[March 2022] Recommended home router | Explaining the points of how to choose

Many people find home routers useful because they can easily set up an internet environment at home without any construction work.

Therefore, this time, we will introduce 5 recommended home routers for 2022 and touch on their features and prices.

If you are considering using the internet, such as those who have to pull the internet home in a hurry due to telework, please refer to it.

Carefully selected recommended home router to see home 5G Table of contents

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* Prices in this article are displayed in total.

How to choose a home router

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First, I will explain how to choose a home router.

A home router is a stationary WiFi router that allows you to use the Internet just by placing it at home.

It has a good reputation as an easy-to-use internet line service because it can be used on the day you receive your home router without the need for construction work like a fixed line.

How to choose a home router

The above four points should be emphasized when choosing a home router.

Let's take a closer look below.

The first thing to focus on is the monthly fee.

It costs every month, so it's natural to think that the cheaper the better.

There are a large number of companies that handle home routers, and not only the content of services but also the prices vary greatly depending on the company.

Also, if you focus only on cheapness, you may choose a plan that you can use only a little on the Internet, so check whether the plan is comfortable for you and the monthly fee is suitable for your budget. I recommend it.

Next is the contract period.

The contract period varies depending on the company and the plan you are dealing with.

Some plans have a short-term contract of only one year, while others charge a cancellation fee if you cancel within three years.

Depending on how long you want to use your home router, we recommend choosing a plan with a suitable contract period.

In addition, not to mention the length of the contract period, those who are thinking of canceling the contract in the middle should emphasize the low contract cancellation fee.

Next, it is important to emphasize convenience.

Most of the home router plans claim that you can use the amount of communication as much as you want, but some of them have communication restrictions if you use a certain amount in 3 days.

It is recommended that you check how much traffic you normally use and then choose a plan or company that does not feel stressful.

Communication speed is important when using the Internet.

Communication speed is very important for comfortable use of the Internet, although it depends on the purpose of the Internet, such as watching videos and playing games.

For home routers, the maximum communication speed varies depending on the terminal.

If faster communication speed is better, you should choose a company that handles terminals with faster communication speed.

The communication speed of terminals and lines is basically measured by the best effort method.

Best effort is a method of measuring communication speed under the best environment for communication, and it is measured under conditions that are unlikely in the real world.

In other words, the communication speed measured by best effort is not the communication speed that actually appears in daily life.

Let's just use it as a guide to check the performance of the terminal.

Recommended home router

Next, I would like to introduce four companies that are especially recommended among home routers.

5 Recommended Home Routers

We will touch on the price plans and services of each company, so if you are considering a contract, please check it out.

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Docomo home5G is a home router handled by docomo.

The service started on August 27, 2021, and unlike other home routers and WiMAX, it is still a new service.

The detailed service contents are as follows.

item home5G plan
Data trafficUnlimited online unlimited
Monthly charge 4,950 yen
Communication restrictionsNone * There may be restrictions if there is a lot of data traffic over the last 3 days.
Contract periodNo fixed-term contract
Initial cost 3,300 yen * Online shop is free
Terminal purchase 39,600 yen (1,100 yen x 36 times with monthly support)

You can use DoCoMo's 4G / 5G, and there are basically no communication restrictions.

* If there is a lot of data traffic in the last 3 days, there may be a limit. However, unlike other companies, there are no clear restrictions.

The bottleneck is that you need to purchase a device, but monthly support can be applied and you will receive a discount of 1,100 yen for 36 months.

In other words, if you use it for 36 months, the model price of the terminal will be virtually 0 yen.

In addition, if you subscribe to DoCoMo's Giga Plan (5G Gigaho Premier / Gigaho Premier / 5G Gigalite / Gigalite / Gigaho), you will receive a ¥ 1,100 discount from the smartphone charges for the entire family.

* For Gigalite (including 5G), the discount amount when using 1GB is 0 yen, and the discount amount when using 3GB is 550 yen.

If the whole family uses DoCoMo, you will be able to operate home5G cheaply, including smartphone charges.

It is also a nice point that there is no fixed-term contract.

It is a home router that can use docomo lines and is compatible with 5G, so you will be able to use the Internet comfortably.

View home 5G DoCoMo "home 5G" evaluation review | Reputation, price, usable campaign, etc.

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Mobareco Air is a service that offers SoftBank Air, SoftBank's home router, at a lower price than the original home.

itemMobareco Air
Data trafficUnlimited use
Contract month (daily rate) 2,167 yen
2nd month 2,167 yen
3rd to 24th month 3,679 yen
25 months ~ 5,368 yen
Communication restrictionsnone
Contract period 2 years
Contract cancellation fee 10,450 yen
Initial cost 3,300 yen
Whether or not to purchase a terminal 59,400 yen * Actually 0 yen on a monthly basis

* The above price is the price to which the discount of the campaign currently being held with the end date undecided is applied.

