Let's live with "love" and "gratitude"-What the heart should be (Maki Fujimura's column-10th)

Hello! This is Maki Fujimura.

Finally, the final round has been reached. I am deeply grateful to all the people who have been able to serialize this series, the people who have supported it all the time, and the friends who have always encouraged me. I'm really, really blessed.

I love Ise Jingu. It's abrupt. Yeah, I think I'm so detailed that I'm drawn a little (laughs). Maybe I'm an Ise enthusiast. Yes. And, twice a year, I go on a rather hard worship trip, which is a one-night, two-day trip with a minute-by-minute schedule from early morning (laughs). I really want to go there more often. And the Ise fever spreads to the surroundings, and I even feel that the number of participants is increasing with each passing.

Well, anyway.

There is a reason why I like Ise Jingu (not just visiting shrines). Of course, there are various things such as all Japanese Ujigami, the highest shrine, etc., but Ise, I think many of you know, but you visit quite a few shrines. And basically, at the shrine, the rule is "don't make a request". Especially in the outer shrine and the main shrine of the inner shrine, we do not make basic "requests". Oh, there are some shrines that you can do. What we do is "dedication of gratitude." In other words, the worship itself starts around 5 am, but I'm grateful for almost a whole two days, which is all day long. What I am grateful for is "being alive" and "being alive".

There are things in the world that are visible and invisible, and we often believe only in what we can see, but when we think about it, everything that really matters is invisible. To do. It's invisible, but it definitely exists. Music is one of the invisible things, but that's what I value most. It's kind of shy to write like this, but it's also "love" and "gratitude."

Five days before my loved one died of cancer, I knew that this would be my last time to see him, as I had a long-term vacancy schedule starting the next day. I said "See you again", but I knew it wasn't there anymore. No matter what I said I could only hold my hand and cry together, and just convey love and gratitude to each other. I'm happy to meet, I'm happy to spend time together, I love you so much, I really want to be more together, I want to hold hands again and walk together, I promise to go together, eat, etc. I couldn't say anything, even though I had a lot to tell. I no longer have words to him, who said thank you for being happy to meet him because Maki's laughing and living would be his hope.

I think it is being utilized. To be honest, I don't really understand God or the Creator, and archeology is just "the oldest at this stage", and if something different is found, that is what "facts" and "history" are immediately rewritten. So I don't know the true roots. The universe is big, and the earth seems to be a super-country star in the remote area, but I don't feel it at all. I think it's an extraterrestrial life, but I'm not sure. Still, I feel like I'm being protected by something great. At least I'm healthy, eating what I love, living where I love, doing my favorite work, and being blessed with my dear friends, disciples and family. I think that's actually amazing. You can wake up in the morning, read letters, listen to music, and walk freely. The truth is, I think today is the "tomorrow" he wanted, wanted, and finally couldn't get. That's why I think that "living" is not a right given, but a gift.

When I think so, I think that I have to spend my life for what I really want to do. I really think so. However, I can't move easily.

What is in the way is the "voice in my head."

"Stop it, it just doesn't work!"

"What to do if you fail"

"I think it's embarrassing to do that."

"What if it doesn't work?"

 「愛」と「感謝」で生きていこう-ココロの在り方(藤村 麻紀さんコラム-第10回)

I worship in gratitude because the voice in my head becomes quieter by continuing to thank me. Instead, it's full of love and gratitude. It seems that the words "meditation" and "mindfulness" have become popular these days (I don't), but this is how to silence the voice in my head after all. I think. Zazen, sutras, and waterfalls may have similar purposes. At the very least, when the voice in your head becomes quieter, your thoughts for doing "what you really have to do" become clearer.

Maybe the weather wasn't what I expected. Someone gets stuck in a crowded train, unexpectedly gets caught in a traffic jam, or waits for a promise. Missing your favorite nails, being forced into a boring job, or skipping an unreasonable boss. Like this, small frustrations are always close at hand. I often take my heart to such a thing. But in fact, that can be really trivial.

How to fill your mind with love and gratitude, which tends to be eroded by anxiety, fear and anger. Then you will understand what you really want to do and what your mission is. And everyone thinks that there is "what they are supposed to do". That is "what I really want to do". In modern times, if you just live, you can do it as it is. I don't think there are many people who wake up in the morning and think about how to live and how to secure food. That is why I feel that I can think about what I really "live".

I'm often asked, "What are you going to do now?", But I sing. of course. Singing is what makes my soul happy. I'm sure, no matter how old I get, I will never stop doing this. And education. This is also what I want to do. It may sound exaggerated, but I'm thinking of continuing to convey "what I can do" and "what I can say". No matter what happens, you're great as it is. To love and to thank. Life is not infinite. That is why you choose what you really like and "live".

I've sent this series 10 times, and I'm really grateful. It was a story I got from a strange thing, but I wish I could convey what I wanted to convey, what I had to convey, and even a little bit of that, and it would be better if you read this. But I kept writing, hoping that it would make me feel better and lighter, and that I would be encouraged. To heal and encourage the world. That's what I spend my life doing.

I would like to extend my heartfelt, deep love and gratitude to all those who have given me this opportunity and continued to support me.

I'm really thankful to you.

I hope it helps you again this time. I'm sure you'll see me at a live venue somewhere.

May your life be wonderful.

⇒ Click here if you want to read the 9th column of Maki Fujimura's column "The Way of Heart"

⇒ Click here if you want to read more about Maki Fujimura's column "The Way of Heart"

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Maki Fujimura

Jazz singer

Born in Tokyo. She graduated from Keio University Faculty of Law, Department of Law, and studied abroad at Stanford University in the United States. Since her major debut in 2005 with "With Love" (No. 1 in the Jazz category at Umeda Tower Records), she has released a total of 9 CDs including 5 leader albums. The song, which speaks deeply to the hearts of her listeners, is said to be "a vocalist from a different dimension that transforms the jazz vocal world," and is widely supported by men and women of all ages and nationalities. She also engages in a wide range of social contribution activities, including volunteering at hospitals for terminal cancer patients and their families. She is a certified instructor of the Japan Gospel Music Association. She is a former associate professor of the popular music course at the Department of Music, Osaka University of Arts.

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