position" of the edge, the depth, and the degree of "distributed" are different, and the more distributed, the higher the security risk and the operation risk.

It looks like Kurosaka.

Horikoshi: It's a great complexity, a consolidated formula that has not yet seen the parameters.

Some of the Kishida Network say that the edges are placed on multiple levels, so it is a trial and error, so if you see the needs, you don't need it.Well, if it is the current investment level, it will definitely be "needed", but it will spread after this.

Rakuten Horikoshi says that he puts a CU in the GC station and makes it an edge.

Kishida Yes.楽天はデータセンターの運用は、通信事業者より遥かに経験あるので。ただ、どちらかというとニーズありきじゃなくて、ネットワーク構成ありきのエッジの場所でしょうから、何か微妙な所も少しありますよね。

Horikoshi: In Japan, there are quite a lot of GC stations, so many people expect it.I'm looking forward to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, but when you ask, isn't it?The needs of the edge are different.

Kishida Kana is not empty or empty.

Hori over.やっぱちょっとあれはプロダクトアウト的というか「空いてるから使わせよう」っていう発想。

Kishida: I think this is different.The reason to enter because it is empty is that Barcelona's floor plan (laughs).

Horikoshi Uh.そうなんですよねぇ。

In Kishida Barcelona's floor plan, there is a market here, and if you exhibit at this place, you will have brand power, and it will be linked.

It looks like Kurosaka.

It has nothing to do with Kishida GC station.

If the Horikoshi GC station is also an Opochunian, you only need to invest in edges thoroughly, right?

Kishida edge is a little difficult, right?There are too many places where I can't see various things yet.

Horikoshi Uh.

Kishida, car makers are also annoying ...

Kurosaka is annoying.In the case of that "car maker request", it is troublesome that it does not work very much.To be honest, CASE support is delayed, a Japanese car manufacturer.

Horikoshi That's right ...

Kishida's numbers go up, so they won't fail, but they are not going ahead, it's late.

You have to accumulate knowledge and know -how, as well as Kurosaka sales.

Horikoshi Yes.

In Kurosaka, if you make a mistake in the user company, you will abandon time even if your sales rose.

Kishida: That's right.

In Kurosaka, in the meantime, the leading group will go all the way.A story like, "It was a great beehind, but it was a bit profitable."

Kishida: That's really true, it's annoying ...How can it be solved?

Kurosaka In fact, it is a little more flexible outside of Japan, and it may be smaller than Japan, so it has a certain amount of economic scale.

Is it better to make it from Kishida?

Isn't Kurosaka China doing it in Japan?So, I wonder if there is such a place.

Is there a story like Hyundai in Kishida Korea?

Kurosaka I feel like it's already in such a dimension, the competitive environment.That's why I feel like I'm starting to say, "I'm thinking about that," "I'm going to do it," and "I'm doing it."At that time, "I will create an experimental city on the site of the factory.Maybe the scale may not be enough.I want to expect it.

Horikoshi That's right, right?This is a bit of a way to say that something is empty.

You will be Kishida.I want you to go well ...However, the story that looks like a smart city, the "appearance" is changing year by year, and the "how to be asked" is changing a bit, so in many ways, in many ways, things are things.I guess I have to do it more and more in the trial, notice, and repeat.

It looks like Kurosaka, at the moment you can do it, you'll be able to change the place to change as high as possible.Also, the story of SoftBank involved in the relocation of Indonesia, after all, I feel that I am thinking and moving.

I'm a Kishida investor.

It seems that Horikoshi is very opposed.

It will come out in Kurosaka.

The criteria you look at Kishida are different.It can't be helped.Probably not invested in corporate logic.I have to be a husband.Large companies have the opposite of their mind.Investors have to think of money.I think that most of the current Japanese companies have such thoughts, resentment, and values.

It looks like Kurosaka, because the market is looking for linear length.No matter how much a linear template is added to the non -linear formation length.。。

Kishida: That's it, so it's out.

It's a Kurosaka ...

In Kishida, it's already time for everyone, so it's time to tighten around here (laughs).

Kurosaka Yes.

Thank you for Horikoshi.


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