The biggest attraction of Mobareco Air is that there is no "bandwidth limitation" that limits communication when using 10GB in 3 days, which is common in WiMAX, and you can use the Internet without any restrictions.

It is also suitable for people who use the internet a lot in a day.


In addition, if you purchase a device, you can also use a cashback campaign, so if you return the cashback to a monthly fee, you can actually use it for a year at the lowest price of 1,212 yen.

The contract period is relatively short, 2 years, and the contract cancellation fee is cheaper than other companies, and I am happy that it is a certain amount.

Go to Mobareco Air Official Website Reputation of Mobareco Air | What are the areas, speeds, campaigns and cash back?

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Broad WiMAX has a reputation for being reasonably priced among WiMAX providers and having high customer satisfaction.

item All-you-can-giga plus DX (3 years) All-you-can-giga plus (2 years)All-you-can-giga plan
Data traffic Unlimited use * Plus area mode is 15GB Unlimited use * Plus area mode is 7GB
Line WiMAX2 + au 4G LTE au 5G WiMAX2 +
Contract month (daily rate) 2,090 yen 2,999 yen
1-2 months 2,090 yen 2,999 yen 2,999 yen
3rd to 36th month 3,894 yen 4,634 yen 3,753 yen
37th month ~ 4,708 yen 5,313 yen 4,413 yen
Communication restrictions 15GB / 3 days 10GB / 3 days
Contract period 3 years 2 years 3 years
Contract cancellation fee Within 12 months: 20,900 yen Within 13 to 24 months: 15,400 yen After the 25th month: 10,450 yen 10,450 yen Within 12 months: 20,900 yen Within 13 to 24 months: 15,400 yen After the 25th month: 10,450 yen
Initial cost 20,743 yen (0 yen for Web discount campaign)
Whether or not to purchase a terminalTerminal fee 0 yen

The lowest price is Giga Unlimited Plus DX that can use not only WiMAX but also au 4G LTE / 5G.

Now that 5G can be used with Broad WiMAX, check it out if you want to use an au line other than WiMAX!

Giga Unlimited Plus DX can be used for 2,090 yen for 3 months, so it is recommended for those who are considering long-term use.

On the other hand, the cancellation fee is very high, and the more you cancel in a short period of time, the higher it will be, so it is not recommended for short-term users.

As it is famous as the lowest price in the industry, it is very reasonable such as monthly fee, initial cost and terminal fee of 0 yen.

Broad WiMAX official website Explains everything about Broad WiMAX | Speed, reputation, price and advantages / disadvantages

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Vision WiMAX is also one of the WiMAX providers.

item Vision WiMAX Giga unlimited 5G plan Vision WiMAX Giga Unlimited Plan Vision WiMAX Light Plan
Data trafficUnlimited use 7GB
Contract month (daily rate) 5,313 yen 4,412 yen 3,658 yen
1st to 2nd month
3rd to 24th month
25 months ~
Communication restrictions 15GB / 3 days 10GB / 3 days
Contract period 3 years
Contract cancellation fee Within 12 months: 28,050 yen Within 13 months to 24 months: 21,450 yen After 25 months: 14,300 yen Within 12 months: 20,900 yen Within 13 months to 24 months: 15,400 yen After 25 months: 10,450 yen
Initial cost 3,300 yen
Whether or not to purchase a terminalTerminal fee 0 yen

The feature is that the discount amount does not change from month to month, and the plan can be used at a flat price all the time.

The 5G plan also has bandwidth restrictions, but in 3 days you can use more than the 15GB and 4G LTE unlimited giga and light plans.

Please note that the contract cancellation fee is higher for the 5G plan.

Like Broad WiMAX, it is for long-term users.

Go to Vision WiMAX official website Explaining Vision WiMAX | Price / Terminal / Speed ​​/ Advantages / Disadvantages / Campaign

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BIGLOBE WiMAX is WiMAX operated by BIGLOBE, which is familiar with cheap SIMs and providers.

item BIGLOBE WiMAX2 + SIM card + terminal BIGLOBE WiMAX2 + SIM card only
Data trafficUnlimited use
Contract month (daily rate) 0 Yen
1st month ~ 4,378 yen
Communication restrictions 10GB / 3 days
Contract period 1 year
Contract cancellation fee 1,100 yen
Initial cost 3,300 yen
Whether or not to purchase a terminal 880 yen x 24 times (total: 21,120 yen) ――――

The price is not particularly cheap compared to the WiMAX providers introduced in the previous chapter.

However, there is only one plan that you can use as much as you want, it is free for the first month and the price is flat and very simple after that.

Some people find it difficult to understand that the price changes depending on the usage period, and BIGLOBE WiMAX is recommended for those who are looking for such a simple plan.

