It is not just the production and mailing of envelopes and packages, but also the logistics. “Logistics CRM” realized by Imura Envelope by expanding bases

Imura Co., Ltd. Envelope Mailing Solution Department 2 Manager Mr. Akamatsu Mailing Solution Department 2 Customer Solution Section Mr. Takahashi Logistics Service Office General Manager Mr. Nakai

Imura Envelope Co., Ltd., which celebrated 103 years since its foundation, has newly entered the 3PL business. By expanding the floor space of the Ome Logistics Center, we will increase the amount of logistics that can be handled, and develop a marketing strategy that makes use of the know-how we have cultivated in the mailing business. We asked the person in charge of the mailing solution business and the logistics service about the characteristics of 3PL proposed by IMRA Envelope and future developments.

Continuing to expand business by responding to client requests

Mr. Takahashi: In 2018, Imura Envelope celebrated its 100th anniversary as a manufacturer of envelopes. Considering that we are now in our second founding period, we have expanded the scope of our business, including not only the manufacture of envelopes, but also the production of bundled items such as direct mail and leaflets, mailing operations such as enclosing and shipping agency services, and BPO operations. . One of them is the 3PL business.

Production of envelopes and packages Not just mailing or just logistics.Imura Envelope realizes

Mr. Akamatsu: Many of the clients who ask us for mailing services sell their products on EC, and we have been responding to requests for a long time. rice field. In the mailing business, we will keep important information called customer information. Careful attention to security measures and a relationship of trust with clients are essential, but in that respect, mailing operations and product delivery are similar in terms of operations. ――Does that mean that the 3PL business was the result of responding to various requests? Mr. Akamatsu: Yes. In addition, we launched “Im et al.”, which proposes marketing plans around CRM for companies that mainly operate EC and D2C. In connection with the packaging materials business, which promotes the elimination of plastics, we have received various requests such as consultations on reducing transportation costs, and have strengthened our logistics business.

Opened Ome Logistics Center to promote 3PL business

New location: Ome Logistics Center

--Now that you have three distribution bases, do they each have a role to play? Mr. Takahashi: In addition to the Sagamihara Logistics Center and Akishima Logistics Center, which have been bases for mailing operations, the Ome Logistics Center will be opened in January 2022 to expand the 3PL business. We have increased the number of floors and increased the amount of distribution we can handle. Although the Sagamihara Logistics Center is characterized by its ability to manufacture envelopes, basically the roles played by the three bases in the 3PL business are the same. However, the Ome Logistics Center is about 11 minutes on foot from the nearest station, and it is also close to the Ome IC on the Chuo Expressway, so it is easy to visit. In addition, we have strengths in shipping using post offices, so we believe that even if we use the Ome Logistics Center as our base, we will be able to respond with agility. Mr. Nakai: Landport Ome II, where the Ome Logistics Center is located, was just completed in 2020, and has the latest facility design for both seismic isolation and earthquake resistance. It is also an ideal environment for safely storing products entrusted to us by our clients.

Distribution of bundled items that leads to fan creation

--Please tell us about the features of 3PL in Imura Envelopes. Mr. Takahashi: There are four features: separate delivery of bundled items, same-day inspection, JAN code, and in-house packing materials. First of all, regarding the distribution of bundled items, there are customers who purchase products for the first time in the mail order, and customers who are repeat purchasers called VIPs. Sending different bundled items for each user, such as changing the bundled flyer for each purchase or sending birthday event information, will lead to the development of repeaters, so what kind of bundled item is optimal from the CRM point of view. We are proposing to our clients. Mr. Nakai: We don't regard direct mail and product shipment as storage of entrusted products and shipping as instructed by the client. Based on the experience we have cultivated in the mailing business, we aim to be a partner company that supports the growth of our clients by proposing distribution of bundled items in consideration of marketing strategies. Mr. Akamatsu: We have a system in place to hold meetings with the planners of the team "Im et al.", which provides marketing support centered on CRM, so we can get deep into the marketing strategy part. . We receive many requests from clients who handle health foods and cosmetics, in particular, regarding the distribution of bundled items. Accurately responding to complex conditions leads to further strengthening of CRM.

