Omicron stocks are based on the latest research results that live quite long on the skin and material surface

The new colon virus spreads not only in droplets and aerosol infections, but also in contact infections.

On the substance surface and skin surface such as plastic, how much the virus survives and the differences in the mutant virus have been found.Today I would like to write about such research results.

How long will you survive on the material surface?

In fact, it has already been known that the new colon virus survives for about three days in plastic and stainless steel (1).

It is a place where we can imagine that the risk of infection seems to be high when touching the smooth surface.I think many people do not have much hanging leather on the train after the corona.

Although it cannot be said that the virus will survive as the infection is established, there are reports that the virus will survive for up to one week in the surgical mask (2).

The mutant virus survives for a long time on the skin surface

Kyoto Prefectural Medical University has reported that the new colon virus (conventional stock) survives for about 9 hours on the skin surface (3).

The same research group continued to announce interesting research results (4).In addition to conventional strains, we examined the survival time for each mutant virus, and also examined the effects of alcohol disinfection.

The survival time of the new colon virus on the plastic surface is the conventional stock 56.0 hours, Delta stock 114.0 hours, Omicron stock 193.5時間という結果でした(図1)。変異ウイルスに移り変わってから、かなり長くなっている印象です。

 オミクロン株は皮膚や物質表面でかなり長生きする 最新の研究結果から

In addition, on the human skin surface, the conventional stock 8.6 hours, Delta shares 16.8 hours, Omicron stock 21.1時間でした(図2)。これも変異ウイルスで長くなっています。


By the way, regarding alcohol disinfection, 32.In 15 seconds, 5 % concentration of ethanol was inactivated, but Delta stock requires 35 % concentration and 40 % concentration in Omicron stocks.In other words, mutant viruses were relatively strong in alcohol.

At present, alcohol disinfection for the new colonovirus is recommended for ethanol concentration of 70%or more and more than 60%if possible (5).In that case, even if it is a mutant virus, it is possible to sufficiently inactive if the alcohol disinfection of the normal concentration is firmly disinfected.This is a little relief result.


Compared to conventional strains, it has been found that mutant viruses such as Omicron strains are easy to survive on plastic and skin surface for a long time.However, it is unknown whether it is enough to make a human infection.


In Corona's evil, be careful not to touch the viruses that survive for a long time, such as track leather, handrails, doorknobs, elevator buttons, and shared PC keyboards.

Even if there is a display such as "antiviral specifications and antibacterial specifications", the new colon virus on the surface does not die.

If you touch such a place, try to wash your hands and disinfect alcohol as much as possible.

(Reference material)

(1) CHIN A, et al.LANCET MICROBE.2020 May; 1 (1): E10.

(2) Van Doremalen N, et al.N English J Med.2020 APR 16; 382 (16): 1564-1567.

(3) HIROSE R, et al.Clin Infect Dis.2021; 73 (11): E4329 --E4335.

(4) HIROSE R, et al.biorxiv.Doi: 10.1101 /2022.01.18.476607 (pre -reviewed paper)

(5) National Institute of Infectious Diseases, National Institute for International Medical Research International Infectious Diseases Center.Infection management for new colonovirus infections.(URL: https: //

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