Another point is that the contract period is one year and the contract cancellation fee is 1,100 yen, which is overwhelmingly looser than other companies.

Since the model price is divided 24 times, I think that it will be used for 2 years, but it is perfect for people who want to use it for a short time, such as the possibility of quitting in the middle.

There is also a SIM card only plan, so it is suitable for people who already have only a terminal.

What is the reputation of BIGLOBE WiMAX 2+?Price, speed, campaign summary BIGLOBE WiMAX2 + official website

[Extra edition] If you use the internet for a short period of time

So far, we've covered home router services in detail, but we've found that all services are tied to a contract for at least a year.

Some companies have a low contract cancellation fee, but it costs a lot for those who want to use it for only a short period of time, such as the model price being incurred by splitting.

If you want to use the internet for less than a year or a month, we recommend using the pocket WiFi rental service.

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As a recommendation of the short-term rental service of Pocket WiFi, we will introduce WiFi rental Dotkomu.

The features are as follows.

Features of WiFi rental Dotkomu WiFi rental Dotkomu official website

WiFi Rental Dotkomu is one of the largest and most popular short-term rental services.

You can rent it on a daily basis, and the longer you rent it, such as one month, the cheaper the daily fee will be.

It is a perfect service for a few days to a month.

In addition to SoftBank and au WiFi routers, we also handle terminals that can use WiMAX explained in the previous chapter, so you can choose the one you like.

You can also pick up and return at the airport counter, so it is also recommended for travel.

Below, we will touch on the advantages and disadvantages of short-term rental of Pocket WiFi.

[March 2022] 3 recommended for short-term rental of pocket-type WiFi and 4 extra editions

Like the WiFi rental Dotkomu introduced in the previous chapter, you can rent it on a daily basis, so it is recommended for people who do not plan to use it for a long time such as 1 year or 2 years.

Recommended situations to use short-term rental

In this way, it is often useful when there is an event or in an emergency.

If you just want to use it temporarily, or if your home router or fixed-term contract pocket WiFi is too expensive, the short-term rental service is perfect.

Since the home router is a type of router that is installed at home, basically it can only be used indoors.

However, as the name suggests, Pocket WiFi is compact and palm-sized and can be carried freely, so it can be used not only indoors but also outdoors.

Therefore, you can use it together when you are out of the office and you are worried about the communication capacity of your smartphone, or you can connect to WiFi even in places where there is no WiFi environment.

In terms of usability, Pocket WiFi is overwhelmingly superior to home routers.

Pocket WiFi is recommended for people who want to always use WiFi not only at home but also on the go.

In addition, it can be connected not only to smartphones but also to tablets, laptops, and game devices, so it is suitable for people who want to work outside or play games with friends.

With short-term rental, even when you need WiFi temporarily outside, such as on a business trip, you can rent it without waste on that day, so it is also advantageous in terms of price.

As mentioned in the previous chapter, short-term rental pocket WiFi allows you to rent as many days as you need, when you need it.

With a home router or a fixed-term contract pocket WiFi, it is not impossible to cancel the contract after using it for several days, but there are many cases where a high contract cancellation fee is incurred or only the installment payment of the model price remains.

However, with short-term rental pocket WiFi, you only need to rent it for a few days and then return it when you have finished using it, so there is no contract cancellation fee or model price left.

If you are overdue or break your rental equipment, you may incur delays and damages, but you should be careful.

For those who want to use it for a short period of time, it is a service that can keep costs to a minimum.

Next, regarding the disadvantages, short-term rental pocket WiFi is a service that allows you to easily use pocket WiFi for a short period of time.

Therefore, short-term rentals are set at a reasonable price for several months at the longest, and long-term use may be expensive.

In some cases, like WiFi rentals, the longer you rent, the better the daily rate, but from a long-term perspective, it is not uncommon for fixed-term contracts to be cheaper.

If you plan to use it for about a year, we recommend finding a one-year contract home router or pocket WiFi, such as Broad WiMAX 2+.

Advantages and disadvantages of short-term rental service of pocket WiFi

Choose the home router / pocket WiFi that suits your needs!

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Finally, I will summarize the carefully selected recommended home routers.

View carefully selected recommended home router home 5G

A home router is a WiFi router that allows you to set up an internet environment just by installing it at home, and does not require any construction work such as fixed lines such as light.

The communication speed tends to be slower than that of a fixed line, but you can use it comfortably without any problems when using the Internet normally.

In addition, prices, campaigns, contract periods, etc. vary greatly depending on the company, so it is important to choose a company that suits your needs.

Basically, there are many plans for long-term use of home routers, so if you want to use it for a short period of time such as several months, short-term rental pocket WiFi is recommended.

With the short-term rental service, you can rent from one day, no contract cancellation fee will be incurred, and there will be no installment payment of the model price after cancellation.

Think about how you want to use the internet and find the right service.

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