Netflix series "Newspaper reporter" Special video lifting of the story behind the shooting behind the shooting by Ryoko Yonekura, Tsuyoshi Ayano, Ryusei Yokohama, Michito Fujii!

From the Netflix series "Newspaper Reporter" (in the world -world monopoly), a special video of Ryoko Yonekura, Tsuyoshi Ayano, Michito Yokohama, and Michihito Fujii have been lifted.

From the weekend immediately after the distribution, it was ranked first in Netflix's top 10 in Japan today, and on SNS, "I couldn't stop when I started watching it, and I saw it for 5 hours until the end" "Actor and creator's energy.This work has caused a great response, such as the great heat of heat that protrudes from.

In the special video that has been lifted, cast and director talk about the secret story of the shooting while watching the three specific scenes together.

First of all, I look back on the scene where Ryo Kinoshita, a job hunter who goes to college while delivering newspaper, played by Yokohama, who has the indomitable journalist soul played by Yonekura.Yonekura showed me a surprise to myself who came into the role, saying, "The spine was bent so much ..."The word "to the actual newspaper reporter) and ask how the newspaper should be as a newspaper reporter," Delivering the voice without the voice "the reporters were saying.I stuck in my heart, and the words were quoted and came here. "In this scene, which conveys the words to Ryo, who is on the way home from life, Yonekura also said, "I was nervous!"


Yokohama, who was told the important words, looked back on the scenes of Ryo, who was in job hunting, and said, "Director Fujii wanted to draw the" general citizen ", but this young man who disliked job hunting.If you look forward to seeing whether it will change, "he says that he should pay attention to the changes that occur to the newly joined Netflix version of Ryo.Ayano pointed out Ryo's words, "It's a strange feeling, everyone looks the same", "I'm thrilled. Is there something packed in this scene?"Mr. Fujii, who wrote, said, "It is a kind of (Ryo) becoming an adult to erase their faces and become the color of the organization.When I thought, Yonekura was convinced that Yonekura was convinced.

The third is the scene where the emotions that Shinichi Murakami, who are tossed by the fate, have the ideal of doing the people who play Ayano, are exploding at a stretch.Ayano himself looks back on the shooting of the film, saying, "I don't know how much my head is down," said Ayano himself.Regarding the words "I'm sorry" squeezed out of Murakami in this scene, "I didn't say to Toyota (hunting down Murakami), but I felt like I told the people who believed and loved myself.There was. I took a lot of pictures. "

At the end, Yonekura also said that the newspaper reporter was praised on Netflix!

The Netflix series "newspaper reporter" is being distributed worldwide.

Work title: Netflix series "Newspaper Reporter" appeared: Ryoko Yonekura Yokohama Ryusei / Yoshioka Hidetaka Terashima Shinobu / Mitsuru Tamoro Ogura Tetsuji Tetsuji Tetsuji Tetsuji Hagihara / Yoshio Tsuchimura Yoshio Tsuchimura Yoshio Hashimoto Hashimoto Hashimoto Hashimoto Junden/ Director Tsuyoshi Ayano: Michito Fujii Screenplay: Noryu Yamada, Kazuhisa Koji, Michihito Fujii Music: Keisuke Imamura Lighting: Tatsuyoshi Hirayama Record: Asuka Nemoto: Kyoko Tani Costume: Masae Miyamoto: Tatsuoma Furukawa, MaeTani Narumi Executive Producer: Kazutaka Sakamoto, Shinichi Takahashi Planning / Producer: Mitsuko Kawamura: Junko Sato, Reiji Yamamoto Production: Netflix Production Production: Star Sands

Netflix work page: https: // www.Netflix.COM/newspaper reporter

Simultaneously distributing the world worldwide by Netflix

関連記事:■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」配信開始記念!米倉涼子演じる主人公・松田杏奈の様々な表情を捉えた新場面写真が解禁■ 【レポート】Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」米倉涼子・綾野剛・横浜流星・藤井道人監督が、未来を担う若者へメッセージ!■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」新場面写真解禁!横浜流星演じる就活生のモデルは藤井道人監督!? 役名に込められた想いとは■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」米倉涼子・綾野剛・横浜流星らの舞台裏の様子を収めたメイキング写真解禁!■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」藤井道人監督が米倉涼子×綾野剛×横浜流星とのタッグを語るフィーチャレット映像解禁!■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」鋭い視線で”真実”を追い求めるメインキーアート&場面写真一挙解禁! ―1/13より配信■ Netflixシリーズ「新聞記者」来年1/13配信決定!綾野剛、横浜流星ら第2弾キャスト&予告映像&ティーザーキーアート解禁■ 大ヒット映画が新たな物語として始動!米倉涼子主演、Netflixオリジナルシリーズ「新聞記者」制作決定、監督は藤井道人

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