".NET" Developer Community Survey--Which language would you like to learn and what tools do you use?

The .NET Foundation, an organization backed by Microsoft, has conducted its first survey of the .NET developer community. The survey found that Blazor, a framework for developing mobile apps in .NET and C#, is gaining popularity.

The .NET Foundation was founded in April 2014 by Microsoft in collaboration with Xamarin, a company that provides a cross-platform development framework (Microsoft later acquired Xamarin in 2016). .

The survey, conducted by the .NET Foundation of 4,509 respondents from November 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021, found the most popular programming languages ​​and the most widely used cloud Providers, the JavaScript frameworks most favored by developers, and more were revealed.

Microsoft is planning to hold a developer conference, Build, at the end of May.

It should be noted that Microsoft's "Blazor" project is gaining popularity among .NET developers. In 2020, Microsoft announced Mobile Blazor Bindings, a technology that allows developers to use web user interfaces in C# instead of JavaScript.

Blazor came in second when asked about which SPA frameworks .NET developers use. The .NET Foundation said, "With this technology, it's no surprise that Blazor is starting to gain popularity, considering that .NET can be used to build UIs for the web, and C# can be used instead of JavaScript. ”.

The first place was "Angular", a framework developed mainly by Google, based on "TypeScript", Microsoft's programming language.

The most commonly used development tool was Microsoft's integrated development environment, Visual Studio, with nearly 90% of respondents using Visual Studio. In second place was Microsoft's cross-platform code editor Visual Studio Code (used by 78% of respondents), and in third place was GitHub, used by just over 50% of .NET developers. Other popular tools included JetBrains Rider and Visual Studio for macOS.

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