--How do you achieve same-day inspection? Mr. Nakai: The client requested a sense of speed, such as launching a campaign as soon as a new product was made, delivering the product to a shipping agency, inspecting it on the same day, and shipping it the next day. I'm here. The current situation is that it is difficult for us as a shipping agent to respond to sudden requests. We strive to secure personnel to ensure same-day inspection and shipment, even for urgent requests. As for the inspection, we check for dirt, foreign matter, and damage to the packing materials, and thoroughly wipe off any dirt. If the shipping condition is bad, even the image of the brand will be damaged. Ensuring that the product is shipped in such a way that the buyer will be happy when they open the box will lead to the creation of fans of the brand. The reason why we are able to handle shipping operations from this perspective is because we have a marketing strategy in mind. Mr. Akamatsu: On behalf of clients who were unable to paste the JAN code at the purchase stage, it is also possible to paste the JAN code sticker that we have prepared at the time of receiving inspection. By doing this at the same time as the inspection, the time can be shortened, and the client says that all they have to do is deliver the purchased product to the Imura envelope, which is very easy.

Plastic-free envelopes that show the company's attitude

――Your company's packaging materials are a unique initiative, aren't they? Mr. Akamatsu: Since we are originally an envelope manufacturer, we are good at manufacturing bags for shipping products. From an early stage, we have been working on improving the packaging materials. For example, even if the envelope is made of paper, if it is treated with PP, it will not be plastic-free. The same is true when using vinyl cushioning material as a cushioning material. Therefore, we have developed envelopes such as "paper net envelopes" with cushioning materials, and have helped promote the elimination of plastics and the SDGs. "Paper Net Envelope" has a paper net on the inside of the envelope, but before using it, it is as thin as a normal envelope, so compared to using other cushioning materials, the storage space is minimal. is enough. Work efficiency can be improved by eliminating the work of wrapping in cushioning material. In addition, the thickness of the product to be shipped is less likely to appear, which leads to a reduction in shipping costs.

--What kind of products are suitable for shipping with "paper net envelopes"? Mr. Akamatsu: A4 size is the largest in the current lineup. It is suitable for small items such as documents, CDs, thin clothing and small items. There is also data that it has better cushioning properties than vinyl cushioning materials, and in terms of protecting products that are sized to fit in a "paper net envelope", we maintain the strength that you can rest assured. We have received many voices saying, "I want to work on the SDGs, but I don't know what to do." We are now in an age where working on the SDGs increases corporate value. By using "Paper Net Envelopes", I think it will also lead to showing that you are a company that is proactive about the SDGs.

Become a distribution base that can handle highly controlled medical devices

――What would you like to strengthen in the future? Mr. Nakai: We would like to create a logistics environment that can handle highly controlled medical equipment, which is expected to grow in demand. Specially controlled medical equipment cannot be handled unless it is located at a location where temperature control is possible. The Ome Logistics Center does not have temperature control at this stage, but the expansion of the logistics base has definitely increased the volume of goods that can be handled. We believe that by establishing three bases in Ome, Sagamihara, and Akishima, we will be able to create bases that can handle highly controlled medical devices. Mr. Takahashi: From marketing to product shipping, we can make proposals to maintain long-term relationships with customers, so clients who want to strengthen EC in the future. , and clients who are looking for outsourcing destinations with a huge number of shipments, it is possible to respond meticulously to both. I would like to focus on making proposals so that customers will want to order from Imura Envelope because it is an important product. Mr. Akamatsu: Recently, I've been receiving more and more comments like, "Imura Envelope was an envelope maker, wasn't it?" In the past, the main focus of our assistance was on form-oriented aspects, such as changing existing envelope designs and devising shipping methods to reduce costs. We would like to comprehensively support a series of flows such as the beginning, mailing business and logistics business. I would like to help clients with logistics CRM that only IMRA Envelope can do.

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